The ubar went on a rampage this evening, cleaving, impaling, chopping and drowning any slave who was found to be lazing around, or calling him Sir. 2 thralls were impaled on temwood poles near the kennel wagons for ALL slaves to view, as well as a kajira who was found to be lazing around. Two kajira were killed in the commissary wagon for being lazy. Many more kajira were dead in the kennel wagon. Laziness, mouthiness, and all together being unpleasing to ANY Free will no longer be tolerated. If you are told once, that is all the warning you get. If you are trying hard, it is known, but if you just are not trying, or not listening, you can kiss your ass goodbye.
As per the Ubar:
Double food rations and good non-intoxicating drink for our good slaves. They may also have tarts, sweets whatever may be available. To the others... a warning.