Since I, as a player, used to be big enough to blot out the sun and made jokes about it. I think some ragging out of love is good for the blood.
This is a convo between me and Furaan's player.
Hunter says:
Read the thread about bitsy btw
Wolfie says:
did you add to it?
Hunter says:
No, I'm afraid to. LOL Cuz, mine are horrid
Hunter says:
Want to hear them?
Wolfie says:
*LOL* add to it... go ahead!
Hunter says:
I'll tell you a couple lol
Wolfie says:
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so fat if she stepped on an urthen scale it would say, "To be continued." Bitsy is so big that she plays hopscotch like, "Tuchuk.....Ven...Tyros...Tetropli...Earth.."
Wolfie says:
*LOL*.. oh gawd
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that people jog around her for exercise
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that if she stepped on an urthen scale, it'd say "No livestock please."
Wolfie says:
*coughs and chokes*
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that I had to take three kaiila, and a tarn to get to her GOOD side
Wolfie says:
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that they use her belt to measure earths equator
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that if she went to earth, they'd baptize her in SeaWorld
Wolfie says:
the last person to have sex with her is still missing...
Hunter says:
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that NASA orbits satellites around her
Wolfie says:
oh... thats a good one
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that she has her own area code on earth
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that she has to wake up in sections
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that she didn't ride on Noah's Ark, she WAS Noah's ark
Wolfie says:
the last time she got hit on it was when she was swimming in Thassa...... but a whale...
Hunter says:
Wolfie says:
her kaijira outfits are made by the local tent maker..
Hunter says:
LOL. The local tent maker went out of business because he used all his frabric on her curla
Hunter says:
Forget teabagging. When you have bitsy in bed, she has you brewed before the toast even pops
Wolfie says:
*LOL* her dance pole has to be a live tree so that it doesn't pull out of the ground.
Wolfie says:
OMG!!! *LOL*
Hunter says:
Hunter says:
-eyeshift- If you post this convo to the thread, I may die of laughter.....and possibly embarrassment if Bitsy is someone's character
Wolfie says:
She is kind of like an NPC someone plays every now and again as a joke.
Hunter says:
Ah. Good. LOL
Hunter says:
Wolfie says:
she lumbered after Furaan once...
Hunter says:
What happened? lol
Wolfie says:
I told made like I was being all charming.. covering her witj compament, told her to close her eyes because I have somethign "big" for her.... then ran like I had a hot stove poker in my ass.
Hunter says:
Wolfie says:
he he he...
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that when she visited Earth, she climbed in the Grand Canyon and got stuck
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, she uses an urthern toilet brush to clean her belly button
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, she puts on lipstick with an urthen paintroller
Wolfie says:
Bitsy is so big that in times of lean you can scrap her back for cheesy and butter...
Hunter says:
Wolfie says:
damn.. that almost made me sick...
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, she has to use wagon wheels to hold up urthern socks
Hunter says:
What did?
Wolfie says:
my last one
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that after sex, she rolls over and smokes a bosk.
Hunter says:
Your last one was funny lol
Hunter says:
Bitsy is so big, that if she died, they wouldn't use a casket. They'd need a Ubar's wagon lol
Wolfie says:
*LOL* FUCK! now thats a good one.
Wolfie says:
you need to post these.