Hi woobies--something to piss him off, eh?---WEFG--good thing Sid hit me with a brick to make me come in here when she di--LMAO--okies here goes:
True: would U please quit faking this Im ill shit so that the Panther Girls will come and get you an tie you up again--also, woobie said that your side is hurting, but neglected to say which one---remember, the appendix is on the right side, that's the grubby paw you always pick your nose with after scratching your ass; your appendage, on the other hand, is on the left side, or slightly to the south thereof, from what the guys in the Paravacci Wagons have said--they thought youd look pretty with diamond earrings above and below after the last capture, but were amazed to find that body odor and farts can melt diamonds!!!! As for the doctors taking away your pants, you never had any need for them, as per your own Tuchuk Physicians, they were given to you because boskhide is the only material that can contain your biliousness as rubber is unknown on the Plains--just grab a tent, some safety pins, and some of Sati's makeup (its in the ten talu buckets), then dress up as Conaaxe the Crossdresser for Halloweenie *S*
PS: I will be back soon, so take the plugs of boskdung and needles outta your ass so that I have a clear target when I kick it into a Turian harem where it belongs!!
PPS: Get well True, and I mean this *S*--neither of us are ready for the ice flows of Frost Giants quite yet .--------RB