Author Topic: What brings you to Gor?  (Read 13248 times)

Offline RAGNAR

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What brings you to Gor?
« on: May 07, 2008, 12:08:37 PM »
What is it that brings you to Gor or keeps you here?

Offline dilshad{property of Tira}

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 01:57:23 PM »
another intresting question.. even more so as May 15th
will mark 2 years that i have been on gor

i will think on this and reply at lenght, thank You Master can not grasp it.
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2008, 06:08:55 PM »
Sandar brought me to Gor.....what keeps me here?

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2008, 10:49:24 AM »
What brings me to gor would have to be the displine I seek in all aspects of my life. I am not a novice to the S/m lifestyle and am fully owned in RT, Master gave me permission to make friends with like interest thus I'm here.
Freedom permits a woman to live without a man. Slavery makes a woman need a mans touch... Slavery, of course, is the surest path by means of which a woman can discover her femininity. The paradox of the collar is the freedom which a woman experiences in at last finding herself, and becoming herself\


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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2008, 11:43:44 AM »
for kiah, it's servitude, fullfillment, growth, responsibility, creativity, laughter, fun, support, for both answers. friendship, love and family are all intertwined within those reasons now.......kiah{MTC}

~edits to add a biggie~

« Last Edit: May 12, 2008, 02:00:18 PM by kiah{MTC} »

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2008, 12:44:33 PM »
Interesting question, one that I haven't thought on in a long time... In the beginning of the internet, someone brought me to Gor, we looked around stayed in someplaces, then disappeared, because he had problems going on in his lie, and not 3 years later he was dead... When I came back, it was because someone else told me about Gor, and wanted me to come in as his slave, but he wanted me to learn Gor his way, but I wanted to learn it myself, so it got pushed off to the side, and forgotten about, then came the time when he needed my help, he wanted to take over a home... in the end, he lost and I found myself in love with this realm and I stayed, and of course I did it in the wrong way, I was a dualer, but mind you, I learned quickly that was a no no in this realm, so after my character was killed off, I went off in search of a new home, in the end I came back to the one home that truly felt like everything to me...

That was, friends, family and love... ~smiles softly~ After 6 years, 5 years as Taryn Iona, I think I finally have gotten it...

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2008, 05:34:37 AM »
What brought me here and what keeps me here are two very different things.

When I first ventured to Gor, it was actually as a joke, a lark.  I was a Hotelchat Couplet regular at the time and had never heard of the Gorean venue.  One of my vampy-type friends, Evil Incarnate by name, says to me, "Hey, want to see something hilarious?  Come into THIS room as any lower-case name, and I'll pretend to capture you.  You struggle, I'll tell you to submit, you refuse, and I'll drain you of blood.  Then watch what happens when those Gor nuts get bent!"  Off we went to... the Crystal Raven, or some such... on ChatCity.  I don't think I've ever seen fools booted so quickly as we were, and I didn't even understand what we'd done wrong!

Rules Broken:

1. At 17, not quite 18, I was underage.
2. Inappropriately themed chat; there are no vampires on Gor
3. Gender-bending -- my friend, not I.  She was role-playing a he, something that was not uncommon in the vamp realms.

It was definitely not my finest moment on Gor, but everyone should have one "dumb newbie" pass.

A year passed and Hotelchat pretty much died, even before the server went under.  The Couplet was overrun by god-moders and 14-year-olds (wait, did I just get redundant?), and I was so disgusted that I almost gave up role-play. Where could I go that people role-played without flaming others, stuck to their role, and really knew how to be intense?  Where had all my buddies gone?  The answer was Gor, and the one Gorean chat site I knew was ChatCity. I never did return to the Crystal Raven, or whatever it was.  Instead, I ventured into the only busy home on the whochat, a Paravaci.  I was immediately force-collared, assigned a trainer, draped in white silks, and told to memorize a looooooong list of strange words like "Jashi" and "Ni'dan."  My goodness, that John Norman dude sure invented a lot of hard-to-say things!  ::)

To make a short story even shorter, I lasted... maybe two weeks.  There was this super-scary "RT Gorean Master" there who wanted to know just about everything about me except my social security number and blood type, tried to map out my every waking moment and plan my entire chat schedule, and wanted to give me this initiation beating before he raped me.  Rape? Whoa-buddy, step awaaaay from the kneeling girl! I ran like my head was on fire and begged the Ubar, whom I'd seen only once in the room, via ICQ to release me -- which he did.  His advice:  "Don't give up on Gor quite yet.  You should probably be a free woman."

