Author Topic: CHORES  (Read 638035 times)

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #210 on: July 10, 2005, 10:40:12 AM »
kadi has collected two sacks of dung

she has rigged a fan up in the med wagon, it is the type used in india a long thin board with a pulling rope attached npc thralls will be doing the pulling

(14:03:40 )
senior mat
says to kelsey{Kit}************p: knowing what the heat is like outside it must be ten times wrose in the med wagon with so many people in there, sliping over to the end freight wagon, an idea had come to her, she remembered the thin sheet of board that was in the freight wagon, quickly she climbs up into the wagon and unties the board from the rest of the wood then reties the wood up to the side, slipping the thin board out of tje wagon she jumps down onto the dusty grass and lifts the board up carrys it to the fire

(14:06:12 )
senior mat
: sticking a metel pole into the fire and waits for it to heat up, as she waits she runs over to another wagon and gets three long lenghs of rope one being three times longer then the other two, skipping back to the fire she kneels down by the board and checks the poker

(14:25:35 )
senior mat
: the poker being red hot now she lifts it from the fire and burns three holes into the board, one either end at the top and one in the middle at the bottom,, setting the poker into the bucket of water that sits by the fire, taking the two shorter ropes she threads them into the two holes at each end of the top and tieing them off tightly, then taking the longer rope she threads it through the hole in the middle of the bootom of the board tieing this off as well, smiling as she finishes

(14:31:09 )
senior mat
: lifting the board she walks to the med wagon and slips in through the flaps, standing on the table she ties one end of the board to a pole running along the ceiling of the wagon, then moving along the table she ties the other end up as well, making sure both ends are nice and tight and wont fall, jumping down from the table she takes up the long lenth of rope and moving over against the far well she sits down and begins to pull on the rope, the board moves towards her and as she lets the rope slip through her fingers the board moves back, keeping on doing this soon there is a cool breeze wafting through the med wagon, she sits there smiling pulling and letting go of the rope

(14:49:59 )
senior mat
: slowly the med wagon starts to cool down a little, just a little but it was better then not at all and would help keep temps down on the wounded, on and on she pulls getting a steady swing going, the breeze is great over her naked body, calling a thrall over to her she asks him to sit then quickly she passes him the rope so that the swing dont get stopped, keep it going bro please it will be good for the wounded, once she is happy that the thrall has the swing right she smiles to him then stands and leaves the med wagon glad she was able to do something to help

« Last Edit: July 10, 2005, 11:53:30 AM by kadi{MTC} »
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« Reply #211 on: July 10, 2005, 08:29:07 PM »
tended mostly to healing duties all day...

Offline cat{MTC}

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« Reply #212 on: July 11, 2005, 01:39:49 AM »
cat served in camp

and now she go try to take a nap

cat  :-*

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #213 on: July 11, 2005, 01:44:13 AM »
kadi so far has served in camp  :) :) :)
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Offline Thalia

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« Reply #214 on: July 11, 2005, 05:00:04 AM »
Yesterday, after doing a bit of webwork, I came to camp and handed out sparklies to amore, kadi, and sollaris... And then my crappy sleep this weekend caught up with me, and I ended up staring at the screen and having to ask to be excused... :-\

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Offline lily

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« Reply #215 on: July 11, 2005, 01:33:12 PM »
weeeeeell... so far lily managed to feed and water the vulos (with the help of an npc kajira) and then she gathered and stored their eggs away...

Offline ice{LM/TD}

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« Reply #216 on: July 11, 2005, 06:16:34 PM »
Lately i have been awful about posting my chores, but primarily i have been serving and assisting in the medical wagon with all of the wounded in Camp.

Last night i harvested the remains of the herb garden, and today so far i hung up 10 bundles of tobacco leaves, 12 bunches of lavinia, and 15 of lavender.
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Offline cat{MTC}

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« Reply #217 on: July 11, 2005, 07:17:05 PM »
« Last Edit: July 11, 2005, 07:19:24 PM by cat{GR~Kar} »


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« Reply #218 on: July 12, 2005, 03:34:27 AM »
last night, i worked with arisha....met keifer and answered a few of his questions.....then assisted Mistress Muse and ice with Mistress Vala in the Med Wagon

Offline Amore / Daniella

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« Reply #219 on: July 12, 2005, 05:25:09 AM »
Last night I collected dung for the fires at the commissaries and visited with fellow kaji. -s-
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Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #220 on: July 12, 2005, 06:46:24 AM »
today so far she has served her little ass off

she has gone to the fair to help with carrying things

she has filled bottles with paga, sul-paga and water and put them into a net into the cold springs
« Last Edit: July 12, 2005, 05:52:20 PM by kadi{MTC} »
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..


