WEBMAZE® Traditional Combat



Traditional Combat (Defunct)



Due note this combat system is obsolete and should not be used unless for training, exhibition, or a specifically agreed upon fight between agreeing combatants.


There are four standard types of combat...


A Fight to the Death


These duels are serious, and though Fights to the death are not encouraged, they are accepted as being a part of Gor. The combatants are risking their lives (the loser of a death duel dies either from Mortal injury in the fight or a death blow (considered delivered) after the judgment is rendered. In fact it is entirely possible both may die if the duel is ruled a draw) or suffer permanent injury. The combatants risk everything they own in addition to their lives, including but not limited to gold, FC's and slaves. These duels are fought with weapons, although hand-to-hand combat may be used. These duels shall be a minimum of five posts though normally eight posts is the accepted length. The loser of a fight to the death is expected to honor his name by letting it be buried with him along with the titles and position he held. Returning with a new name he is expected to start over and build a new persona, new possessions, and a new reputation.


These spars may be judged by a single judge if both combatants agree, or a panel of three Judges, each combatant choosing one judge and the third being chosen by the two judges. Individual room rules take precidence when conducted outside of the Circle or Wilds.



A fight of Honor (Honor Spars or Canjellne )


These duels are for settling disputes and matters of honor that do not require someone's death. The stakes of such a spar, be it bragging rights, ownership of a slave ,or something of a more serious nature shall be set in advance and agreed upon but both combatants and the winner is awarded all. These fights are serious and serious wounds may be inflicted but death blows and permanent injury are not encouraged though due to the inherently dangerous nature of sword fighting, strikes of a serious nature such as maiming, crippling and blows that would kill are allowed. These duels shall be five posts in length. These spars may be judged by a singleWEBMAZE® judge if both combatants agree, or a panel of three WEBMAZE® Judges, each combatant choosing one judge and the third being chosen by the two judges. Individual room rules take precidence when conducted outside of the Circle or Wilds.



A Fight Just for the Hell of It (Practice/Sport Spars)


These spars are for practice and tournament competition. These spars are light contact. No serious wounding and no death blows are allowed. These spars may even hand-to-hand weaponless combat if both combatants agree. These spars shall be three to five posts in length. These spars can be judged by a single Judge or not at all, as agreed upon by the combatants.



Assassin Attack or Spontaneous fights (Open Combat or Instantaneous Challenge according to Traditional Rules)


Given the volatile nature of Goreans, sometimes combat will spontaneously begin between warriors. In any case it is important to quickly inform Your opponent of Your actual intent, death, honor, boredom etc...these fights fall under the above rules with the exception of the stance post being included in the initial attack post or at such a time prior to the spontaneous combat where the combatants are able to note such in the room. These spontaneous fights will be alternating three post fights representing the spontaneous and brief nature of these types of contests. Assassins attempting to ply their trade will operate under these rules unless the room or area permits WEBMAZE® Open Combat and follow the policy regarding it in that specific area or room. These spars are judged by the Room Leader or whom ever he appoints, a WEBMAZE® judge approved for the wild area in which the combat takes place, or otherwise agreed upon by the combatants in accordance with WEBMAZE® combat guidelines given the location of the combat.



Rules for the Fighters


Posts will be alternating . . . the first post of the spar to be given to the challenger unless agreed upon otherwise.


*Stance/Weapons/Description Post* shall be made at the start by each fighter declaring all weapons and their positions as well as the fighters basic stance.


Each combatant may use up to Five Gorean weapons including quiva (this also includes shields, bucklers or helmet). A pair of fighting slaves gauntlets count as two weapons. A bow or crossbow with a single arrow/bolt is a weapon and each additional arrow/bolt is considered an additional weapon. Non-Gorean weapons will not be permitted and, of course, no armor, chain mail, or similar protection.(this includes the hardened leather or steel nard guard worn by some people. the exception to this rule is the cultural specific items mentioned in the Gor novels..IE: the facial chains of the Tuchuk helm, the heavy leather boots of the thalarion rider, etc.


