Author Topic: Just so y'all know, in case you've been wondering  (Read 1662 times)

Offline Kitya

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Just so y'all know, in case you've been wondering
« on: August 15, 2008, 12:35:01 PM »
I don't exist till after the Olympics are done. *sheepish look* I'm addicted to watching them and all the GOOD stuff comes on in the evenings.

Oh, and I found out that kidlets are very crafty at not letting mommies know when they have an owie. Somewhere along the line Kym got a splinter in the palm of her hand.. now.. not a big deal.. if I'd known about it.. but I didn't. So I found it yesterday after lunch, when it had a big white infected ball overtop of it, and red streaks on her palm. I had a friend come over to hold her arm still while she was in the highchair, and I attempted to get the splinter out. I could not. I spent 20 min on that sucker, and I couldn't get it out and Kym was, understandably, pitching a total fit. Sooooo.. I swallowed my pride, and took her to the doctor, who removed it with a really funky knife thingy! Anyway, because she had red infection streaks, she's on antibiotics now. WHY can't they make childrens medicine taste good? I even spent the extra 3 bucks and had them flavour it with cherry flavouring. It still tastes like crap. Fortunately she will take it, which is good. But between that, and her missing her daddy, and a low grade fever, my child has been CUDDLING with me. This is not something she does. EVER. But lately she's been snuggling up in my lap, with her bear and her thumb in her mouth, for half an hour at a time.

So anyways, I'm frazzled, my kidlet isn't feeling good, and I'm addicted to the Olympics. Just figured I'd let y'all know I was still alive.


Offline Fishy!

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Re: Just so y'all know, in case you've been wondering
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2008, 12:33:12 AM »

strangely you know what makes kids always feel better when they are sick? a new something... like a new stuffed animal or a new toy... take her to like a thrift store and spend five bucks on her... they novelty of a new toy will probably wear off about the time that the sickness does...

I swear that this works... im 22 years old and this still works... normally now its something sparkily or something to decorate or paint... but it still works.


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Re: Just so y'all know, in case you've been wondering
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2008, 11:21:35 AM »
Heyas Sis!
Just thought id let ya know i havent been on even keel myself got me ag/f and lost her in the following week but enuff for that lol!
asnyway just lettin u know is okies for ya to be missin from camp and know you are alive still iam too,

Love ya Sis


Offline Kitya

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Re: Just so y'all know, in case you've been wondering
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2008, 01:12:53 PM »
*grin* Shoko, great minds think alike! I got her a dolly when we were at Krogers filling her prescription. I held two out and she picked the one she wanted... the one with the pink dress and white hearts on it... *LOL* naturally. I've actually had to start doing this with her outfits when we go out too.. picking out two, and letting her have the final say... because if she's in a dress or skort mood (which is most of the time) she won't let me put pants on her. VERY opinionated! if she doesn't like the home shirt she has on.. she just takes it off. *lol* Hubby says she's practicing for Girls Gone Wild.

The dolly now sits on the floor most of the time... *chuckles* apparently it doesn't have the cuddle power of her bear and puppydog. they're her security blankets, altho the Marie kitty from Disney's Aristocats that we got her right before Hubby left has AMAZING cuddlepower and goes to sleep with her.  Eeyore, not as much.. but that's ok, since I love the Eeyore. *lol* He spends most of the time in the "Kym Cave" behind the recliner. *laughs* She has a pillow back there, some of her favorite toys, and often a snack bowl and a sippy cup. About once a week I pull the recliner out so I can put all the toys away and collect snack bowls and sippy cups. *chuckles* ahhh well. Mom says I did the same thing.
