Italics: The command "<i>" begins italics, and the command "</i>" ends them


He winked from across the room.


Bold: The command "<b>" begins bold, and the command "</b>" ends it.


He wiggled his eyebrows.


Font Choices: In order for a font to be viewed by another user in the chatrooms, that user must have that particular font installed on their own computer. Obscure fonts will not be seen and will revert to the user's default (usually Times New Roman). Common fonts are Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, MS Sans Serif and Century Gothic.


<font face="verdana"> This is the font Verdana.</font>


<font face="Arial"> This is the font Arial. </font>


<font face="verdana" size="1"> This is really small font Verdana.<.</font>


<font face="Arial" size="3"> This is pretty big font Arial.</font>


This is the <br> break symbol. It creates a single line break.<br><br>


Use it sparingly. They do add up!


Displaying Images:


<img src="http://www.webmaze.com/memberpages/ragnar/wilbur.gif">


Centering: <center> Starts the command for centering text, </center> ends it.



He scratched his head because he still has no clue of HTML. *sighs*