Old WEBMAZE® Open Combat Rules



Old Open Combat Rules



There is no pouncing allowed, i.e.: two posts must be made to establish your presence and location before you can attack. This does not mean an ambush can not be set up by someone already established in the room and who has made the required posts. The point of this rule is to stop people from simply teleporting in and attacking. Arrival to the area must be roleplayed out. This may be requested by the judge(s) in order to validate the role play and combat.


Combat starts when the fight actually starts (i.e. with the post that contains the first blow). Weapons must be declared in the attacking post or immediately previous to it, (while getting off one's kaiila or tarn or what ever; this would commonly be known as a stance post). If the weapons are not stated, then they don't exist.


Once combat has started both sides have a max of 10 minutes to add any allies or friends to the battle. Any one who arrives after that may not join into the combat. They may however set up a defensive perimeter in an adjacent area to which one side or the other might try to escape. If two or more Peoples inhabit the area where the combat takes place, then it is realistic for their people to reenforce their perpective side. In this situation the ten minute rule does not apply. Examples would be Turians and Tuchuks, Kassar and Kataii, etc, all sharing life in the same general area. Panthers attacking Tuchuk, Kassar attacking Torvaldslanders, etc, would have to have their arrival roleplayed out and the ten minute rule would apply.


One does not need to actually enter combat within the 10 minute period but simply needs to be in the approximate area so their joining the melee is realistic (if they do). Again... additional combatants need to actually travel to the area. No more Gorean communication system and warping or transporter room technolical appearances without roleplay travel to the are will be acknowledged.


The defender can state his weapons in his first defensive post, or if he knows the attack is about to happen, then immediately previous to it. Remember, if he does not state his weapons then he does not have them.


A combat (melee) is defined as when one or both sides are still attacking. If neither side attacks then that particular combat is ended.


All weapons must be declared at the start of open combat. If the combatant has a hidden weapon such as a dagger, it must be noted as well.


Example: 2 killing daggers hidden in sleeves.


Please keep your weapons post clean, clear and concise. Keep it relevant to the combat (no novels describing everything from the time of day to a favorite scarf).


Example: Looks for an opponent, my long sword in my right hand, a Turian shield on my left arm and a Y-helm on my head.


Some cultures seem to actually be walking armories, though attempting to fight with too many weapons is rather ridiculous. So limit the amount of weapons used to a realistic amount. For open combat purposes one is limited to the use of 5 weapons per combat. The combatant may list as many weapons as can be carried, but any use of weapons in excess of 5 shall be deemed too many and disallowed.


A shield counts as a weapon.


A helm counts as a weapon.


A bow/ crossbow counts as a weapon.


A quiver of 5 arrows/bolts counts as a weapon.


A belt of 7 quivas counts as 7 weapons.


Poison does not count as an extra weapon; it is just despicable.


Each individual capture dart counts as a weapon.


If a mount (kaiila, tarn, thalarion, etc.) is used for attack or defense, it becomes a weapon. This also applies to NPC tracking/attack sleen (if a mount is used as weapon, expect to have it slain).


Open Combat posts will have no more than 3 actions. This is any combination of attack/defense/movement. Any actions beyond that will be judged as invalid.


An acceptance of a attack is not an action, though any action that lessens the intended damage of an attack still counts as an action, not an acceptance.


Combos are NOT allowed.


Each NPC counts as weapon. NPCs are only usable by those people who are eligible for combat.


Dropping a weapon is not an action, throwing it at your opponent or putting it away is.


Storyteller mode should used sparingly and only to set up the scenario; it is not a means for a slave or other non-combatant to act as NPC's in order to overwhelm the other side. Remember: if you use Storyteller mode then your opponent can as well.


On the whole NPC's can not kill or do any major damage. There is one notable exception to this rule and that is when a combatant is using his mount as a weapon. They then become lethal. They also become targets and can be killed.


On the whole NPC's are killable with a realistic post. The one notable exception to this is if a combatant has dismounted and his mount is not involved in the combat; then it is not a target and as such is not killable, unless it gets brought into the combat by the owner of the mount. An NPC can also avoid being killed by a realistic defense or action.


In Open Combat, firing a regular bow shall be two actions: one to load and draw, and the second to aim and fire. In open combat firing a crossbow shall be three actions: one to cock, one to load and aim, and one to fire.


Each combatant has 5 minutes to answer the previous post made to them.


If a combatant fails to answer withiin the allotted time, then his attacks are disallowed even though his defense is counted. This is to simulate being stunned from the opponent's attacks or perhaps momentarily confused or distracted.


If the combatant makes no attacks, then any action that is not an active defense is lost.


If the combatant has solely defended and not moved or attacked, then his defense is valid unless he has taken more than 8 minutes to respond.


The combatant DOES NOT lose his next turn, nor do attacks automatically hit.


To clarify this, when attacked by multiple opponent you have 5 minutes to answer the first post. Then 5 minutes from YOUR time stamp to answer the second and so and so on.


If it is feasible and logical to answer multiple opponents then you may do so, but be very careful that what you are doing is realistic and clear.


This does not mean that if you answer one attacker in 4 minutes that you can take the remaining minute and add it to your next post.



