Gorean Role Play



This is a Role Play Section focusing on the Novels penned by John Norman. It is a Counter-earth where Men Rule and disputes are often settled violently. Keep the disputes within the bounds of role play. There is no room for out of character issues here.


If you unable to refrain from acting the fool, stay out. It is seldom welcomed in this section.


Passions run high here. Expect it!


Keep ghosting in rooms to a minimum.


No Av's, posts or text that promotes racism, religious or sexist bigotry shall be permitted in rooms.


Avatar sizes are limited to 600 pixels in height and width unless otherwise specified on the entry. This is also left to the descretion of the Room Leader in most cases. There may be other requirements posted on each rooms entry. BE SURE TO READ THE ENTRY PAGE.


No Java Scripts posted in rooms will be permitted.


No name calling, or posting personal information about a chatter shall be permitted unless it direction involves or includes you!


No single digit chat names, such as periods, questions marks or single numbers shall be used in rooms. Room names of some sort are strongly suggested in this area. Some rooms will only give one warning. It is respectable to choose some sort of name in which you can be welcomed and addressed.


No html codes shall be posted that disrupts the room or chatters in anyway.


No OOC arguing in public shall be permitted which is disruptive to the room.


No OOC harassing of chatters shall be permitted.


No OOC threats against another chatter or Mod shall be permitted.


It is the responsibility of the chatter to read the front doors before entering the rooms. Some rooms may have additional guidelines. Posting of other chat site addresses in public or any chatter trying to lure other chatters to another chat site in public is prohibited. Special announcements or events are the exception as the Gorean community is close despite the violent nature of the section.


This is a Role Play based section so out of character (OOC) remarks be kept to a minimum or taken to private whisper on the pulldown list.


Explicit sexual role play is to be expected unless otherwise specified on the room entry.


Your conduct is expected to be that of a responsible adult.


No means no! Though it is discouraged, you can not be forced to do anything in this section you absolutely refuse to do. You may NOT be forced to role play with anyone even in this section called Gor. Everyone has their limits, and to a large degree they should be respected. This seldom is a matter of role playing according to the books. This comes down to being forced by ridicule, harassment, etc, to be forced to play against your will. If this is the case, politely decline the role play, and ignore the offender. Send a complaint to RAGNAR and the matter will be investigated. This does not mean that the complaint will be found justified. This IS Gor, but none will be forced to role play any situation, or with any chatter(s) that create an obstacle to enjoying Gor. In keeping with the books, sometimes bad things happen. Keep this in mind.



Gorean Message Board Guidelines



The WEBMAZE Gorean message board, like all message boards at WEBMAZE, is not restricted to members only. The Gorean section shall be kept to reasonable discourse given the setting. All are free to post on this board as long as it is done with mutual respect. This board is an extension of WEBMAZE services for those who chat in the Gorean section.


The following guidelines apply to use of the WEBMAZE Gorean section message board:


Usual WEBMAZE policies with regards to child pornography, racism, bestiality, hate speech and privacy apply.


No name calling, No arguing, No harassing, No threats against another chatter or Mod shall be permitted. Your post will be deleted. It is understood that doing so within the bounds of character role play does take place.


Any post containing sexual contents will also be deleted.


Any post that supplies confidential information on another party will be removed: this includes IP's, ICQ numbers, e-mail addresses and anything that discusses another's personal life unless it is your own or involves you!


Keep room transcripts to a minimum please. If you have an event you need to share with others, it is prefered you put it up on a page and post the URL on the wall, not three miles of room posts. Excessive Room logs will be deleted. It is understood that given the gene, some are tolerated. IE Combat, collarings, etc.


Use of anonymous aliases: Posting opinions, especially if they are directed to an individual or group, to the wall under any anon names, such as 'one who knows', 'me', 'wondering', etc... will result in the post being deleted. All opinion posts will be deleted unless they are signed. Anon postings will be tolerated so long as they are limited to questions, announcements, neutral information and such.


Posting of other chat site addresses in public or any chatter trying to lure other chatters to another chat site in public is prohibited. Announcements or events are looked at on a case by case basis.


Complaints will not be handled publicly on the board, if you have any complaints about another chatter or mod, you can send a private message on the boards to RAGNAR


1st Amendment Rights

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


If you notice it says Congress (Government) will make no laws, it says nothing about private companies. The courts have ruled the 1st Amendment does not apply to private companies, and companies have the right to regulate their content, and can be in some cases held liable if not done so. If you look down at the bottom of each page, it says copy righted by Webmaze, which means contents belonging and regulated by Webmaze, not the government. So Webmaze has the right regulate the content of the boards.







If any chatter has a complaint against another chatter or mod, send your complaints to RAGNAR. All complaints will be investigated and answered.


All Mod's name will be in red and Staff Member's names will be in colors depicting their position. If you need the assistance of a mod in a room or you have a question go to the Users Online page and find a Mod or Staff Member in another room. If you need to contact a Mod, go to the contact page.



Hope you enjoy your time here at WEBMAZE.