Oh yes...I got the pink slip. Thanks, I needed the tp. Im glad you like the office, it was too small for me. Bad dreams? *quirks a brow* But I like bad dreams. You have my lunchbox by the dumpster? Why? There is more food in the dumpster.
Oh, yes, HR...Human Resources...uhm...you work for the Board of Directors...They cant call for my resignation nor firing, see, they happen to be incapacitated, or is that decapitated? Oh bother. Due to the current economy, this firm is downsizing and of course with the lack in sizeable worker force, well, human resources arent really needed. Too much money being applied to HR when, Heaven, you are HR! Human Resources...so, Im sending you and your staff where it will do much better...with the Humans. Up there.
The UnHoly One
ps...There is a new position opened up with the downsizing of Human Resources, it is now MR...Minionette Resources. All the males ie, normal minions, your services are not longer required, you can go with HR.
pps...I have strawbaby poptarts, cookies, oreos, paddles, rope, and an infinite supply of....bubbles!
ppps...I also have cute baby girl...