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« Reply #221 on: July 12, 2005, 06:16:59 PM »
wylde got the med and surgical wagon wheels greased and ready for migration


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« Reply #222 on: July 13, 2005, 03:57:37 AM »
ummm....let's see....what did i do last night....ummm....i was ordered away from the Med Wagon for 24 hours (grumbles).....bathed....played with an idiot before the Mod booted Him....(in case anyone's interested i will be slain when His minions from hell rise up...*snickers*)...served.....

*strolls off whistling* known as the 5'2" battle hungry, bloodthirsty healing kajira......(you had to be there...*lmao*)

Offline RAGNAR

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« Reply #223 on: July 13, 2005, 10:02:34 AM »
LOL :-* ;)

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #224 on: July 13, 2005, 04:33:20 PM »
today she rescured a young bosk that was cought in the mud

(18:08:29 )
senior mat
:  waking up in the coolness of the med wagon where she fell asleep  last night, her body was still warm but not so hot as it had been  last few days, rising she leaves the cool med wagon and walks into  a wall of heat, she nearly turned round and went back into the  med wagon but she had chores to do, but this heat, she must make  sure that she drinks lots, she didnt want kels or Master Ubar kicking  her ass if she became ill again, stepping from the porch she hops  a little cos the ground is so hot on her bare feet, she hops her  way over to the commissary area untill her feet become used to  the hot ground, looking round the fires she makes sure that all  have a bucket of water by them just in case, the grass was so dry  that it wouldnt take much to set it alight, washing her hands in  the tub of water then drys them on a clean rep cloth, she looks  about to see what chores she can do today

(18:17:16 )
senior mat
:  she smiles at a kettle slave that brings her a mug of cool milk, standing  there drinking it she turns towards the river as she hears a bellow,  what the heck is going on down there she thinks, setting the mug  down she sets off towards the river, the bellowing getting louder as  she gets closer, running the last bit she reaches the river that  is no longer a river but a mud bath, and there in the middle is  a young bosk stick in the mud, the more he frought to get out the  deeper he sank, a thrall was standing there just looking not knowing  what to do, she pushed him *go get a rope* she told him and watched  as he turned and run back along the path, she hoped he wouldnt  be long cos the young bosk was very scared, *hey matey calm down  now, kadi is here she get you out* the bosk looked up at kadi,  knowing her from grooming and bathing, he knew that soft voice

(18:24:48 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to ALLk: slowly she slides down  the bank and into the mud, she was lighter then the bosk so she  didnt sink into the mud, slowly she wades through the mud till  she reached the bosk, *hey now matey see kadi is here to help you*  she talks quietly and calmly to the young one, watching out for the  thrall coming back, he was taking his time, all he had to do was get  a rope and come back, she was still talking to the bosk keeping  him calm while they waited, she looked up again and saw the thrall  running back, she called to him to walk slowly now he was near  the bank she didnt want the bosk to panic while she was near him,  *ok bro throw one end of the rope out to kadi then go get some  more thralls and some Outriders, going to need help to pull this  fellow out of here*

(18:28:36 )
thrall-tp at the water's edge says to kadi{MTC}*******senior mk: movesing  out to help sis

(18:29:32 )
thrall-tp at the water's edge says to kadi{MTC}*******senior mk:  thows the end carefule sis

(18:29:57 )
thrall-tp at the water's edge says to kadi{MTC}*******senior mk: ok  sis you got it tited up

(18:30:45 )
thrall-tp at the water's edge says to kadi{MTC}*******senior mk:  puts the other end around his hips titeing my end  off

(18:30:59 )
thrall-tp at the water's edge says to kadi{MTC}*******senior mk: calls  out ready sis

(18:34:23 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to keifer[MTC]thrall-tpk: catches  the end of the rope and waves her thanks, knowing she cannot tie  the rope round his neck cos it would choke him as everyone pulled, talking  quietly to the young one she kneels down into the mud and slips the  rope under the bosks belly, moving round to the over side she kneels  down and pulls the rope through and knots off in a slip knot, *there  you go boy, you aint going to go any deeper, standing she pats his  neck and then calls up to keifer, *take the strain bro but dont  try pulling till more help comes

