Author Topic: CHORES  (Read 634122 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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« Reply #3765 on: April 26, 2015, 04:46:30 PM »
16:07:00 ) chanz(MTC) : has been sighted...

(16:09:41 ) chanz(MTC) : rises from her last task she turns her attentions towards the request of Master Ollie...bouncing along the path she makes her way towards one of the freight wagons to gather extra cleaning items needed to freshen the wagon ....

(16:15:09 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at a freight wagon
says to ALL
: Slipping inside she takes up a bucket..quickly filling it with clean rep cloths and some lye soap......a broom and small scooter type tool. Gathering a few nice scented candles she adds these to the pail two sets of woven bath slippers and some large clean rep cloths she carries in her other arm...leaving the wagon she whispers for the lil kettle girl to fetch a pail of warm water and bring it to the wagon , the other girl she dispatched to bring clean furs...moving swiftly she heads to the guest wagon to begin cleaning

(16:21:00 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
on my assigned guest porch
says to ALL
: slipping up the steps she pauses looking around for the kettle girl seeing her move closer she carefully sets the pail and broom to the side. Hanging the large clean rep cloths over the railing...she pulls back the door flap....staggers slightly from the waft of the Masters socks.....giggles softly as she remembers the warning from the Mistress.....entering she makes her way to the side windows...propping them open to clear the air

(16:28:16 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my assigned guest wagon
says to ALL
: gathering the bedding furs she moves them out to the porch then re enters to gather any tunics or other clothing strewn about setting these neatly on the porch to the side....she sees the kettle girl had brought two pails of warm water along with the extra scrub brush....she takes up the broom and once more disappears inside , moving to the very back first she uses a rep cloth to wipe ever shelf counter and wall down bringing any dust to the floor as she works one section at a time , being careful to not track any she takes the broom to sweep it forward to the centre part then continues dusting and sweeping to the front door flap.....pausing she stops lifting her hand to push back a stray strand of auburn from her face leaving in its wake a streak of dust...

(16:32:02 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my assigned guest wagon
says to ALL
: Carefully sweeping the small pile to the steps she sweeps it over the side ...... Setting the broom to the side she lifts the pail filled with warm water the scrub brush tucked under her arm a few clean rep cloths over her shoulder she makes her way to the back of the wagon once more...

(16:35:39 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my assigned guest wagon
says to ALL
: Dipping into the one pail the lye soap...then dipping the scrub brush into the pail she applies the damp soap to the bristles of the brush then shaken ing the excess water off she apply pressure and begins to scrub the floor in a circular motion while keeping her knees covered slightly from the scrap rep cloths she knelt on

(16:44:21 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my assigned guest wagon
says to ALL
: humming softly she continued well into the every nook and cranny....where she couldn't reach she climbed to clean.....finally at the door flap once more she paused looking into the depths....seeing the candles lit giving the wagon a larma and cinomin scent also allowing her to see that all was clean she yet waited now on the porch folding the returned now clean clothing her back pressed against the wall of the wagon....

(16:55:24 )
[ Secondary Locations ]
in/at my assigned guest wagon
says to ALL
: Nibbling the dried larma chips from the pouch on her hip then taking small sips from the bota filled with cool water she knew there was a bit more to do but this was the fun part....grinning she lifted and carried the clothes inside to return them to the trunks ready for their next wearing...smoothing out the bedding furs she arranged the pillows to be inviting for the Mistress and Master....laying across the bottom of the furs she placed two large clean bathing the side were two woven bathing slippers...she checked the lanterns were filled the wicks trimmed...she pulled the side windows in allowing a small cross breeze to continue then extinguished each candle flame yet letting them smoke so the scent could linger....carefully she backed from the wagon tired but pleased with the extra touches left with in...( a basket of fresh baking ...small tarts,some breads with small containers of jams and honey) closing the door flap she turned seeing the items used had been gathered by the kettle girls she moved down the steps to the commasary area to begin checking the beddin furs removed from the wagon to check for tears or shreddings...she needed to brush them clean...

(16:56:50 )
[ Main Locations ]
in the commissary area
says to ALL
: ( please may chanz go)

Offline flame{NS}

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« Reply #3766 on: April 28, 2015, 11:47:46 AM »
with the help of her fellow sisters and brothers they cleaned the furs by the main fire.
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Offline Shadow duck

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« Reply #3767 on: May 03, 2015, 03:39:03 PM »
Cleaned ,oiled and mended the harnesses all tack has been checked and ready for the use, also helped Cook compile shopping list for foods etc, then learned some new sewing at the seamstress clan wagon, still doing more mending on the porch there...
duckie rules


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« Reply #3768 on: May 10, 2015, 05:28:30 AM »
did a bit of shopping/browsing  :)

Offline RAGNAR

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« Reply #3769 on: May 10, 2015, 04:37:00 PM »
did a bit of shopping/browsing  :)

Uh oh...

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3770 on: May 11, 2015, 11:59:03 AM »
 : leaves...

