WEBMAZE® Raiding Rules



Rules for Raiding on WEBMAZE®



GR 1. Raids are incursions of military type forces into the homes of others or into neutral areas (such as the Wilds) for the purpose of combat, theft (looting), retaliation, destruction of property, kidnap, and recovery.


GR 2. Two groups are implied in any raid, the Raiders and the Defenders.


Raids should utilize as much of the room as possible. Raiders should have specific targets in mind (goldsmiths, jewelers, bosk herds, ships, etc). This will require substantial scouting by the Raiders. Defenders should try and defend strategic areas of importance to the home.


GR 4. Combat during a Raid is the same as described in the Personal Combat Rules, except that no killing or maiming attacks shall be valid. Raid combat is non-killing, non-maiming combat, although serious injury may occur. One on one combat is preferable, but situations may occur where the odds are two on one or worse. Alternating posts are always used.


Combat should be as realistic as possible. Where a single Warrior is engaged with two or more warriors, EACH WARRIOR may only post once during a round. Overwhelming odds should be avoided.


Due to the confusing nature and added possibility of missing the post, the use of thrown or fired weapons (arrows, throwing knives, etc.) is discouraged. Combat should primarily be hand to hand.


GR 5. Both Raiders and Defenders should post the weapons they hold in their hands as soon as possible after the raid begins. Defenders should post their complete weapons before engaging a Raider.


GR 6. As a general guideline, Raids should last less than 60 minutes.


GR 7. No Raid shall take place during an "occasion" such as a celebration, Free Companion Ceremony, etc.


GR 8. It should be understood by both Raiders and Defenders that Raids are naturally chaotic. Missed posts and actions will occur. Simply, do Your best to honor all posts. No less is expected, no more is possible.


GR 9. If there is major disagreement on any portion of the conduct or outcome of a raid, then a judge should be agreed upon to resolve the disputes. If a judge cannot be agreed on, then the Ubar/Chief/Jarl/Room Owner of the room posting these rules shall appoint a judge.



Rules For Raiders


RR 1. Raiders shall be composed of primarily one home and the Leader of the Raid must be from this home. Raiders may employ mercenaries or allies to assist in the raid.


RR 2. All Raiders will have "Raider" in their tags for easy identification. The use of "ghost codes" is not allowed during raids due to the ensuing confusion.


RR 3. Raiders will not outnumber the Defenders.


(i.e. If 5 Defenders are present in a room, there must be 5 or fewer total Raiders.) A one Man Raid IS possible, but inadvisable. A single Raiders should almost depend on being captured.


RR 4. Raiders will not raid a home that has fewer than two Male Warrior Defenders.


RR 5. The use of Women as Raiders is up to the Raid leader. However, anyone could be captured during a Raid and a Woman will always be targeted for capture during a Raid.


RR 6. The Raid leader will determine if any Raiders were captured. This decision should be made as honestly, fairly and objectively as possible based SOLELY on posts made during the Raid.


RR 7. The order to retreat by the Raid Leader shall end the Raid.


RR 8. Raiders shall then leave the raided site as soon as realistically possible. If a Raider is standing by the gates and not engaged in combat, maybe one post to leave will be enough. If a Raiders is engaged in combat near the 'center' of the camp: He must disengage from combat (a dangerous situation); find his kaiila or tarn; and try to make his way from the Raided site. The number of posts to leave in that situation could reach four or five.


The key is to make Your exit and the entire Raid itself, as realistic as possible. Captured Raiders, of course, must not leave the Raided site.



Rules for Defenders


DR 1. Only Members and guests of the home may defend during a raid. Mercenaries or hired warriors/bodyguards may enter after raid initiation and defend too, if their services were paid for prior to the beginning of the Raid.


DR 2. If the Defenders are outnumbered, the Defender Leader shall indicate the mismatch to the Raiders. The Raider Leader shall then select and order the appropriate number of Men to stand down and leave.


DR 3. The use of Women and/or slaves as Defenders is up to the Defender Leader. However, anyone could be captured during a Raid and a Woman or slave will always be targeted for capture during a Raid.


DR 4. The Defense Leader will determine if any Defenders or other members of the home were captured. This decision should be made as honestly, fairly and objectively as possible based SOLEY on posts made during the Raid.


DR 5. When the order to retreat by the Raid Leader is issued, the Defenders shall stand down. A few parting shots are expected, but the Raiders shall be allowed to leave.




Rules for Raids of Recovery of Unwilling Captives



The UCR refers to ONLY how an unwilling captive may be rescued during a RAID.


Occasionally, a captive will be held by a camp that isn't there willingly, but is there doing their best to honor a capture they think is legitimate within the confines of role play Gor. The captive who does this shows much honor for the captors, both homes, and for Gor. If ALL captures have to have prior consent and agreement from the defending Ubar/Chief/Jarl before they are made - then a captive who honors the role play of being captured is STUCK as a prisoner with no hope of rescue.


In the case of an Unwilling Captive (male or female and Free or slave), the captive may be recovered by ransom, trade, various diplomatic channels or by raiding. Additionally, the Unwilling Captive may escape on their own, depending on the situation of confinement and the judgment of the room leader. If the Unwilling Captive's home elects to raid to rescue the Unwilling Captive, the standard raiding rules shall apply with the following exceptions.


*Note. Rescue raids for Unwilling Captives may be used to free or rescue an unwilling captive, although standard rules may also be used.


RAIDERS RULE 1. At least half of the Raiders will be Members of the home of the Unwilling Captive.


RAIDERS RULE 3 and DEFENDERS RULE 2. Overwhelming odds may be used by the Raiders. This includes zero defenders.


RAIDER RULE 6 and DEFENDER RULE 4. The Unwilling Captive shall make the determination if posts are sufficient for the Unwilling Captive to be freed and then escape. A person honorable enough to be an Unwilling Captive should have enough honor to make this determination.


Only one new Rule is added to the Recovery of Unwilling Captives Raid.


No additional captures may be made by the Raiders during the recovery of an Unwilling Captive. No property of the Defender's home may be stolen, broken or in any other fashion damaged - except as necessary to free the Unwilling Captive.


All Raids of this nature will be designated on the room's entry page.


These Rules when concerning Maze rooms will be the default for other rooms and sites where no other Raiding Rules are present.








Adopted from The Isle of Scagnar for WEBMAZE® 2020