Opening a non-Gorean Room in WEBMAZE®



So how do I open a room?



Welcome to WEBMAZE®! This Guide was prepared to better assist you in successfully opening a room in WEBMAZEŽ.


We do expect room Leaders to be active in their rooms as well as on our Message board. It is good advertizing for the site, and helps promote your room.


We do realize there will come times when this is simply not possible due to various real life reasons. Yet we do expect a conscious effort on your part to meet the expectations of an active room Leader.



Things To Know Up Front


Observers and Visitors are permitted in our rooms. They may opt to use the traditional ~o~ to designate them as an observer or a reasonable substitute that clearly defines them as such. So long as the observe they are not to be harassed or even demanded to take a name. Politely requesting they use some sort of name is allowed, since it makes it easier to direct posts to them as individuals. "Get a name." does NOT qualify as being polite. Observers will not be booted from a room for simply observing.


Just because you become a room Leader does not mean you will automatically receive moderator status. WEBMAZE® has adopted a policy for mods based upon room size and chat activity. Granted, normally the Room Leader is the usual option we go with, but there are other aspects to consider. We wish someone that is available most often, someone who fully comprehends what the needs of the site are as well as the room, and someone with whom Staff can approach and speak with in comfort for both parties, among others.


As a petitioning room Leader you will be expected to purchase a paid membership and maintain your membership in order to maintain your room and Leader status. (Not required until further notice.)


This is by no means an all inclusive list of things to know up front, but it does give you an idea of what to expect.




Petitioning For A Room


Put some thought into the type of room you wish. Speak with others of like mind and garner support in your endeavor. We commonly refer to this as your core group. Those friends and chatters that stand by you through thick and thin, helping you make your room a success.


Decide what type of room you wish, and in what section. New sections can also be created, so do not be shy. We have casual chats, BDSM, Medieval, Vampire, the dreaded Goreans (Gasp), and can even handle most fetish and lifestyle rooms, and just about anything you can come up with so long as not illegal.


Put together your idea for an entry page, and the description of what to expect in your room. This is usually not a problem provided it does not counter the Policies of WEBMAZE® and our commitment to them.


Once you have everything fleshed in and organized, send RAGNAR an IM through the WEBMAZE® Boards and include in the subject line "Room Petition". In the body of the IM be sure to give a brief description of your room, the text you created for your entry should work very well for this purpose.


Be sure to include the link to your room specific webpage you created if they exist for your chosen style of room. RAGNAR will then look over your proposal. Watch for a reply from RAGNAR via the message board IM system.


Do allow a few days for this process to allow Ragnar and Buddha to discuss it, as well as any Section Leader that may be involved. We all do not live on line 24/7/365, even if it seems that way at times.


Be prepared to Meet with one, or all mentioned above to talk about your room and discuss expectations from both sides.


The final say may come that night after the meeting, or within a couple days. Please be patient.


Once you get the go ahead, now the work begins putting together your room entry, graphic, and in general getting it set up and built for you.


Then the magic day comes when your room becomes visible, and you are ready to welcome new friends to your room and build a living breathing room to last, with luck, many years to come.



Welcome to our WEBMAZE® Family!