Commanded by Master (Buddah)) to post the chores here so he may read them in full at his leisure.
(22:26:20 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to Buddha
: smiles as she is lifted to her feet, and turned towards the door, peering inside, she was amazed as just how large the wagons space was, then felt the swat to her firm ass her soft squeal bubbling forth, as she pranced forward, thinking where to begin, as she turned in a slow deliberate circle, taking note of what all needed done, making that mental list spring forward, " yes Master" she replied, then stepped back, intending to go for the cleaning supplies she would need
(22:32:18 )
[ Main Locations ]
in the main camp area
says to Buddha
: weaving her way among the wagons, she had to stop now and then and ask a slave for directions, they looked at her as if she had lost her mind, but gave them to her anyhow, with a shake of their heads, as they wandered off, mumbling about city girls, and how they didn't belong in the camps of the people, though i refused to let them get to me, i made my way to the supply wagon, there i let the master in charge know what it was i would be needing, he gave me a skeptical look up and down, before nodding, sending a thrall, into the wagon, who soon returned with an arm load of supplies, for cleaning, thrusting them into my arms, before draping an empty bucket over my thumb, then turned me about, nudging me towards the cooking fires, where the hot water was boiling
(22:37:18 )
[ Main Locations ]
at the cookfires
says to Buddha
: she quickly headed to the cook fire, where the large pots of water were boiling away, she filled the bucket, knowing she would be needing the water in that wagon, the dust was so thick one could even smell it from the door itself, she set the things aside for a moment, running to the commissary wagon, retrieved a small hand cart, thinking this would make this task simpler, as she could then do it alone with out having to another for help, as she piled all the supplies given to her upon it, the top shelf of the cart now her little work station, as she arranged the bucket, and scrub brushes onto it, then added soap chips to the water, as well as few grounds leaves of peppermint, knowing this would steep on the way, leaving everything washed with it smelling of the light scent of mint. she then began pushing the cart towards the Masters wagon
(22:41:12 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: the cart rolling over the hard packed ground, its wheels squeaking as she returned to the wagon, parking the cart, just off to the side of the porch, hefts the bucket, dropping a scrub brush into it, moving to the door, pauses to remove her boots, then slips inside, setting the bucket down gently so as not to spill it moves tot he fur by the door, rolling it up, takes it outside, hanging it over the rail, before slipping back inside, taking up the brush, begins at the far wall, scrubbing from top to bottom, removing all traces of smoke and grime, as she worked her way around the wagon in slow tedious fashion
(22:43:45 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: she was careful to get every inch, even had to empty and refill the bucket a few times as the water turned black but she managed to get every inch of it, till the canvas looked white again, the posts and supports once more brown, even the walls themselves seemed to come to life again, as the woods grains began to come into view, once the dirt and muck was washed away,
(22:47:29 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: her bare toes tapped against a small wooden box, poking out from under the table, its lid jarred open, she had to do a double take was that belly button lint? she inspected it close, and a soft ewww, escaped her, as she quickly closed the lid, less some of it escaped, nudging it back into the exact spot it had been nudged from, unsure why the Master would want such, decided not to even contemplate such a thing, as she slipped out to the porch, tossing out the dirty water, she then set the bucket aside long enough to shake out the fur, she had placed there, then drop it into a large basket for the laundry, she returne4d inside once more, stripping the bedding, and gathering any clothing piled about that appeared to be dirty, adding it to the basket as well
(22:53:18 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: (( ewww thats just nasty)) she moved to the bucket, filling it up once more, adding the soap, swishing the water about till there were lots of foamy bubbles, then moves to the brazier in the center of the wagon, she first emptied it of the ashes, before scrubbing it till it gleamed, removing the soot, and ashes, even the tarnishing from the flames from its surface, she them moved to the cart, taking up a clean cloth, and the polish made form the skins of the larma fruit, returned to the work needing done, she polished all the wood, in sight, leaving the wagon smelling freshly and clean, the surfaces reflecting the sun light peeking in from the small arrow ports, as she finished she began to work over the furniture, the small table, the chairs, even the surfaces of the chests, and shelves, cabinets, removing the dust from it all,
(23:00:49 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: she then arranged the dried bosk dung chips into the brazier, so it would be ready to light when needed, the old fungus smell in the wagon disappearing, as it was replaced with the soft scent of mint, and the sweet pungent smell of dried dung, she then began to sweep the floor, starting tin the far corners, working her way to the door, sweeping the debris and dust outside, then swept off the porch and steps, before setting the broom aside, taking a fresh clean cloth, and the heated bucket of soapy water, moved back inside, starting in the far corner on hands and knees, began to scrub the floor, scrubbing at each heavily soiled spot with a bit more effort, till it looked like a brand new wagon bed, i then emptied the water once more, setting the bucket to the cart, as i took up fresh clean furs, and a small basket of talandar flower petals, that had been dried, and stored, i moved back inside, dusting the bed area with the flower petals, then spread the furs on top of them, ensuring the Master would have a peaceful, pleasant sleep, as i fluffed the pillow, putting them back in place, i was careful to replace each thing that was moved for cleaning to the exact place it was before, not an inch over or out of the spot it had been in originally
