Alright. This has been a long time coming. But here it is. The beginning, of a *gasp* help thread for frustrated Photoshop Users.
Here I'll post my own advice, links(to resources), and possibly 'screenshot' help images.
Perhaps if I am lucky. It will grow into something much more, and maybe even a help center designed by myself. Who knows, right? Anyways. I thought this would help others. I found it a couple of weeks ago. I know most of the shortcuts as it is, though listing it? Could help others.
Note; the commands in brackets are for MAC users. Bold for windows, etc.
CTRL-A (CMD-A): Select all
CTRL-D (CMD-D): Deselect
CTRL-C (CMD-C): Copy
CTRL-SHIFT-C (CMD-SHIFT-C): Copy all visible layers
CTRL-V (CMD-V): Paste
x: switch foreground & background colors
CTRL-T (CMD-T): Transform
CTRL-SHIFT-T (CMD-SHIFT-T): Repeat Last Transform (does NOT work with Warp)
[ and ]: Make brush size larger or smaller
CTRL-F (CMD-F): Repeat last filter effect
CTRL-U (CMD-U): Hue/Saturation adjustments
CTRL-I (CMD-I): Invert colors
CTRL-ALT-I (CMD-OPTION-I): Image Size adjustments
CTRL-ALT-C (CMD-OPTION-C): Canvas Size adjustments
CTRL-E (CMD-E): Merge layers (or merge currently selected layer down)
(More to come later on)