WEBMAZE® Gor Petitioning Room Application



Welcome to WEBMAZE® Gor



Tal and welcome to WEBMAZE®. This Guide was prepared to better assist you in successfully opening a room in WEBMAZE® Gor. We of the Leader Council have always striven to maintain quality in our section. We do try to follow the books yet still be able to be welcoming to both the advanced Goreans as well as being newbie friendly as much as possible.


We do expect room Leaders to be as active as possible on both the Leader boards as well as in the actual Council meetings. We do realize there will come times when this is simply not possible due to various rt reasons. Yet we do expect a conscious effort on your part to meet the expectations of an active room Leader on Council.



Things To Know Up Front


Observers and Visitors are permitted in our rooms. They may opt to use the traditional ~o~ to designate them as an observer or a reasonable substitute that clearly defines them as such. So long as the observe they are not to be harassed or even demanded to take a name. Politely requesting they use some sort of name is allowed, since it makes it easier to direct posts to them as individuals. "Get a name." does NOT qualify as being polite. Observers will not be booted from a room for simply observing.


Just because you become a room Leader does not mean you will automatically receive moderator status. WEBMAZE® Gor has adopted a policy for mods based upon room size and chat activity.Granted, normally the Room Leader is the usual option we go with, but there are other aspects to consider. We wish someone that is available most often, someone who fully comprehends what the needs of the site are as well as the room, and someone with whom Staff can approach and speak with in comfort for both parties, among others.


As a petitioning room Leader you will be expected to purchase a paid membership and maintain your membership in order to maintain your room and Leader status. (Not required until further notice.)


WEBMAZE® Gor already has set guidelines regarding role play activities such as combat and travel (which are both negotiable at this time) as well as others. It is expected you abide these guidelines and rules as well as accept the way things are done here. This is not to say that you may not offer possible suggestions to improve WEBMAZE® Gor. In fact suggestions and ideas are welcome. Simply follow proper procedure and handle it through the Leader Council or RAGNAR.


This is by no means an all inclusive list of things to know up front, but it does give you an idea of what to expect.




Preparing to Petition



The very first step in petitioning for a room is to know what room concept you are intending to use. Is it a Wagon Camp, a City, a Tavern, a Caravan, etc.? Will you attempt a mirror room when one already exists? Often there are ways to work around mirror rooms without changing the style or flavor of the room itself.


Once you have decided on the concept, know as much as possible about the concept. Be dedicated and tenacious in pursuit of your vision of what may come into being.


Prepare a webpage(s) specifically relating to your room concept. Please do not supply the Council with numerous pages of general Gorean knowledge. The Leaders know these things already. We are more interested in how these apply to your room. So please be accurate and descriptive in how you will run your room. You may add the general Gorean knowledge to your actual room webpages at a later date.


Gather others who may share your vision and wish to support you and your room. This is your core group. Be selective in deciding who your core group will be. These are the people who will be the foundation your room is built upon. They may be free Men or Women or even slaves so long as they are dedicated and can be relied upon to assist you.


Prepare a brief entry page text describing your room to be used if you are granted a room. Keep it simple! Remember that not everyone looking into your room will be experienced veterans of Gor. Gear it so even newbies can grasp an understanding of it. Newbies will likely not understand Savage terminology, what a kajirus or kajira is, what harta means, etc. If they like what they see they will learn soon enough through rp and study.


If you wish to do so you may feel free to contact any WEBMAZE® Gor room Leader and request assistance or even a simple opinion. Any room Leader in WEBMAZE® Gor should be willing to assist with your needs if at all possible. Listen to what they say and decide for yourself whether or not what they have offered is right for you and your home. You may also feel free to contact RAGNAR.


Register on the WEBMAZE® Message Board! We use the Message Board for our primary means of communications since email is not reliable because of spam. Please check often for messages.




Petitioning For A Room



Once you have everything organized and polished, send RAGNAR an IM through the WEBMAZE® Boards and include in the subject line "Gorean Room Petition". In the body of the IM be sure to give a brief description of your room, the text you created for your entry should work very well for this purpose. Be sure to include the link to your room specific webpage you created. RAGNAR will then look over your proposal and if it falls in line with what the Gorean section and Leaders have been striving for the petition will be passed on to Council for review and discussion. Watch for a reply from RAGNAR via the message board IM system.




Presentation Process



If your room petition is found to be within WEBMAZE® admin guidelines for processing, the information you have provided will be presented to the Gorean Leader Council for discussion. You will be given access to a thread on the WEBMAZE® Message Board where you may respond to questions and comments from members of the Leader Council. This is your written presentation aspect where your room rules come under scrutiny and how well your room falls within the guidelines for room operations in the Gorean section.


Once the written presentation aspect is finished on the Message Board a Council Meeting will be set up where you will get to face the members of the Leader Council as well as WEBMAZE® Admin. This is your opportunity to verbally address the Council and WEBMAZE® Admin. Questions and comments will be exchanged at this time so it is imperative you know the details regarding your room and the Gorean aspects relating to it. When this question and answer session has ended you will be asked to leave the Council room while the matter is discussed and recommendations are made to Admin.


Now the matter rests entirely in the hands of WEBMAZE® Administration to act as it sees fit based upon the recommendations of each Council Member. Do make note, this is not a total Council decision. The Leader Council acts only in an advisory and recommendation capacity. WEBMAZE® Admin may choose to abide the Council's recommendation or base their decision strictly upon their own judgement.


Usually you will receive the answer to your room petition that night, or at the latest usually by the next day. We do ask that you understand that all of the Staff here do also have real time commitments and at times these may cause this process to be extended to a few days at the most. We do thank you for keeping this in mind.


*Please note; This is not all inclusive of the process. Many factors are considered and at times the process may be expedited or slowed depending on these factors. This is however a basic guide regarding what you will be dealing with during the room petitioning process. It may seem like a great deal to contend with at first glance but it is a very simple process if looked at in basic context.


Be aware of the policies WEBMAZE® Gor requires.


Prepare your room concept and know what you are presenting for consideration.


Register on the WEBMAZE® Message Board if you are not currently registered.


Notify RAGNAR if you wish to open a room, using the Message Board IM system.


You will receive a reply informing you where to locate the Message Board Area for the written presentation and inquiries.


Attend a scheduled meeting in the Council room for the "verbal" presentation and inquiries.


Receive notification of the result of your room petition. Then you will either receive your room or you will not.




Welcome to WEBMAZE® Gor and Good Luck!