As it turns out, that was probably the only piece of good advice I had been given, up until that point.  I continued wandering through Chat City, and then through Webmaze.  At one point, I wandered into an old-school Kajuralia, a role-reversal festival, and ran into a man named Jarrod.  He confessed he wasn't into the whole... slave boy... thing and that the festival was rather a drag.  He'd escort me, he said, to better places than that.  Where he took me... was MTC.  Although he later took his leave, still later admitted to me that he had dualed as his own slave boy to end the life of Jarrod so he could became Dov al Sabra (we'd had several characters running in Vamp, too, and I didn't realize that dualing was a huge no-no, though I never did it myself), and tried to convince me to be his daughter in some Celtic-clan-comes-to-Gor room he had going, I had found the place I wanted to stay.

So that's what "brought" me here:  a crazy misadventure with a desire for quality role-play at its core.

What keeps me here, after nine years, is far more complex and a post for another day.

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 04:44:40 PM »
What brought me to Gor was -- seeing a set of books I had long before read suddenly be a roleplay room!  I poked into the rather new rooms and discovered people there I knew already from a home and site that shut down.

Awesome, yes.

Life on Gor took me through several changes. 

It's those changes that keep me here.  That and my sexy Master. -grins-

No, seriously, after almost four years of not roleplaying in Gor, it was my enjoyment of this fantastical world that drew me back, hanging up a character I had been since day one on Gor all those years ago, and being someone totally new and different.

Gor is just that special sort of place that allows me, in the virtual sense, to experience the harshness and the beauty of it.

It's been the experience of a lifetime, one filled with all facets of emotions and a few adventures too. -grins- 

But -thumping the steel around my neck- it's certainly has helped keep me here being owned by the man whose name is inscribed on the steel ...

Too, those friends that I have here on Gor ... they are all just a part of the reason I remain ...
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2008, 12:54:03 AM »
what brought me to this place... a search for what was missing in my life.. friendship with out question caring with out concequences respect returned when I have given as much.. and most of all what keeps me here.. all of the above.. I have met and gained more friends and family then I belived possible. I mean I am only a persona on this device but I am a real entity on the other side of a screen who cares and feels and crys and laughs when such is my state at that time.. there are some that have made great impact in my life whom no longer exist in this place yet again there are those that have made great impact in my life that are still here.. from each I learn more of me more that I never belived was really who I am even in r/t... as it does seem to over flow into that incarnation as well... and if my english teacher is readin this.. *grins*.. yes I know.. run on sentence and spell check should be my**... but as of yet I have no desire to give up ... I will continue as I am just being me nothin special nothin different from any other yet still able to stand out in a crowd when needed to..

ok I have rambled enough.. thank you Master for askin this question it helps to get some thoughts off a sore brain some times..
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2008, 07:50:42 AM »
What brought me to Gor?  Well..the first time I tried this..crazy was my husband.  We were bored in Vamp, we were looking for something new, and suddenly he wasn't bored with me in Vamp anymore, he was roleplaying in those rooms..the ones with the...slaves?!?!  I looked at him absolute abhorred. What do you mean there's this place that Men rule the World?!?! -heh...yes I didn't like the idea-

Either way.  He convinced me to join the Wagon camp he was part of.  At the time it was Kataii here on Maze.  ANd because he made being a Free Woman such a damn drag (you can't do anything, or you'll be collared), and because I figured I would end up in one anyway, I went in to be collared.  Worked very hard and had the highest level of silks within a month.  Had the Ubars collar and everything.  And Kataii died.  Only me and my husband were showing up on a regular basis, and it was quite boring.

And so we gave up.  We didn't rp in Gor for...a few years, and I was dead set on going back really.  Ha!  Riiiight, when the Ubar of the most popular room on all of Webmaze asks you to come down and try it out again.  You obey!  So...I went to MTC as an observer..and was almost immediately collared by this great big idiot (not the Ubar).. I skidaddled as fast as I could and told Rags..."Look, if they are so willing to collar an observer who isn't doing anything wrong.  I want no part of that."  He told me...that he had just had triplets born, and one of them was a girl, and he wanted me to play her.  I was in shock.  What the hell did I know about Gor?  Nevermind being a Free Woman..and expected to protray like the...elite of the FW in being an UBARS daughter!  Not only did I not know much about being a Free Woman..I also knew nothing about Tuchuk...Here I am....behind the screen of a character...who had lived her entire life in Tuchuk..but yet knew nothing of what the hell she was doing....Yeah.  I have wanted to quit so many times.

