Author Topic: A decent read and insight  (Read 1381 times)

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A decent read and insight
« on: August 23, 2008, 06:48:01 PM »
I wanted to give a few of you a blast from the past, especially my True.

Some of you new people, pay attention.

This was a select excerpt from quite a few years ago when Tuchuk was very young, as was it's daring Ubar!

Let's see if my True can remember this incident.

Gor's Babies

I sat in two rooms the other night and watched the role-play there. Now, I'm not saying that I role-play better than anyone, I just watched and now have something to say about it. Now, what I am about to say I have seen in many people on Gor. Not just these idiots who claim they are Gorean. Out of boredom I decided to visit a room where I saw a few familiar names. When I arrived, the gatekeeper there looked from the other side of the gate and asked for me to state my business, so I did, in my normal manner, smartass-like. "None of Yours" was my response, which in truth it was. Now, I acknowledged the fact that I was not in their encampment, but on the outside of the gates that were closed and locked. No problem there, so I continued to have a conversation with those also outside. But, what is this? He asks me again state my business and then resorts to Urthen name calling in slang, like a child. Once again, I told him the same and again continued my conversation trying to find out why a Clan Brother was in there bargaining for a FW's life, till I was told to leave if I don't state my business. Who is this young puppy of a Rarius to not Understand that I could pose no threat with the gates closed and locked and Myself on one side and him on the other. "Knock, Knock....excuse me....Hello....anyone home upstairs? No, I did not think so."

Needless to say I proceeded with my conversation till a Brother of that Camp came and acknowledged that I was alright. Unfortunately, that did not stomp the barrage of childish rantings coming from His delusional temper tantrum. Straight to Urthen street slang did he turn. I was tempted to turn to Online Gorean just to help His mental discomfort as he paused to try and think of something new and I could "see" the pain on His face. I said my goodbyes to the Brother that resided there and to the individual I was talking with...smiled at the "Child who would be Man" and left.

Now, I left with my Ubar when he came to see if I needed back up, which of course he knew I didn't but just wanted to watch the massacre if I got riled up. Ever see a Tuchuk Weapons Master/Dark Brother/Holy Warrior-Terror get pissed? Neither have I. I have only gotten upset, note upset, once. When a camp of Panthers (6 in number) tried to kolar me. Note, I am still free and all but one are in kolars to this day. Even that one that is free does not cross me, unless she doesn't want the use of her last hand...*grins* Alas, I digress once again. As I was saying, I went back to my camp, my home and talked a few things over with my Ubar till he left for sleep. At that time, I received a message that there was trouble brewing in another Tuchuk camp, so I ventured forth to take a gander and evaluate the situation to determine if my assistance was needed either to help in the fight or judge it.

Upon my arrival, who did I see? Low and behold, the Young pup of a Gatekeeper and my Brother from that home prior. Now that Brother was there trying to force the hand of the Ubar into a death spar. The Ubar agreed as long as terms were met, being that if either of them were killed, that one would leave permanently. Yes, I said permanently from Gor, i.e. never to return, even under another name. Seemed reasonable to me seeing that that particular Ubar had busted His ass to build that room and help promote the site and even sat on various councils to help establish the Webmaze Raiding Guidelines. Time and effort went into that room and I should know for I was there to help. All this he put on the line, and to what honor did the Brother from the prior camp give in he only gave, oh yes, this is coming, a barrage of childish insults. Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, he went so low as to call that Ubar and that Camp Disney when the Ubar decided none of His camp would visit that range of mountains where the two lived and that that whole encampment were now non-existent to them. Is that impossible? No I say for the Ubar's word is law. Now he might not be able to make the actual camp disappear, aside from the norm of raiding, massacring, looting, and setting fire to the whole camp thing, but like the disowning of whelps, one can say they are no longer of the living and will be ignored when present. Is that so hard to understand? No, and it is practiced in many camps/cities. As if they needed a translator, for some reason they could not fathom why the Ubar was now not going to spar. See, its just like a bet, if I die, well then I stand to lose multitudes of things I have worked my life to attain, so if I am to give up that which I like, then by hoolies, so should You. Seeing that after the insults were thrown to the Ubar and those of that camp, they were asked to leave, but again, there must have been an abundance of wax buildup in their ears that distorted the sounds of "Now, please leave" to "Now, please laugh" for that is what they did, laugh and hurl some more mud around (roughly translated for the ignorant, more insults). What else could be done? They were told numerous times to leave, they did not, so they were booted. Naturally.

Can you imagine that it did not stop there? I received a Q message of how mad that Brother was to be booted, calling the Ubar a coward and Disney. My response? Did I have one of like manner? No, all I could say was that His view was noted, though how does it look when in the room One throws a tantrum and then a barrage of childlike tantrums with insults cast about like it was candy. Remember Honor above all...How much honor did he show in all of that? Lowering Himself to common rash behavior like that did do wonders to the validity of His argument, which is now forgotten.

My point to all this in relation to the title? How much respect do you think you will get when you don't get your way and you cry, bitch, insult, resort to name calling, and whine like a baby? Do you think you will be taken seriously? Or there will be a consensus to agree with your thoughts, words or actions? Hoolies no. I say this...before you think your the Gorean bad-ass, the fear of Gor, or whatever power that be on Gor for a nickname, just remember, your name doesn't mean squat. It's just there to protect you from getting killed and booted as an observer or anonymous. Use common sense, if you have any, and act with some semblance of intelligence and others will hear you and heed your words or take it into consideration, at the least they will listen to you before putting you on ignore. Remember, you build the character, you build the reputation, be it good or bad, you are responsible for your own tread softly and learn and survive, for somewhere out there, there is always someone bigger and badder than you are and will stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry...or in my famous words that my girl raine laughs at so much..."fuck your shit up".


Offline RAGNAR

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Re: A decent read and insight
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 07:28:14 PM »


Offline Kitya

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Re: A decent read and insight
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 09:10:31 PM »
Wow... I likes it. *grin* That must have happened before I came back to Tuchuk, since I don't remember it, but I can see it happen, as I have seen so many incidents that are so very similar thru the 10 or 11 years that I have been in Gor. (holy crap have I been around THAT long?!?!)

So many people just don't get anymore that respect is earned... not something you just get to take for granted. I have been fortunate that I have been respected in ...almost... every place I have lived (there was that horrible nightmare of Brundisium that we don't talk about... *chuckles*). I'd like to think that I have worked hard to earn that respect, and I know in the last 2 years I haven't been around as much as I would have liked to have been. RT has had to become more of a priority, and I feel bad that I am not around. I feel bad that when I do get time to come in, there are new faces that I have never met, and that they know nothing about me, and I know nothing about them, other than what I read on the boards. I know that these new faces don't have a whole lot of respect for me, but then, why should they? They don't know me, I haven't earned that respect from them yet. They respect my title, but that's it, and that's all I can expect. I realize that, and I accept it, albeit, not happily, since I know the shortcoming is my own.

I'm rambling now... I guess what I got out of that step back in time is the reminder to always work at being respectful, and to be worthy of others respect.

Kitya the tired rambling typist.

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Re: A decent read and insight
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 08:11:09 AM »
Master thank You for sharing that... *Smiles*

leaves hugs and kisses

da flame
I won't promise to be your friend forever, because I won't live that long. But let me be your friend as long as I live.


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Re: A decent read and insight
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 09:50:51 AM »
-listens and smiles- Wonderful Insight Master Handsome, thank you for sharing..this.. and so much more...

Offline Fishy!

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Re: A decent read and insight
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 03:03:32 PM »
Ive heard about this before.... interesting to hear it from your side of the fence!