Welcome to the WEBMAZE® Team



I am looking forward to working with you, and appreciate your support of WEBMAZE® .


Relax and take a few to check this out before setting up a time with me to get your boots.


Hopefully this will help with some of your initial questions.


Contact information is necessary. If you do not have this ask for it. You will need to be able to get in touch with me for assistance, as well as to inform you of situations requiring moderator attention.






WEBMAZE® Loyalty



As a moderator and a host, one of your primary responsibilities is to promote and help build the growth of WEBMAZE® as a whole, and in particular, your own section and room. Because of this, Buddha and RAGNAR feel it would be a conflict of interest for you to assume the same responsibilities by taking a Moderator position at another site. While we certainly realize that every person on WEBMAZE® , moderators included, will have friends and interests outside of their own rooms here, we do believe that you are making a commitment to make this effort for WEBMAZE® . As much as you might try to balance it, if you are committed to building two different sites, especially when those sites would be in competition with each other, you will not be able to meet the commitment to either. As a result of this, it will be the policy for WEBMAZE® Moderators to not hold a moderator position on another site as well. This in no way limits you from being able to spend time in another room, whether on WEBMAZE® or on another site, just to concentrate your site building and support to WEBMAZE® .


WEBMAZEŽ is your site, and the room you are assigned to is YOUR home. The tone and atmosphere in that home will be set by you. Your presence in it will contribute toward its success. First-timers to the room are much more likely to stay, and return if they are greeted pleasantly. For this reason, Buddha has asked all his mods to be friendly and accessible, and greet people by name as they walk in. Obviously there may be times when you cannot do this, and perhaps you can make arrangements with your co-mod in the room to take turns greeting newcomers. Interestingly enough, once you start doing it, the rest of your regulars will catch on and do it as well.


We also recognize that, in role play rooms, it may not be appropriate to "know" someone you have never "met" in character but, even in those situations, an acknowledgement of some form, within appropriate role play, goes a long way towards maintaining the reputation of both WEBMAZE® and of your own home.


It is expected that you will spend the majority of your chat time in your room, working on developing it. We all recognize, though, that friendships are widespread over the site and, of course, that you will be visiting other rooms as well. Just keep your room as your priority.



Primary Objectives



Unlike some chat sites, one of the primary goals Buddha had when he established WEBMAZE® was a chat site built on the welcoming atmosphere from everyone involved. The Moderators job is seen a little differently here than at many sites where Moderators are a type of "cyber cop" who look for trouble, then take action. Here, our primary function is as host for WEBMAZE® . That means welcoming chatters to your room, offering assistance if needed, and basically helping to create and maintain a pleasant chat atmosphere for all chatters. One important thing to remember is that this does not mean you have the authority to remove unwanted observers from the room. Buddha has established a policy, which allows basically any person to observe in any room at WEBMAZE® , free from hassle of any kind. In many cases, such observers will not use a name, instead using an anonymous choice, such as the default entry name for the room, or some variation. By Buddha's policy, this person may be asked politely to take a name, and to join into the conversation/roleplay, but there is no rule requiring they do so. This request will be made in a polite and welcoming manner. If the person chooses to remain anonymous, they are to be left alone and allowed to observe in peace. The limitation placed upon an anonymous person is that they are not permitted to openly interact, with the exception of responding to greetings directed to them. "Take a name" is not a polite pleasant invitation and will be avoided.


The bottom line is that your job as moderator is to provide a hassle-free, pleasant and welcoming chat environment. Most of the time, this can be accomplished, using the "host" part of your job as a Moderator, however there will be times you need to enforce the rules, to maintain that atmosphere. Each section of WEBMAZE® has its own standard rules, and each room may have more specific rules as well. You will be responsible for the enforcement of these rules. In addition, though, you will need to remember that the chatters in a room have some influence as well. If your chatters ask someone to stop doing something, and the individual continues, you intervene courteously.


Arguments between regular chatters can be extremely disrupting to the room. Warn them politely, once, to take it to private. If they fail to do so, give them a second warning, which includes pointing out that they are disrupting everyone else, and that a boot is imminent. Then, if they still persist, boot or gag them both. This may be the best example of the usefulness of the gag feature. By gagging both chatters, for an equal, but small amount of time, five minutes, for example, you force the argument to be stopped, and hopefully allow for "cooling off" without using a full boot from the room. If, after the gag expires, the argument continues, then boot.


Never allow yourself to get involved in the actual argument or to take sides. We do not want to see moderators getting into arguments with chatters. Avoid it, or of they become persistent, and you feel yourself being drawn into the dissent, leave the room for awhile to let the situation (and perhaps yourself) cool down. Any one of us can sometimes find ourselves feeling overloaded, especially if a situation becomes tense, and the chatters are "focusing" on us. Do not be afraid to ask for help. You will maintain your own integrity and reputation better by stepping out, rather than by losing control. Ask another mod to step in for you and excuse yourself from the room and the discussion. No explanation is necessary...you will find that the regulars, who know you, will already understand.