But I don't, I keep coming back.  Why?  What brings me to Gor everyday?

1. The man behind the Ubar has been more like a Father to me than my own real father.
2. I love my extended family with every fiber of my being.
3. I love the challenge of walking a very fine line on an almost constant basis.  It keeps me involved and constantly thinking about what I am going to do next.


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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2008, 09:45:14 AM »
 what brought me to gor.. it was about 12 years ago when good friends got me started there names were sefa and Master Talon of Kassar..i have meet alot of people on line as well as off line.. i would have to say what keeps me here on gor is Master Rangar and Mistress Nightstorm.. and all of MTC family...the learning of new things. the fun and laughter, hard work .  being able to serve and role play.. letting your hair down so to speak.. 

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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2008, 12:57:27 PM »
What brought me to Gor twelve plus years ago, was a curiousity of what this roleplay consisted of.  I'd heard many a time that Gor was just another version of BDsM.  What keeps me coming back-- is that it's anything but. 

For me, Gor is a puzzle that has been consistent only in that it  reconfigures itself with every new lesson learned.  I've hopped around a few homes in my time-- as I reckon most of us have-- and sad to say... in some homes, those lessons stopped pretty early in the game.  Pleased to say I've found a place in MTC where the lessons never end.  And it is the challenge of changing my character, incorporating those lessons learned into the very grain of who I have cultivated my character into being, that keeps Gor as fresh and vivid to me as the day I first entered into it. 
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2008, 03:59:54 PM »
Yeah, I know I'm slow, but I felt like sharing.

My exposure to html chat came after the big bang of IRC and muds of the nineties. I was a quite bored, and intelligent young man who didn't spend alot of time outside. Partially I blame it on being a redhead, as the sun is our enemy. >:(

Sometime in 1996, when I was 16 years old, I found myself on this "normal" chat site called Hotel Chat. The rooms were devised and set up of different areas of this posh hotel. Everything from the bar to the grand hall to the lounge. And oddly enough, every room had it's own clique. I spent a good portion of that year hanging out in one of the rooms, though to this day I can't for the life of me recall which one.

Anyway, word had spread around that there were some wierdos that had taken over one of the rooms that was barely used, called the Couplet. Upon entering this room, one was exposed to practically every aspect of html roleplaying. Except Gor. I still had no clue about that. As a lifelong nerd and gamer, reading comics, playing Dungeons and Dragons, the idea of roleplaying in a free-form atmosphere without the pen and paper was fascinating to me. I spent two and a half years here, forgetting the year I had spent previous with the dull "hey, wanna chat ?" ideals and "a/s/l ?" pickups.

Before long, two years had gone by in this room, I had finished high school, and it was during this time that I was shown the plethora of other sites out there, dealing in particular to the enjoyment of this that one site packed into a single room. Webmaze was the first, if I remember correctly it was an old room in the Realms section. Chatropolis, ChAtlantis, Pairody's Palace, among others. Like other people though, I was exposed to the Vampire stuff first. And I did enjoy it, having a character in almost every major faction before I'd finished. But then it happened. A good friend, who sadly I have lost track of, that first told me about Gor.

She literally dragged me by my ankles, and I have to admit that when first told about the idea of people wanting to be slaves, I had a brow raised. She brought me to a room on Chatropolis called Port Schendi that was run by a man named Lone Wolf. Surprising, because I had been to that site before, hanging out in the Tower and some of the other Vampire rooms. I decided to try it out, needed a major change of pace in terms of roleplaying atmosphere. I decided to bring my Couplet character with me to start out, and before long all the old, good times of Gor were laid out in front of me. It didn't take long at all before I was site hopping, meeting all kinds of new people and learning more and more about this little counter-earth we call home.

Chatropolis seemed a little too spread out for me though, so I came back to Webmaze, and to Thentis, when a man named Hellspont was running it. I met my first true gorean Brother, Raphael there. I wasn't there as long as I would have liked to, but I made some good friends, including Hellspont, so good in fact that he managed to convince me to come and play a character over in Babylon as well.