Bad guy 1 attacks at 0:00

Bad guy 2 attacks at 0:10

Bad guy 3 attacks at 0:15


Good guy has till 5:00 to respond to Bad guy 1 and then has 5 minutes to respond to Bad Guy 2 starting from the time stamp of his defense post to Bad Guy 1 and then when that reply is posted he must reply to Bad Guy 3 with in 5 minutes starting from the time stamp of his defense post to Bad Guy 2 and so on and so on.


While the time limit is 5 minutes per post, after 8 minutes if the defender has not posted, the attacker is free to post again and the previous attack is considered to hit doing maximum NON- LETHAL damage.


Open combat ends when one opponent has left the room after making the required 2 exit posts. Exit posts can include defenses and/or dodging moves only, no attacks are allowed. If the combatant is trying to get away, his post should include moving towards a safe area. The combatant may attempt to flee or continue fighting, but not both.


If neither party in an open combat exits, the combat will end after 1 hour in respect for the poor person that has to judge it.


In regards to the final post made in OC, only those made within, and answerable within, the 60 minute time frame need be answered.


Example: if an attack post is made when there is less than 5 minutes remaining then that post does NOT have to answered, and will not be penalized nor the offensive moves considered as valid as there is less than the allotted 5 minutes. If, however, a combatant chooses to answer said post, it shall be judged as happening within the full framework of the rules, though no attacks will be honored if the post occurs after the final time limit.


If the participants cannot agree on a judge from the list of approved judges for that area, then one shall be appointed fom the list of approved WEBMAZE judges for that area or another judge from an area comparable as seen fit by the WEBMAZE Judge's Council. In every case the judge's decision is final so don't bother whining and complaining afterwards; it will fall on deaf ears. It is suggested that a judge familiar with the area the combat is fought in be chosen.







Only a room Leader or a WEBMAZE® judge may judge open combat in WEBMAZE®. If one is not agreed upon then it will be judged by one of the approved Circle judges as specified above. (Circle is defunct. Only a room Leader or Authorized WEBMAZE® Judge.)


OOC comments do not belong in combat posts. If the combatant insists on making them, then take then to PM. Violation of this may result in a post being disallowed, at the discretion of the judge.


The goal of Open Combat is usually to injure/kill/capture the opponent rather than to score points, so for violations in Open Combat that would get a point deduction in a spar, the action involving the violation will be invalidated within the combat. In other words, for Open Combat, the outcome of the combat will be judged, rather than a score of points as with a spar.


The only exception to the above is if all fighters within an Open Combat agree BEFOREHAND to have it scored for points (as in practice combat), and in this case they had better have already contacted a judge to score the melee as most will not want to spend the time and effort to judge a Practice OC.







Overwhelming odds in open combat often happen and are allowed. You must maintain alternating posts with each combatant with whom you are engaged, but you may post to one opponent and then post to another without it being considered speed posting if they are within realistic range. Any teleporting across the battle will result in some or all of your posts being invalidated. The 5-minute time limit applies to the posts from each opponent that attacks you. As this is for excitement and not intended to allow the gangland mentality only one on one kills will be allowed. Valid role play both in travel and in cause will be judged for validity. The only exception to this would be actual war declared between homes and will include only those actual members of the respective homes.


If two or more people attack one and the attacks are possible to defend with a single post, then a single defense post may be attempted to deal with both attacks. Be very careful here, though, for judges will look at these very carefully to make sure they are realistic and it is easy to make a costly mistake.


This combat is for all the wilds/travel areas, with the exception of the trade points. Combat is not allowed in these areas.


Anyone captured in Open Combat may be rescued with the standing raid rules of WEBMAZE® if taken to an existing home or by Open Combat if held in a Wild/Travel area. This is clarified that rescue is done by WEBMAZE® Raiding Guidelines even if the captive is taken to another site. If you are unwilling to accept WEBMAZE® Raiding as a rescue then do not come to Maze and attempt to take captives.


If any wish to conduct business in WEBMAZE®... then they will accept it is by WEBMAZE® Standards and Guidelines that the roleplay will be concluded even if on a site other than WEBMAZE®. If this is unacceptable then do not seek OC in WEBMAZE®. By conducting OC in WEBMAZE® it is understood you accept this and are bound by WEBMAZE® standards/Rules/Guidelines for the duration of the rp. This is supposed to be fun for everyone--keep that in mind.


Anyone using open combat to take captives automatically accepts the captive's right to be rescued by raid. The capturing home may not refuse to accept a raid for rescue that is done with good, valid role-play.


The 10-minute time limit from the start of combat should apply to both extra attackers or defenders in all of the travel/wild rooms. This rule does not limit defenders if the combat takes place in their home (in this case all members of the home become eligible combatants when ever they arrive). This DOES NOT apply to allies or hired mercenaries etc., just to room members. This is only to deal with a combat that works its way back to the home (something that would only happen if agreed upon by both sides).


Open Combat Rules will be the default combat system in any home on WEBMAZE® unless SPECIFIED by that home.(These particular Rules are defunct unless specified as being used on a room's entry page.)


Open Combat will NOT replace the raiding rules of WEBMAZE®. The Open Combat Rules are an addition to the existing rules based upon a different type of role-play.


Rules written by Kurzon with technical assistance by RAGNAR, Durrikan, and Segulah, accepted by WEBMAZE Gor Leader Council. Amended by RAGNAR and accepted by the WEBMAZE Leader Council Februay 2006.