The simplest way to put this is anyone who persistently disrupts the room should be dealt with. It will be your job to determine if a disruption is taking place, and then, to enforce the rules, equally and fairly, to all involved.






They walk in and announce that everyone in the room is either a moron, a pervert, and often worse. Use your judgment in these matters. If the insult is mild, politely warn them once to cease. If they persist with another mild post, gag them for a short "cooling off period" and once again warn them that further posting of such will be grounds for their removal from the room. If they persist again boot them and be sure to gather the information for your Moderator Report. For instances of serious posts, boot immediately and offer no warning. examples may be phrases such as "kill all niggers", "white supremacy", cursing in rooms not allowing it, Real Time accusations in the room, etc. These come under ZERO TOLERENCE.






WEBMAZE® security has all but made hacking into the chatroom a useless venture. At times some may attempt to pass themselves off as a hacker by throwing a few html codes in the room, but the chances of these actually causing any harm are slim to none. However, just in case, boot them immediately and file a boot report with RAGNAR.


A favorite trick is to ghost as another chatter, and "steal" their name in the room, and post inflammatory comments as that name...or to have a completely different name that posts from what is on the pulldown. You cannot find them in the pulldown to boot them, and the chatters are looking to you to fix it and make them go away.


There's a trick that'll enable you to find what name they are hiding under, called "View Source." Here's an example...We strongly encourage you to go and practice this, at least once, so you can do it rapidly, when the need arises.


  • 1. Click in the bottom part of the screen, where the ghoster's text has posted. It's important that this text be showing in that frame, when you do this.
  • 2. Right click in the same place, the lower half of the screen. A box will open up. Click on "Open Frame in New Window."
  • 3. Now you should be seeing a full-page version of the lower half of the chat room. If the "stop" isn't already grayed out, click on it, to stop the browser.
  • 4. Then right click there. A box will open up. Click on "View Source."
  • 5. Now you will be looking at a screen containing all the html code for that text. The first screen or two, will be full of that scroll business. Just page down past it, until you get to the part that starts with TABLE WIDTH = 100%.
  • 6. Just for a moment, return to the chat room (leaving this View Source page open, of course) and select a post of the suspected hacker, noting the time.
  • 7. Go back to the View Source page, and find that time. Right next to the time will be a href. Immediately next to that will be the hacker's name, as it appears in the drop down menu, followed by a lot of spaces, and the "posting name" he or she is using.
  • 8. Now you can return to the room, and boot the hacker. You'll have to click on reload before you will be able to type in the room again.



Stuck Names



Booting a stuck name will not get rid of that name. It has to time out through the server, and booting won't affect the timing out sequence. Let the name time out on its own.



Responding to Other Sections



A large part of your responsibility lies to WEBMAZE® as a whole. While it may not happen often, you will be expected to respond to calls for help in other rooms and sections. We do NOT want to hear that you told someone you were too busy cybering to take a mod call. Please leave your persona behind. Non-r/p rooms really have a hard time understanding r/p behavior and find it rude, at the very least. As a WEBMAZE® representative you will be expected to use courtesy and tact when acting in a Moderator capacity. This applies whether you are in your own room/section, or somewhere else. As a Moderator, you are NOT involved in role play. You must keep the role play personna and your Moderator status separate.


The upstairs sections contain a variety of rooms. Please keep this in mind.


Why do the r/p rooms seem to have such a higher need for moderators and bootings? Mostly because they attract the idiots. Bored kids with nothing better to do, LOVE to go into Gor and act the fool. Everyone gets upset and warriors wave swords at them. It is a predictable response, and so...that's where the idiots go for diversion.


This is why the number of moderators per room is so heavy in the role play rooms. We try to structure it so that there is almost always someone available, if not in Gor itself, then in BDSM (since many Goreans also chat in BDSM, or used to) and Vamp. However as you know, there is no "requirement" of how much time a moderator puts in, so there will be times when the coverage is light.


It is no longer necessary, when responding to a call in another section, to add the word "Admin" to your name. Use your regular name, and be sure to configure to the Moderator functions, to show the little red M beside your name, which will identify you as a Moderator. This will help to avoid all kinds of questions and explanations. You can simply ask what the problem is and set about removing it. As Goreans are very fond stating, the Gorean word for stranger and enemy are the same. This is a common theme in many r/p rooms, so let the chatters there know right away, who you are and why you are there.


Be aware, also, that if you are unfamiliar with a particular area, you need to be cautious in how you intervene. What works well in Gor may very well be viewed as overly harsh in the General Sections.


If you are called into another section, and another Moderator or Staff Member arrives, who is from that section, it may be helpful to turn the call over to them. Please see the following section on etiquette between Moderators for clarification. Remain in the room and fill in the "home" Moderator or Section Manager what has transpired so they will be better able to respond accordingly.


It is expected that moderators will maintain courtesy at all times, in public, towards each other. Any disputes should be taken private. It is preferred that disputes be brought to RAGNAR for mediation. This includes questions about the actions of another moderator, whether made by a chatter or a moderator. We do not judge, nor criticize, the actions of another Moderator. If asked about something, or if someone complains about a Mod's actions, you advise the person to contact RAGNAR via the IM feature on the WEBMAZE® Message Board. Again, you are reminded that you represent WEBMAZE® everywhere you go.