From there, I went to other places, most of them being on Webmaze, such as Port Kar, Caravans, Akas of Agula, but it seemed like the more I roamed, the more I found myself looking for where I really belonged. As it came to happen, a few years into Gor, during the fun of the old raiding days of Bushido Uji and HFL and MSR, I walked into Tuchuk one day, and before long, I called it's Ubar Brother and shared earth and grass with him. I did not return to call Tuchuk home until many years later, but I'd like to think that I really was a Tuchuk over all that time anyway.

It's been ten years for me, and despite the odd setback and absence, I've never truly left. I've wanted to quit many times myself but I can't bring myself to do it. Though I have called many places home, I'm finally in the one that I should have been from the start. What brought me here ? A good friend I wish I still knew. What keeps me here ? The desire to continue to learn, and enjoy the theme I have grown to love. But more importantly the family and friends that I have and do share it with to this day.
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2008, 10:26:03 AM »
Hoshit, necropost! O:

One day (Today) I was sitting around on Furcadia (Visual text-roleplay game for furries) talking to a friend of mine about how pathetic I was in the regard of roleplay. I adore roleplay, it's a passion of mine, yet.. I don't get to roleplay as much as I'd like.. I'm starting to get the impression that my characters, my fursona and my furry characters all have this generic, run of the mill and bland feel to them.. Or I'm just uninterested to roleplay with. He mentioned Webmaze and I thought I'd give it a try and here I am. Not exactly what I was thinking it was, so I'm not sure I'll stick around though.
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Re: What brings you to Gor?
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2008, 12:18:55 PM »
what brought me to Gor.

Well I have always thought of myself as an underling of Terran & Ambers. they brought me into the RP scene a fews years back in there room DDM. I loved it well as time went on I roleplayed a bit in the continuation of those rooms in the Vamp / Demon Style.. I met aklot of cool people. well as time went on i would hang out with T & A... ( OMG im so using that from now on) and I spotted them as there Gorean characters, and I asked them what they were doing... Amber looked at me and told me what they were doing, and i let it go.. at the time i was the type no powers, mortal characters that blows.. so i didnt get interested in it...

Well in rp we all go through growing pains, or as i think of them.. Alex gets mad and kills everyone time.. and stuff happened so i stopped rping all together.. after some time i mended bridges, including one with Ragnar as i knew him through elsewhere..  So i started rp with T&A in The Mnaor. wel at the time T&A got the news of the bundle of joy Julian. so Amber asked me if I would be interested in going to this thing called the Gathering... thinking at the time it would be one of her last chances to go with the kid on the way, som me being a big softy i said yes. now im thinking why in my right mind would i want to hang out with some arcaic slave having goreans for a week.. boy was i totally wrong.. I had the best time of my life and i met some people that i will hold dearly to me for the rest of my life.. (( case in point  woobie... start sceaming about wanding plans on Raz... il get a better camera)) I even met a tool from wearing a Canada hat and a totaly beautiful women he was with..  As the time went by i was my usual stupid self just havig fun and being me, saying anything i wanted to and not worrying about it and i found myself around kindred spirits, the kind of people you meet and give you the feeling of they are family, but something more all at the same time... i was having a blast but the same question always came up " what character do you play" and i didnt have a character, before meeting all of my new friends i had no clue about anything about gor... i didnt want to. as time went on they kept saying I needed to get a character i would have a blast... (( they regret that now)) So the day came when we went to leave and The Blame Canada Guy and the Beautiful women with him approached me... they asked me If I would Rp there son Wapike.. With Great Honor to the Beautiful women that I call Momma Lilac... I said Yes, I did know that when a Gorean women carries a child and is pregnant it is a full nine months of roleplay and that was a great honor to me that they would ask me in something Momma had to rp out for so long.. so I was Priveledged to play the char....

Now Im an addict of MTC and Tuchuk and i wonder why i was stupid enough to rp in other room besides T & A's  its a blast everyone knows there place and if they dont they DIE and there isnt drama around it.. there is structure and the room his independant... its great and the best room I have ever played in... so thats why.. it all started with a promise to a friend to take her to gathering so that she could see her Poppa, and it really began to being honored with a character from the new Momma..
bye bye!