Howdy -
I know I've been absent - As has Savage. Well - Here's an update. Savage and I have been talking with a couple of our Gorean friends in real life. With the way financial things have been we knew we needed to do something. So here it is - Savage has moved in with Kumar and Kumar has sent one of our dearest friends (she's gonna kill me for forgetting her name again
) to live with me.
So this means that I'll be able to make rent with her and Kumar is better able to assist Savage in getting around since his health is getting worse.
The thing is though - I need to know if she's welcome in MTC? She wants to come, but hey, I'm not even full Tuchuk myself, Family, so what is it you guys think? Care for another wild blooded beauty to join you? She's migrating from a geocity site of Kataii.
- V's Typist