If you are responding to a call to another room, and when you arrive, you see another moderator already there, do not interfere, unless asked for assistance. You may advise the first moderator, in PM, that you were also called to help, and let them know you are available IF they need you, but otherwise, let that moderator handle the situation. Since they are already there, they may have found information that is not obvious to you.


We do not wish to see you "cruising" rooms, just looking for a problem. Remember that Buddha's intent is for WEBMAZE® Moderators to be seen not as "cyber-cops" but as site and room Hosts. You have enough to do in developing and maintaining your own room, without searching for problems. Don't worry, if there is a problem, someone will seek out a Moderator.






Take your personal disputes private, or if a rp scene, solve them within the framework of the rp. If you are involved in a dispute, and feel it's needed, then contact another Moderator, or RAGNAR, and ask them to come in, but understand, that you will be under the same requirements to follow the decisions of the Moderator who is now responsible for ensuring the atmosphere, and lack of disruption, for the room. Depending on the situation, this may involve that Moderator requesting that you leave the room for a period of time. Because the chat server protects Moderators from being booted, this will require you to set an example, and follow those instructions. This maintains the attitude of fairness of our Moderators, in dealing with problems, and it will help your reputation, by showing that you do not consider yourself above the rules you enforce. Nothing will destroy your ability to function as a host and Moderator faster, than letting the chatters believe you consider yourself better than they are. Also keep in mind, that abuse of the protection of Moderator status, can be grounds for termination of that status.



Mod Console



While it might appear tempting to just chat from the console, so as to be prepared to deal with trouble quickly, it is Buddha's policy that this is not to be done. Although the main risks of chatting with the Moderator functions activated have been eliminated, there is still some risk involved, and simply, the fact is that Buddha has not changed the policy. Accidental boots should be effectively eliminated now, since the enter key no longer defaults to the boot function.


If you are already in a room, or if you enter through the normal entrance, you will not have Moderator functions enabled. To enable them, click on either Full Config or Quick Config, place a check inside the box where it says "Enable Moderator Functions" and then click to reload the room. You will see the Boot and Gag buttons, and the red M will show beside each of your posts. One thing to keep in mind, for the purposes of keeping your boot script, if you use the Quick Config rather than the Full Config, the lower portion of your screen remains unaffected. This means that all posts from the time you first entered the room will remain available to you for scripting purposes...you do not lose any posts while you are in Configuration.


So, to boot someone, you will first have to select the individual's name from the pulldown, enter/edit the number of minutes for the boot, and click on BOOT. The procedure is the same for the Gag. Use the same timer box for either option, but remember to be certain of the time you enter here. Unlike the previous software, there is now NO option for "canceling" a boot, even from Staff. Once booted or gagged, the time must expire.


Always remember to copy your boot script immediately after taking care of the problem, and definitely BEFORE you leave the room. This script, along with a brief report is to be posted to the moderator board or IM'd directly to RAGNAR. Both is preferred. There may be times when circumstances happen so fast and involving so many, that scripting the entire matter becomes almost impossible. In situations such as these, be sure to get the timestamps of the start of the issue and the end of the issue. At least with this information, the entire incident can be pulled from the logs.


Once the problem has been dispatched, if you are in a room you were called into, then apologize to the chatters for the disruption, wish them a good morning/afternoon/evening and leave the room. If you are in your own room, or a room you intend to remain in for a period of time, then return to the Config screen, remove the check from the Moderator functions box, and return to the room. Do not make a practice of staying on the console while you chat.



General Information



Requests for information regarding policies, procedures, any questions about your responsibilities or any requests for assistance with a situation should be made to RAGNAR. If not available, and it is something to which you need a quick answer, then any other available Moderator or Buddha can be contacted for assistance as well.


If someone 'shows' you a PM that they say was read by someone, you may rest assured that some sort of media and the recipient of that original PM played a big part in it. Someone would have to hack into Buddha's server and believe me, he'd know. Rest assured, and reassure the chatters as well, that it cannot be done.


Certainly minors, once determined to be such, are asked to leave, and booted if uncooperative. Having an adult role play a child is also not permitted here. There are no exceptions. In some areas, Story Telling of a child is permitted provided no sexual innuendos are allowed. Be careful of this. Doing such can warrant a site ban!


If you ever get overwhelmed, or feel uncertain as to how to handle a particular situation, contact RAGNAR, or another Moderator.



You must file a Moderator report with RAGNAR and/or post a report on the board each time you perform a function as a Moderator when having to deal with people. Frequently these people write Buddha or RAGNAR and complain about the unfairness of the moderation. Those complaints are sent to RAGNAR who will then query the moderator involved. It makes it very easy to complete the report back to Buddha when a report is readily available. And please do not become defensive and think that we are not supporting our moderators. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the complainant. Most complaint investigations have shown that our moderators have applied WEBMAZE® Policies correctly and that indeed that boot was justified.