Worked both in the camp kitchen as well as Mistresses kitchen making ready a feast preparation ....
The Menu
Fresh boiled crab legs
Pan seared scallops with sea grass and shrimp
Baked sul stuffed with crab meat and smothered with cheese
Fresh chunked and grilled fruits sections
Roast side of bosk
Roast tarsk with a ram berry glaze
Baked vulo stuffed with bread,onion,mushroom and shredded larma
Smashed potatoes and baked suls
Stuffed squash with ground tarsk and onion and garlic baked to a sweet golden brown along with a brown sugar glaze
Grilled peaches with grilled shrimp
Fresh baked breads with whipped butters
A large kettle of bosk stew with dumplings and rich gravey
Skabettii with a cream cheese sauce and garlic buttered breads
Stuffed mushrooms with shrimp,crab stuffing
Shark steaks with garlic and onion and sea grass and kort side
Jugs of sweet tea and pots of black wyn
Juices fresh pressed,chilled fresh bosk milk
Chocolate cake with a rich pudding centre and a chocolate icing
Both large and small tarts ram berry,larma, peach......
( more yet to be created)