Author Topic: Where I have been  (Read 19906 times)

Offline Alex

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Where I have been
« on: September 11, 2008, 10:22:05 AM »
just wanted to tell everyone, I havnt been online lately as I just got a new dog. I named Him Damien.  He was Dumped by some asshats and apparently beaten alot b/c he is scared to death of anyone when he first meets them. But hes a great dog and I just have to take some time and put some effort into it and he is coming around... he only wines about 30 minutes a night now when I put him outside and not the usual hour... Thanks all.. Later Wapike/ Alex
bye bye!


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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2008, 03:06:54 PM »
congratulations... lots of love.. all of us stop whining after awhile.. -winks-

Offline dilshad{property of Tira}

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2008, 03:08:57 PM »
understandable and comendable.. best of luck can not grasp it.
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Offline Shylina Marie

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 04:22:16 PM »
Knows what you are going through... I acquired a dog thursday from the elderly couple across the street.. They said they found him at a flea market...just wandering.. He was outside their house in direct sun under a tree in a cage you would only keep a hen in when you have her sitting eggs.   flea ridden, hungry.. starved for attention and love.. He's making progress... doesn't whine..and is already starting basic obedience.  estimated about 8 weeks old.  hang in there.. but don't let him go too long before you start your work with him..

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Dragon.  for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Offline prism {*RgR*1*}

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2008, 03:25:07 AM »
why would anyone buy fleas?

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders & says...

'Oh shit....she's awake!!'


Offline Shylina Marie

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2008, 05:34:50 AM »
I know. its the weirdest thing......... LOL..... will post pictures of Keko later.

Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Dragon.  for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Offline Alex

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2008, 09:20:29 AM »

ive been working with him, hes a shit head just like me is the problem... and ive still to break him of wanting to be by myside at everywaking moment im home.... thats going to be a difficult one.. i hate whining dogs so yeh it will be interesring
bye bye!

Offline Amber

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2008, 10:01:42 AM »
You need a better picture yo.  He looks like an ant eater...What kinda dog is he?  Cause he looks like one of those weiner dogs. -blinks- Hey!  Then he really is like you! -scrams-

Offline Alex

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2008, 01:22:18 PM »
scratches head as i just got done giving him a flea bath... hes a black lab and just a puppy from the size of the paws.. and i would take a better picuture but the shithead wont stay still long enough... looks to him while he eats a pig ear... yeh ill try for the better pic.. later alex
bye bye!

Offline Lilac

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2008, 03:55:32 PM »
he's a puppy, dey aint suppose to sit still.. am proud of you though.. -hugs-
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Offline Alex

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2008, 09:24:27 PM »

there ya go fresh off his flea bath and everything..

and thanks momma
bye bye!

Offline Shylina Marie

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2008, 09:42:15 AM »
black lab mix.... because I am questioning the size and shape of those ears and the length of the muzzle and unfortunately I can see the bite span.. something there speaks doberman or possibly dalmation. pig ears are good. just do not give rawhides... because rawhide doesn't bode well in the digestive track on a puppy.. the needing to be close all the time is normal. because of the trauma.. that will fade as his confidence that he has a home and is safe.   keko is going through the same things...even to the point of having stolen my shorts, Nicks underware, and possums jeans to sleep on....its called imprinting... try wearing an old shirt something you don't wear all the time and give it to him after its been on your body for at least 4 hours.. its a comfort technique so that they know your scent and print to it.  dogs live their lives in 15 minute intervals... thats why if you go to the store and are only gone an hour they are thrilled as hell to see you...anyways.. good luck with that.... take care.
Never Meddle in the Affairs of a Dragon.  for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

Offline Alex

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2008, 12:47:01 PM »
black lab mix.... because I am questioning the size and shape of those ears and the length of the muzzle and unfortunately I can see the bite span.. something there speaks doberman or possibly dalmation. pig ears are good. just do not give rawhides... because rawhide doesn't bode well in the digestive track on a puppy.. the needing to be close all the time is normal. because of the trauma.. that will fade as his confidence that he has a home and is safe.   keko is going through the same things...even to the point of having stolen my shorts, Nicks underware, and possums jeans to sleep on....its called imprinting... try wearing an old shirt something you don't wear all the time and give it to him after its been on your body for at least 4 hours.. its a comfort technique so that they know your scent and print to it.  dogs live their lives in 15 minute intervals... thats why if you go to the store and are only gone an hour they are thrilled as hell to see you...anyways.. good luck with that.... take care.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH.. he loves pig ears by the way, and I will have to say i think its Doberman, he got mad just now for something he saw and the hair on his back stood straight up and he seems to have quite the protective and mean streek ... Hes an waesome dog and i think he will get a little bigger he trys to steel anything he can get his little jaws on which is funny in itself... and thank you for the advice... now i just have to get him used to staying outside... he loves being inside with me.. so thanks again... its very much appreciated...
bye bye!

Offline Alex

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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2008, 08:48:39 PM »
Well Thanks Every One for the support and helpfull hints. But I wont need them anymore... I came home tonight after bowling and he got hit by a car or truck... :-( He had a good life, I am still shocked at the moment as I will definately miss him alot... I finally figured out what kind of dog he was... He was Black Lab and Bird Dog as last night I was outside having a beer with a friend and he lifted his left paw and straitened completely out and his tail went straight as well so I at least got to find that out... he was finally playful and loving , he was shy around strangers anymore... and he was completely lovable.. he had made a complete 180.. Im sorry i couldnt give him a better life and keep him protected.. later all

bye bye!


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Re: Where I have been
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2008, 10:37:30 PM »
-frowns softly- sorry to hear that Master... makes me very sad... there are many animals whom need homes though.. don't let this deter you from finding a pet in need of a owner...sniffs...