How To Become A WEBMAZE® Combat Judge



Becoming a Judge



To start with, why is an authorization needed?


There are so many Systems in use with varying differences, even if small, that can have a bearing on the outcome of a fight.


It is not unknown for dishonor to raise its ugly head when judging a fight, changing the otherwise staight forward outcome to a fight due to friendships, personal dislikes or feelings towards one of the Combatants.


What becoming authorized does, is show you have a good understanding of WEBMAZE® Combat in its various forms and can judge according to our Rules.


It allows the existing judges to see your ability to judge by our Rules, and offer assistance if needed.


It is not even unheard of to try to harm a room or site by dishonorable means in unfairly judging a fight just to be rid of the room Leader.


So to become a WEBMAZE® Judge, submit your request to any of the existing judges so it may be discussed among them. Include your past characters (if any) and become transparent just as your judgments will be transparent for everyone to see.


If you are a problem person, your Honor brought into question in judging (Now this is subject to the Judges determination. Nobody likes to lose, and tempers flare, and usually the first thing out of someone's mouth is a blast against the Judge's Honor. This is not what we are looking at. We look into judgment history and see for ourselves and exchange this information. Views will differ. But blatant attempts or success in awarding a win where it was not earned is wrong any way you slice it.)


If you are found not to be honorable enough to judge, you will be quietly notified of the decision and you may seek to judge elsewhere without hard feelings, and may apply again at a later date after cleaning up your act. We will not broadcast this decion all over Gor. Why would you? Accept it and move on.



Once you apply, you will be given some scripts of fights from any sources available whether on Maze or not, to judge by WEBMAZE® Rules and standards. Judge them, and post your results to one of our existing Judges through the IM feature on the message board. In turn, it will be posted to the Judge's Board and looked over by the existing Judges. You judge the fight, the Judges judge your views and calls.


This should normally not take more then three fights judged to give us an idea if you grasp it all or if you need work. The offered critique from existing Judges usually can get you on track pretty quick.


Meet with the Judges panel when notified in private and answer any remaining questions put to you. Then your authorization is discussed and judgment rendered, to which you will be quietly notified.


Then you are a WEBMAZE® Combat Judge, or you are not.




It is simpler than it sounds, and the most time eating requirement is your own judgng of the fights you are given. Is it worth judging a few fights? Only you can answer that.



Room Leaders on WEBMAZE® will automatically be granted judgment rights within their own rooms. They will more than likely get plenty of judging opportunity judging spars, and reading the Judge's board(s).


It would not be unusual for a Judge to have a specialty, be it the old (defunct) Combat systems if they choose to use those in their rooms... Open Combat... Torvie Specific Two Man Combat... etc. It would be expected that all Judges can judge each WEBMAZE® Combat Type, but specialties can exist. It also makes it easier for those selecting Judges, as well as the Judges themselves to not be forced to judge every combat that comes along.



The most important aspect to uphold aside from being good at judging, is MAINTAIN YOUR HONOR IN DOING SO!!!!!


If for whatever reason you are unable to render a fair impartial judgment, decline to Judge. It is not worth risking your Honor if you feel it too difficult or you are too close to the Combatant(s). None will think any less of you for doing so, as it is the Honorable thing to do.



In a nutshell, learn the WEBMAZE® Combat Systems, be Honorable in your judgments, and be an example for all of Gor to see and recognize.