I have decided, that because the room tends to get too busy, as there are many who come in the room, that novella posts are probably not the best idea for my better interests. Even though people will take the time to read those 20 line posts with little to no complaint, just to see what I am up to, I thought perhaps, to keep the flow of the room steady and continuous, that I would instead post my conflicted and inner emotions to a journal. It is not by far a mandatory read, but if anyone is interested, or perhaps would like to create your own journal for those of your family to read on specific topics...
http://tuchuk-treasure.livejournal.com/I figured this was perhaps a good idea. I will see myself I suppose if I continue to update it, but I at least have finally laid to rest one issue, and it will no longer be part of my roleplay. So yeah, since our blogs on the site are no longer working, I will use this instead.