(18:45:28 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to ALLk: looking up she sees her  bro has gone but has tried the rope off round a large rock, happy  that the bosk wont sink any deeper into the mud now, *hey matey  your gonna need a good clean up after this* she talks quietly to  the bosk, it didnt mater what she said so long as she kept him  quiet and calm, she didnt want him to start kicking about again  and getting her legs, she was covered in mud now as well from where  she had crawled to get the rope under the beasts belly and tied  off, her hair was cover in the dark grey stuff as well, giggleing  she pats the bosk, *well boy kadi dont look much like a gracefull  slave right now, she just wished the others would hurry and get  back, she didnt know how long she could keep the beast calm and  there was no way she could pull him out on her own

(18:55:47 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to ALLk: the young one was starting  to get upset again, he wanted out just as much as kadi did, she  patted him again, rubbing behind his ears cos she knew he liked  this from when she had groomed him before, she kept looking back  to the bank, looking to see if anyone was coming, nothing yet,  what is that thrall doing she asks herself, she would kill him if her  just forgot what he was ment to be doing, the sun beat down hot  her body, the mud saved her a little as it was cool and she was  covered in it, then she hears voices, looking up she sees the thrall  coming back with four more thralls and six outriders on kaiila,  she calls up to one of the Outriders, *Master she has the rope  tied off round his belly, he is calmish at the moment and dont  seem to be hurt* the Outrider calls out *good girl kadi, now stand  back as we pull him out*

(19:06:30 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to ALLk: she gives the beast a  last pat then moves back out of the way, she knows that once the  bosk feels the pull on the rope he will start to thrash around  and fight it, once she is far enough back out of the way she waves  to the out rider and watches as He and A/all the others take up  the rope and start to pull, and just as she knew he would the bosk begin  to fight the pull of the rope, he was young he was not used to having  harness on so to feel a rope round his middle was strange, he faught  the rope, he wouldnt move, she looked around her, she had to do something  to help she didnt want the beast to die here in the mud not now  that help was here, she saw a stick laying in the mud, it must have floated  down river and got caught in the mud, wading over to it she picks  the stick up and moves back to the back of the bosk, *Master get ready  she calls*, she watches as they take the strain and then she brings  the siick down on the beasts ramp, yelling and shouting at him as  she hits him

(19:21:24 )
senior mat
at the water's edge says to ALLk: she hated doing this,  she didnt like hurting animals, but it was this or the bosk die  in the mud, again she brought the stick down on the beasts ramp  and he leaps forewards, a great ploping moise is heard as his legs  leave the mud, only to land in it again father on, but she wades  through and hits him again, and once again he leaps forwards, she looks  up to see the others pulling on the rope helping him, *come on boy  only a little way to go and your safe* again and again she brings the  stick down across the bosk's ramp and every time he leaps forewards till  he is out of the mud, the outrides and thrall pull him up the bank onto  the grass, where he stands breathing in and out fast, thralls lean down  and pulls kadi up onto the bank where she lays, trying to get her breath  back, she was so tired now, it had been hard work, she slowly stands  and moves over to the bosk, she pats his neck, * there matey your  safe now* she whispers to him, untieing the rope from round his belly  she puts it round his neck cos he had to be groomed now to get all  the mud from him, *no kadi the thralls will clean him, you just rest  then go get cleaned up yourself* one of the Outriders says to her, *Yes  Master* she replys and sits down on the grass again as the thralls take  the beast off to clean him up

(19:31:02 )
senior mat
at the bathing area says to ALL: once she had rested she  heads off to the hot springs, taking a bucket with her, not wanting  to put all the mud into the hot springs, kneeling down on the side  of the hot springs she fills the bucket anf crawling away so the  muddy water didnt go into the springs and pours it over her head,  washing the mud from her hair and body, once must of the mud has gone  she jumps into the hot springs and taking a bar of scented soap she  washes herself clean, rubbing the soap into her hair then dunking down  under the water to rince it out, oh she felt so much better now she  was clean, and she was so lucky not to have got hurt by the bosk, but  she couldnt leave him to die in the mud, he was young he deserved to  live, rising out of the water she sits on the grass to dry, finger combing  her long locks, she ached now, rising she makes her way back to the  main area and sits on the furs quietly
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