Okay a little update on what is going on with us... A week ago saturday, we had a 24-ft trailer literally dropped into our laps... It needs a little TLC, but it's in overall excellent condition... Right now we are staying on a friend's property, it's an old abandoned chicken farm, and as Shoko can tell you, as I have told her a few times, the spiders that are living up against those torn apart chicken house walls are HUGE, but they are beautiful, from a distance... ~laughs~ We have a generator for power, for the time being, maybe running water by the end of the week, but not sure on that... but we can't beat the cost, which is nothing...
Though either at the beginning of September or the middle of that month, we will be moving to a park, as by then, it will have gotten a bit cooler, and the one's who put us on the property, are afraid we are going to freeze to death out there, without any heat, as that is one of the things we have to replace, the furnace...
With all things considered, we are doing really well, found a whole new cache of friends that stem from the good housemate in the old place, as it's his family, and they have been allowing us to come over and use their shower and laundry room, along with feeding us, though that last part makes Ray and I squirm, as we feel like we are overstepping our welcome, though we have both been told that won't happen, and at least we aren't like the one idiot who has done so, and still won't leave... ~chuckles~
I had an interesting birthday, thank you all for the good wishes, those gave me a smile, after the news I got told by my mom and sister, nothing bad, just that my sister got herself a new, well almost new Harley... And a few other things we said to me, to the point that from now on, this year was my last year to have a birthday... ~smirks~
I am at the library, and we are about to head out, I just wanted to drop a line to you all, and maybe soon we will have net, though I am not sure about that right now, at least the generator has lots of power to run the computer, and a few other things for at least 13 hours, gotta love 5000W generators, that friends hand over to you, and don't expect anything but to make sure that it stays running... ~laughs~
I will talk to you all soon, I miss you all muchly....