Last eve, as part of the pre-Companionship preparations, I placed the finishing touches on my Master's and my Mistress's Ceremonial clothes (a.k.a., made their avatars... *grinning*) I then carried kel~sey's delightfully prepared, picnic-style goody basket from the commissary to my Master's wagon. I then took one last look around my Master's domicile to make sure that his living space was neat, clean, and pleasing for the special night.
After helping my Master dress for his big night, I ran across the way to help my Mistress. She had me carry the Companionship Contract scroll back to my Master, then had me inform Master Tegutai that he should be ready to stand as my Mistress's Champion, upon Master Ubar's order.
I then had the delight of watching an amazingly beautiful dance from my chain sister, jale. My mirror sister had only minutes before been helping Mistress Sandy to look beautiful for Mistress's special night; she also served the horn of fermented milk to Mistress after the Companionship Dance. (I figured I'd post my chain sister's special Companionship Festival chores for her... *beaming*)
As a final gift to my Master and my Mistress, I am currently designing a mini-site which will showcase the special and hilarious moments of their Ceremony.