For the sake of visibility, the information contained in this post has also been placed as a required slave sign-off thread on the "Training" board, since that board contains the high-traffic Chores thread. No additional signing is needed on this duplicate thread. The notice is being copied here since the overhaul of the cumbersome Sparkly Incentive Program will become law on August 14th, 2007.
The nine existing gems were pared down to the following six:
The Bright Red Sensuality Sparkly: This merger of the red positions sparkly and the topaz yellow slave heat sparkly is a celebration of the sensuality of the pleasing, well-trained slave. The slave will receive a large gem once she has earned five small gems. Slaves who have earned “red positions” and “yellow slave heat” gems per our old incentive program will be eligible for the large gem provided they have five of the old gems in any combination.
The Purple Serving Sparkly: This merger of the purple chores sparkly and the green serving sparkly is a celebration of a slave’s devotion in the many forms of service. The slave will receive a large gem once she has earned five small gems. Slaves who have earned “purple chores” and “green serving” gems per our old incentive program will be eligible for the large gem provided they have five of the old gems in any combination.
The Blue Dance Sparkly: This is exactly the same as the old sparkly and denotes excellence and exquisite expression in slave dance. The slave will receive a large gem once she has earned five small gems.
The Grey Knowledge and Excellence Sparkly: This sparkly is exactly what it sounds like – a merger of the red-banded onyx of Tuchuk cultural knowledge and the multi-colored opal of all-around excellence in slavery. Although we will consider this gem to be a red-banded onyx, the black gem will be represented with a grey font color. A slave will be able to earn this large sparkly ONCE, when she has truly distinguished herself with both her knowledge AND her positive attitude.
The Brown Bosk Sparkly: This large sparkly will be given ONCE to a slave who has proven her deep reverence for the Mother of our People, the bosk.
The Light Blue Migration Sparkly: This sparkly is a rite of passage for those slaves who have withstood a migration. After receiving two small gems for surviving – i.e., actively participating in – a spring and an autumn migration, a slave will have completed the cycle. She will trade in her two small sparklies for a single large migration gem which will be awarded ONCE.
In addition, the following sparkly has been added to the roster:
The White Virginity Sparkly: This gem will be awarded to those special few slaves who seek a new beginning with Tuchuk by entering our home as a white-silk girl rather than an experienced red-silk slave who may be taken to the furs at the earliest opportunity.
There has been a further change to the way in which the sparklies are worn. Rather than gluing the gems onto the slave’s collar, they will be placed on a belly chain worn for special occasions such as dances and festivals. If no special events are scheduled in a given month, the slave may wear the belly chain twice that month, at her own discretion, to enhance her sensuality and attractiveness in the midst of service.
The gems will be arranged on the belly chain in the following order, as illustrated by the following string of sparkly codes (with white on the end, which is invisible on the background color of this message board):
As a final note, it was also decided that training team slaves would, for special occasions such as festivals and dances, wear a tiny carved wagon wheel charm dangling from a wire loop twisted through their collar rings. Assistant trainers would have wooden charms, whereas full-fledged trainers would wear a wheel carved from bosk bone. Although the tiny avatars which represent these wagon wheels are pre-made, each trainer must role-play the carving of the charm and script this activity for the approval of the training team before he/she will be able to "wear" the symbol.
The wagon wheel avatars are as follows: