Again it's summer and ~gasp~ we are having a heat wave (imagine that) and good ol' ConEdison is "unprepared for the surge in power use" (how many times can we say bosk-chit?) and so they have to "cut the power outtage to prevent a blow" and of course, they don't cut the power to Trump Towers. OH HEAVEN'S NO! What would Donny-boy do with the glue for his rug melting and ~gasp~ getting him "icky"?
So, cutting the power outtage means .... no AC's can run and no elevators ~mutters about climbing all those flights of stairs in thick cut-the-air kinda stuff~ and .... that means too hot to run PCs... if they even can turn on... the lights barely glow as it is. So, in order to conserve heat and strength, and keep at least the refrigerator humming .... I'm not attempting the PC ... (thankfully, the laptop was juiced enough to make this post)
We are promised a change in weather come tomorrow... I hope ....
So I won't be in camp for sure tonight ... and amore is camping out upstate with her son at a hotel for the night coz of her health and need for AC ...
~leaves bear prints~
PS. my Cherished? Please feed the kajirae. They tried to all eat me the other day.