(23:02:57 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: i left the wagon door open to help the floors dry, as i hefted the laundry basket, taking the small sewing kit from the cart, as i moved off to wash the Masters laundry while the floor dried, pausing long enough to put on my boots, before tip toeing down the steps, basket tucked beneath my arm, heading for the lake
(23:11:04 )
[ Main Locations ]
at the lake
says to ALL
: she wove her way to the lake, there were already a few other slaves there doing laundry, she watched them a moment, then moved up along side them, placing the basket down, she removed her boots, and cloak, not wanting to get them wet, then stepped into the cold frigid water, tucking the clothing up around the belts, her leathers rolled up to mid calf, as she dumped the clothing into the water one at a time, scrubbing them on the rocks, then working the soap into the fabrics, removing the smell of sweat and dirt, from the them, before rinsing and wronging them out, her hands were red by the time she was done, and partially numb with cold, though she did not let that stop her, she placed the clean clothes into the basket, carrying to the near by make shift line, which had been strung, she inspected each one, as she hung it up, looking for tears, or rips, those she found she returned to the basket, then kneeling beside it, began to mend each one, with tight, even loop stitches, ensuring the mend would hold for some time to come, then hanging it over the line to dry
(23:18:04 )
[ Main Locations ]
at the lake
says to ALL
: once his clothes were mended and drying she began to scrub the bedding, making sure it was bug free and well cleaned, one of the other girls helped her hang it up, since the fur was heavy when it was wet, the soft breezes coming off the plains helped everything to dry quicker, but while she waited for it to dry, she helped the others girls wash the things they had brought to be cleaned, as they chatted happily among themselves working together
(23:42:28 )
[ Main Locations ]
at the lake
says to ALL
: she took the items off the line, once they were dry, folding them with care, before placing them into the basket, then lifting it to her smooth shoulder, hauling them back to his wagon to be put away, she took her time, stepping with care on the muddy path, not wishing to fall down and have to rewash it all over, her progress was slower then it had be coming to the lake, but at least she was getting things done the way he wanted them done
(23:50:00 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: she made her way back to the wagon, climbed the steps, and took off her boots, before entering, the floor now dry, as she put the things away where they belonged, the folded clothing she placed in the chest at the foot of his bed, the heavy winter cloaks, she hung on the pegs, the clean bedding she stored in the other chest, securing everything in its place, so when the migration came , they would be ready to travel, then she took the time to polish the floor, careful not to get it to oily, she didn't want it to be slippery, just enough to leave it gleaming, and bring out the wood grains, with out being slick or dangerous, then she spread the clean fur back before the door once more where it had been before, slipping outside, taking up his pack, headed to the commissary wagon to get the things he had listed he wanted to have put in there
(23:55:29 )
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary area
says to ALL
: she wasted no time getting to the wagon, hurrying inside, she moved to the basin washing and drying her hands, before moving to the side board, she carefully measured 5 pounds of tark strips, dried and cured, then wrapped them in a clean rep cloth, placing them in the bag, as well as 5 pounds of dried bosk , wrapping them and placing them with in as well, then added a portion of wrapped bosk cheese, and a loaf of sa tarna bread, making sure they all got into his travel pack, before taking up a bota of paga, then as an after thought, taking a small bowl of fruit, for his table, and an extra boat, for when the nights grew cold, so he wouldn't have to leave the warmth of his wagon, slung the botas over her shoulder, hurrying back to his wagon once more, to finish her task at hand
(00:01:06 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: as she moved along the path, the cold clammy mud squelched between her toes, seeping through her boots, she moaned, as toes grew cold, she hated this weather, and longed for the cylinders once more, where feet never got muddy, when a girl did the chores, a soft sigh escaped her, as she hurried to the porch, removing her now soggy boots, she was thankful she still had a bit of cleaning water left, she dipped her feet into the water, cleaning them off then dried them, before entering his wagon, not wishing to dirty his floors again, she placed the prepared travel back on top of his chest where he had left it, then hung both the botas over a nearby empty peg, where he could easily find them, before setting the bowl of fruits to the small table, she peered around making sure she hadn't missed anything, then with a slight nods and a smile, backed from the wagon, closing the door behind her
(00:04:08 )
[ Main Locations ]
in/at Buddha's wagon
says to ALL
: she returned the cleaning supplies to the supply wagon, after slipping back into her boots, once the things had been put away, she wandered off towards the kennel wagons yawning