Still say I'm innocent. I may not still have my sexual innocence, but as a slave, had not choice on that matter, and since it was so long ago, the hymen probably grew back ((r/t too)), so puts me back on the innocence list there.
As for other sorts of innocent trials and tribulations.......only sliced the throat of a thrall that was already dying, just help the situation out. so that shouldn't count..............JoJo never stolen anything.........unless Arlon's heart counts, but its not physically in my hands, so, ya gots no proof on that.........I ain't never killed a FM, thought there are a few that I would have liked to, or at least mame them., I ain't never killed a FW, though there are a few times I wished I coulda smacked them for a few things............I ain't never furred a thrall or any slave for that, In conclusion, the juury must find the defendant, innocent of any wrong doings that would not make her innocent. I rest my case.