(12:25:49 )

: enters ...

(12:27:11 )

: *smiles .. rising from a wonderful sleep after a busy day in the encamptment .. she recalls the auction and shopping with Mistress ... the smells .. sights .. and tastes all enliven her thoughts and brighten her memories*

(12:28:28 )

: *as the rest of her family sleeps jade slips under the kennel wagon and sets to work on the Ubar's garmet chest once more ... the weave is small and very tight .. her fingers work nimbly and quickly .. the second side comes together very nicely*

(12:30:23 )

: *her intent is to make the chest in pieces, 10 of them including what is needed for the lid .. and then to stitch them together with leather binding along all edges .. she is sure it will be a fine specimine well worth of the Ubar .. as she works she hums softly .. smiling the entire time*

(12:33:13 )

: *it is a large chest .. and will take a lot of time to finish .. the grass is fine and a beautiful brown intermittendly decorated with red dyed grasses .. the decoration is geometric and very masculine*

(12:36:46 )

: *periodically she peeps out from under the wagon and smiles at a passer by .. .only other slaves and the Guards are moving about in the Tuchuk encampment .. she likes the Guards .. those beefy hunks of burning love .. she can hardly wait to get to "know" them .. wiggling a little bit as a fire ignites at the mere thought .. she sets her mind back to the weaving in hand*

(12:42:55 )

: *row after row after row of perfectly sized small weave appears .. oh this is going to be such a great garmet chest .. strong and sturdy yet allowing lots of air flow so that clothes never become musty .. the leather bindings i'm planning to edge the entire piece in will add that final blast of masculinity that i hope will bring a smile to Ubar's face .. my little fingers press, pull and hook the many strands of long grass i'm working into place .. it's almost like magic i muse to myself with a soft giggle*

(12:52:01 )

: *slipping out from under the kennel wagon after setting my weaving down i make my way over to the cooking fires ... i add some water to the hot water kettle as it was low and stir the fire embers beneath it .. adding a new piece of dung so as to get the water to boil once more .. i lift several lids before finding the warm bosk milk .. i laddel a cup full of the intoxiating milk and sip .. filling my belly with the warm delicous drink .. is a fine fine breakfast .. passing by the fires once more i spy the bowl of hard boiled vulo eggs that i prepared for Family last day .. i set my milk down and crack open one of the eggs against the corner of the table .. throwing away the egg shell .. a touch of salt on the white perfection and my breakfast is ate*

(12:53:06 )

: *picking up my warm bosk milk again, i sashay back to the kennel wagon and slip under to once more pick up my weaving ... sipping the warm milk from time to time .. a smile ever present on my pretty face*

(12:55:33 )

: *the warm milk is doing the trick and i'm dozzing .. fingers work uninterupted they are so well trained .. but my jade green eyes close and open several times before i finally give in and curl up beneath the kennel wagon in the cool shade and return to sweet sleep ... never before have i been this comfortable under a wagon ... i am in dreamland now*

(12:55:40 )

: may i please be excused?

(12:56:06 )

: leaves...

(14:10:37 )

: wakes up from her sweet slumber .. wondering if anyone is about yet?

(14:11:23 )

: *sits up and streaches .. feeling good*

(14:16:35 )

: *not seeing anyone just yet .. i pick up my weaving where i left off .. nearly finished side two now .. i work along the outer top edge securing it tightly and twisting all the different ends back into the piece firmly*

(14:23:34 )

: *decides to check on the blackwine situation .. finds several pots (two) that are bitter and old .. removes them from the fire and dumps them out behind the last line of wagons that have travelled .. stops to wash out the kettles and to wash her hands before heading to the commissiary to locate ground beans*

(14:26:04 )

: *setting the kettles upon the counter i successfully locate the jar of blackwine ground beans .. laying out two perfectly clean and pure white rep cloths i spoon out healthy portions onto each rep cloth and then carefully tie the bundle together .. flipping it over several times to ensure that no gounds will escape ... dropping a buncle into each kettle i move out of the commissary and back to the cooking fires where i carefully fill each kettle with boiling water that i had started much earlier .. then i set each in turn on the warming side of the fire pit and let it soak out all that coffee like goodness from the bundles inside*

(14:27:24 )

: *while the blackwine steeps i return to the commissary and once again wash my little hard working hands along the way .. this time i'm intent on making some sa tarna bread*

(14:29:50 )

: *ground sa tarna, a little salt, soda and ice cold water .. patted and then worked into a kneeded ball .. i set the bread aside for a approximately 5 ehn to rest .. i've made five loaves .. and i work each one vigorously rolling and kneeding the dough until the perfect consitancy is met*

(14:31:25 )

: *having let the dough rest long enough .. i begin to mold each loaf into a flatish round patties and score the top of each one with a nearby knife .. i score out six generous pieces in each loaf and then stack them up each wrapped in a clean white moist but not wet rep cloth and haul them over to the brick ovens on the far side of the cooking fire*(14:38:21 )

: *setting them upon the clean table there i clap my little hands together happy with what i've created thus far .. a cloud of sa tarna flour puffs up into my pretty face and i laugh .. quite sure that i have flour on my pert nose and cheeks now .. i leave the loaves there to rise for another ten ehn before unwrapping each precious bundle and placing them on the wooden slider and then into the brick oven ... all five look so beautiful and smell so wonderful i'm quite pleased with myself ... i let them bake while i go and wash up yet again .. this time wiping down the clean table and the counter in the commissary .. putting away all the supplies while the bread bakes filling our encampment with a wonderful smell of fresh baked goods*

(14:38:48 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *sees a sister and smiles ever so brightly* .. greetings sister

(14:40:37 )

flames collar
PRIVATELY whispers to jade(MTC)kettle: i am doing good just taking a break from shampooing is good to see are you doing in your studies ?

(14:42:05 )

(14:43:00 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *washes my pretty face and hands as well ... using the washing basin outside for this task .. runs over to the brick ovens and turns the loafs inside .. wanting them to be perfectly cooked all round .. finding it a touch cooler than i like .. i stoke the burn hole beneath with another piece of bosk dung and poke around at it until just the right amount of flame appears .. mmmmmm this is going to be yummy i muse to myself .. looking over at flame i hope she will approve*

(14:43:16 )

flames collar
says to jade(MTC)kettle: watches you as i smile smelling the bread cook

(14:48:49 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *i can tell by smell alone that the bread is near ready to come out of the oven .. i elect to give it just an ehn or two more so that it will brown up really really nicely .. i watch pensively though .. not wanting it to become overdone now that the heat has been adjusted an all*

(14:57:01 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *finally happy with the color of the five loafs as i peek into the oven .. i work quickly to pull each one out on the long handled paddle that sits next to the clay ovens .. setting each one down carefully on the nearby table that i have clean off .. letting them rest in golden glorious bread beauty .. wow .. i've impressed myself with this batch for sure*
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3771 on: May 11, 2015, 12:09:30 PM »
*finishing the last chore post*

(14:58:24 )

flames collar
says to jade(MTC)kettle: watches you take out the loafs.. oh they smell so good and they look great...and i am sure that they will taste even better *smiles*
(15:01:22 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *beams because your happy with them too* .. thanks sister .. my Mom taught me to bake .. i enjoy it and hope that our Family will enjoy some fresh bread with butter that they don't have to buy in the city *winks*

(15:02:47 )

says to flame{NS}2ndgirlPagarMTC: *covers the loafs with more clean rep cloths .. ready to be torn apart and served as the slaves may need for their Masters and Mistresses
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline flame{NS}

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« Reply #3772 on: May 11, 2015, 01:31:21 PM »
talk to her sister jade to see how she was doing on her was good to see her.. we will be hooking up durning the day.
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3773 on: May 12, 2015, 08:53:10 PM »
Today i tidied up the furs and pillows around our encampments private fire, prepared fresh blackwine, worked very hard on my weaving project for the Ubar, stoked the fire and collected/washed up our camp dishes. 
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3774 on: May 16, 2015, 01:02:20 PM »
Over the past few days i have worked diligently on my weaving project for the Ubar. 
There are now 4 of the 10 sides completed.
I have also baked more sa tarna bread and prepared fresh blakwine.  Stoked our fires and the clay oven fires.  Set water to boil and made slave gruel.  I've cleaned dishes and shook out the furs and pillows in our private encampment.  I've filled water botas as well. 
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline kadi{MTC}

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« Reply #3775 on: May 25, 2015, 01:24:11 AM »
she helped in the med wagon
May love and laughter light your days..And warm your heart and home..May good and faithful friends be yours..Wherever you may roam..May peace and joy bless your world.. And may all life's passing seasons..Bring the best to you and yours..

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3776 on: May 28, 2015, 06:36:52 PM »
This week jade has greased axles and wheels, cooked, cleaned, weaved, helped in the medical wagon, served where and when she could and packed/unpacked/repacked.

Thank you, jade
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3777 on: June 08, 2015, 12:59:34 PM »
This past week jade has served, cooked vulo soup, made blackwine several times, baked sa tarna bread, worked on her weaving project for the Ubar, watered bosk, harnessed bosk, filled water barrels and botas, cleaned the kennel wagon, washed down the porch and steps of the medical wagon, lifted and stowed the kennel wagon stairs several times during migration.  jade has also helped out in the medical wagon as best she could.
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline jade{NS}

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« Reply #3778 on: June 24, 2015, 05:10:17 PM »
As of late jade has been watering bosk during migration, harnessing and unharnessing, baking sa tarna bread in big skillets, making bosk stew, making black wine when she had beans available, working on her weaving of course, doing laundry, helping in the medical wagon when needed.
With joy i arrive, with love i depart

Offline flame{NS}

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« Reply #3779 on: July 06, 2015, 11:50:50 AM »
was in camp last night and enjoyed a feast.. was able to dance for Master Ubra ..

had a wonderful time
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.