Author Topic: CHORES  (Read 634281 times)

« Reply #1965 on: April 12, 2008, 08:23:01 AM »
smiles ... finally found my way back to camp....giggles.  Help others unpack the commissary wagon, cleaned and put away dishes into their proper racks.  Sweeped the floor and piled up empty crates for thralls to put into storage.  noone was in last night so after that chore was completed headed to back to the kennel wagon to put everything in proper places.

glad the rooms are back up
RIP tamara....


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« Reply #1966 on: April 12, 2008, 07:24:28 PM »
kiah took inventory of the commissary wagon food:

there is no fresh fruit

there is no fresh/stored vegetables

white sugar is done a bit

same with yellow sugar

tea leaves are very low

powdered chocolate is almost out

spices and herbs seem fine


Offline RAGNAR

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« Reply #1967 on: April 13, 2008, 09:46:02 AM »
I hope everyone can actually adjust to eating Tuchuk style.  ::) ;D ;)


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« Reply #1968 on: April 13, 2008, 01:53:37 PM »
yes Master Ubar...though it does take a lot more creativity ~borrowing one of lure's favorite line's~ to please some Free's when certain ...luxuries beyond the Tuchuk 'staples' are not available when a girl is called into service..~pausing~..which perhaps is also Master Ubar's point..~going to ponder some more~..............kiah{MTC}

Offline RAGNAR

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« Reply #1969 on: April 14, 2008, 11:50:55 AM »
 ::) ;)

« Reply #1970 on: April 15, 2008, 04:32:59 AM »
was able to come in late last night and spend time with the Masters and Mistressess of the camp and to serve them as they needed.  with a smile i learned another way to serve a Mistressess while working on my grace and discriptions, was a good night. 
RIP tamara....


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« Reply #1971 on: April 15, 2008, 05:02:49 AM »
a girl was allowed to serve Master Ubar and Mistress Taryn before begging for sleep with a heavy heart.

she was told to serve simply in one instance which was a bit, different, to her, having to strip down to the barest details yet keep enough to try to be pleasing and it is always a challenge to not be able to give a Free exactly what they want but she was told she made the right improvision/decision. it is very hard to ask permission to go offline when there are Family whom have not been offered service but she could barely get her fingers to work anymore. it was true relief to see sister tamara walk in as she was saying her goodbyes......................kiah{MTC}
« Last Edit: April 15, 2008, 05:29:29 AM by kiah{MTC} »

Offline familure{TD}

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« Reply #1972 on: April 18, 2008, 09:42:37 AM »
was able to serve a Visiting Master, who had come to pay His respects during the Celebration, a bota of paga, and return gavin to Mistress Shoko before sleep called.

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. - Steve Prefontaine

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #1973 on: April 26, 2008, 07:24:51 PM »
she did feed her Mistresses kaiila with verr and then served Mistress NightStorm before sleep claimed her
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..


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« Reply #1974 on: April 28, 2008, 05:02:45 AM »
kiah tried to get a chore done during a brief moment of free time but it wasn't meant to be during this visit. she did get to see sister tamara whom also had to leave just as quickly as she arrived. both girls following their bellies to be here but having to yield to r/t call. kiah will try again real soon and while tamara did not ask to be included in this post, kiah has a feeling she will be back as soon as she can too.

kiah is learned/reminded that posts here will not always be one's of accomplishments but of updates to the trainers, that intentions do not count as chores completed, but communication is an obligation that she is compelled to obey. she included her sister because she has not been back to post yet and is trying to be helpful, not to speak for her.

« Reply #1975 on: April 29, 2008, 04:01:40 PM »
sister kiah .. thank you... your sister has been having comp issues..... caught a bug.. had to kill the bug...giggles...

Masters and Mistresses... this girl has missed all... and has been lonely without everyone ....looks around... trying to see where all as gone too...sighs..

i have been studying.. and practicing when i can... for this girl wants to grow.. and move on...giggles... time to grow up....smiles

(16:39:28 )
in the main camp area
says to ALL
: slipping out of the kennel wagon.... i fly down the steps... auburn hair... bouncing as i continue down the stairs and walk towards the main camp fire area... hips swaying....spirits lite.... my dark eyes...warm as i look around the camp taking in the activities...

(16:41:31 )
standing at the main fire
says to ALL
: enjoying the warm air against my skin... i lift my face up the sun... my skin turning a golden brown... i pause at the edge of the camp looking and searching to see if anyone else was around... not seeing anyone... i head towards the furs... 

(16:46:13 )
standing at the main fire
says to ALL
: i pick up the furs... and shake them out... fluffing them for the Masters and Mistress to use tonight.... smiling i wonder if they would know this girl was here today.... if i was the one...who fluffed the furs for their comfort.... smiling... i walk around picking up the mugs and plates left from the night before.... i take them over to the commissary area to be boiled... i head back to the camp... and walking up onto the Dragons Lair... i pick up the furs piled high ...and shake them all out... fluffying them to their fullest.... and piling them back high... giggling.. as i leave a kiss to hover there till he returns... sighing... i head off the wagon

(16:55:15 )
standing at the main fire
says to ALL
: seeing a thrall bring up to the main fire and stacking them to be used during the night.. i walk over and takes a bag and feed the small flame that is there until the flame dances up the sky. .... smiling i stop to take a look around... the main camp fire sitting ready for tonight... i head back off into the main camp area... 

RIP tamara....


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« Reply #1976 on: April 29, 2008, 06:42:43 PM »
(that's what sisters are for ;))

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #1977 on: April 30, 2008, 07:28:58 AM »
she fed and collected vulo eggs also sweeped their wagon out, she then spent some time talking to her Mistress in MSN before starting to plant herbs in the planting boxes on the med wagon, she only got pepperment and brak bark done before meds kicked her to bed she will finish the rest today
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..

Offline dilshad{property of Tira}

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« Reply #1978 on: May 02, 2008, 08:54:22 PM »
1. took down the winter sleeping curtain in Mistress's wagon

2. cleaned Her sleeping furs

3. lit the unlit torches in camp can not grasp it.
 You can  only touch the  fire and be seared by it,  even destroyed  in it's embrace, but never can you hold it, not for a heartbeat.

« Reply #1979 on: May 04, 2008, 07:23:21 AM »
was able to serve the Masters and the Mistresses of the camp last night, smiling since i have not tested yet i got to practice my serves which has been a long time since being in camp.  work ..

RIP tamara....