Old WEBMAZE® Raid Rules



Old Raiding Rules



Raiders will ensure that a reasonable number of men are present in the attacked Home as part of their planning. Use common sense to ascertain there are no overwhelming odds. More specifically, no room with less than two Warriors will be raided. The rank or titles of the two have no bearing on the issue.


Only members or petitioning members of raiding Home may take part in the attack(exception below). Concurrently, attackers will not engage non-members within the attacked home unless they(non-members) engage to defend. Non-members will need permission of highest ranking Defender to participate. Outsiders will not enter the room after the raid begins to help on either side; a home stands or falls on its own.


In other words, raiders must partake in the raid from the beginning. Defenders must defend from the beginning. None entering afterwards will be allowed to participate on either side UNLESS members of participating Homes.


EXCEPTION : In the case of smaller groups wishing to attack and combine forces, all raiding will add the word Raider to log-in name when entering.


Each individual room may or may not allow FW to take a part in attacking or defending (using the books as guidelines). If a city had FW attacking, so be it. If wagon camps had FW defending, so be it. Do not debate the Raria FW warrior issue in raids. It is the responsibility of Ubar/Leader of his home to see whether FW took part in combat and under what circumstances for his particular culture. Any that do not wish to raid a Home that accepts female fighters need not do so. Additionally, an Ubar can simply inform the raiding party that a raid is acceptable without females.


Missile/projectile weapons are kept to a minimum. Arrows, quivas, lances, throwing axes, etc may be used at the onslaught and during withdrawal within reason. Close quarters combat, ''the dance'', is what is greatly appreciated most of all. Such weapons may be used during the actual combat so long as not done excessively and must be done realistically. Remember, when in the confusion of close quarters combat, it is likely that you could end up hitting your own people (if looked upon realistically).


Entry post will consist of mode of attack (ie tarn-back, kailla-back, afoot etc.) Only the larger-sized primary weapons need be posted along with protection (ie helmets shields, etc.) All other secondary weapons need not be listed but must be accountable and realistic if a Ubar makes inquiry. This can easily be posted in the entry box, or if already in the room(defending), simply post it to all.


All fighters will wear a tag that identifies their home. Leaders of course are known and do not require this. In the case of two or more rooms raiding together... one of the Raiders will mark their name Raider Commander.


On the order to withdraw, the defending forces should finish up their battles, allowing for an end to the raid. This is when ''missile/projectile'' weapons are best used. NOTE that Leaders will be responsible for keeping the raids to a reasonable time period.


No killing or permanently disabling blows will be accepted during raids. If such blows are struck, their impact should be minimized rather than ignored as to not interrupt the flow of the battle.


Kajirae will take no aggressive part in raids. They may seek to escape if they are taken as a captive. Beyond that they seek safety, shout alarms as needed, tend to combat damage, but may not interfere with the combat.


Captures may be allowed provided there has been prior agreement between the leaders of both rooms (as well as the slave's owner). The target should also be agreed upon. All raiders and defenders should be made aware of this.


The treatment of captives will be agreed upon by the room leaders in conjunction with allowing a capture.







Posts should be kept as short as possible to maintain the flow of battle.


Be realistic in thy posts.


Keep in mind these are friendly combats and none should take offense should mistakes or accidents occur. Blatant disregard of rules will be dealt with by Room Leaders if possible. If not, we know where it will lead.


No warning at all need be given though it is considered a courtesy between at least Room Leaders. However... any target room will be looked in on by a Scout or Messenger to ensure no ceremonies, testing, dance nights, or Council meeting nights are taking place. After all... raids are for fun and enjoyment... but the true functions and business of our rooms are a priority.


Individual Rooms and Leaders may feel free to test new concepts between an agreeable Room and Leader in order to develop better or more realistic raids. But bear in mind this is only between the two agreeing rooms. Do not simply spring something new out of left field on an opponent and expect them to acknowledge it.


Keep everything realistic including means of attack. Naturally we can not maintain the time clock in travelling from place to place. However... studying the maps and layouts of an opponent is required to avoid unrealistic occurrences.


One does not simply charge into the Palace of Tyros. They must deal with the gate and Guards.


One does not simply land their tarn in Turia and attack unless they are a kamakazi and wish to be shredded by tarn wire.


One does not simply ride into a wagon camp and run into the Ubar's wagon as if it were the first wagon closest to the main pathway to the camp.


Do some scouting and reading of webpages. Much work went into these. Use them!


It is understood that during the confusion of battle... posts will unavoidably be missed from time to time. However, do try to acknowledge or defend against blows, bearing in mind what may be realistically possible.


Posts should not include injuries or reactions of the opponent. Let the opponent react for himself and refrain from deciding what the actual blow has resulted in. Keep in mind these are friendly combats and none should take offense should mistakes or accidents occur. Blatant disregard of rules will be dealt with by Room Leaders.


Rules written by RAGNAR with technical assistance by Takan, accepted by WEBMAZE Gor Leader Council.