Fighters will be judged on their skill and realism. All strikes must be accepted, accepted and minimized, evaded or blocked in a realistic manner. Each fighter may choose how he handles an attack, but whatever is chosen, the fight/spar must flow reasonably from one move to the next. Explaining the logistics of the fight is up to the fighters, do not make the Judges have to try to decipher how or what is happening.


An individual post will consist of NO MORE than 5 actions. Actions include any combinations of movement, attacks, and defense. Accepting a strike, blow or wound does not count against the five allowed actions unless it incorporates a movement that would not have happened otherwise.


Movement actions include but are not limited to:


[A] Closing to engage a combatant. Even on the opening post




(Stepping in)=1movement


(Stepping hard and fast)=1movement


(Stepping in then left)= 2movements


(Closing the distance between us in a circular movement to bring Me toe to toe with You)=1 movement


(Turning to face you and closing fast)=2 movements


(Moving forward at a diagonal to bring me to your right side)=1 movement


[B] Moving back out of combat and getting reading to defend




(Backs away quickly 3 paces)=1movement


(Leaps back out of Your sword range and pulls my weapons back to guard)=2movements


(Steps away and to my right sword recocking over My shoulder and shield back in front=4movements


(Stands up and backs away)=2 movements


(Rolls to the side and springs to my feet ready for Your attack)=2movements


(Backs up and hunkers behind my shield hiding as much of my body as possible)=2movements


(Steps back and resumes my original stance)=2movements


(Stays close and does not move back but pulls my weapons back to thier original spots)=1movement


[C] Changing Your weapons




(Draws my dagger with my left hand [hand previously was empty])=1 movement


(Stabs my sword into the sand and whips out a quiva)=2 movements


(Tosses My axe into the air sending it twirling end over end straight up and grabs the xbow off my back and shoots you then drops the xbow and catches the axe)=5 movements and should only be attempted by professionals. LOL


(Picks up the fallen weapon[hand was previously empty])=1movement


[D] Repositioning Your weapons




(Brings my sword to a high guard[was previously beside your knee])=1 movement


(Moves My shield over my head to forestall any high attacks)=1movement


(Whips my sword around behind My back and brings it out the other side in the other hand in a fancy Conan/ninja move)=1movement


(Tosses my quiva back and forth between My right and left hands)=1movement for each toss


[E] Changing Your position during or after attacking




(Spins off to your right with the momentum of my blow)=1movement


(Steps quickly back after My knee to your groin getting room to wield My longsword)=1movement


(Steps sharply to the left as I swing my sword)=2movements


[F] Getting out of the way of an attack (ducking, rolling out of the way, etc.).




(Drops to my knees as your sword whistles over my head)=1movement


(Drops, twists and rolls away from Your Blow)=3 movements


(Dives to the side then leaps back to My feet)=2 movements


[G] Feints




(Makes a half step right then leaps to the left)=2movement


(Feints a move to your left then spins to your right)=2movement


[H] Movement caused by accepting yet blocking or minimizing a blow




(Drops to My knees from the force of the blow I just barely blocked with My shield)=2movements


(Staggers back from the strike_.)=1movement


(Is knocked back from the shield punch)=1movement


Attacking actions include but are not limited to:


[A] Hitting or attempting to hit with a weapon




(Swings my sword at your head)=1movement


(Snaps the blade in at your shoulder then down to your thigh)=2movement


(Slams my sword into yours trying to drive it wide in an offensive parry)=1movement


(Rips the right hand blade in a flashing arc between us to carve it into a backhand strike at Your right leg)=1movement


(Carves both my swords across your chest from left to right)=2movement


*Note* a double attack is two movements, one for each sword


[B] Hitting or attempting to hit with a shield




(Drives the shield in at your chest attempting to pin Your weapons there)=1movement


(Lays the shield on Your sword as I ride it wide)=1movement


(Slams the steel wrapped edge of the shield down at Your knee)=1movement


[C] Hand-to-hand attacks such as kicks, punches, leg sweeps, head butts, throws, etc




(Punches you in the mouth)=1movement


(Reaches between your legs and grabs at Your nards trying to squeeze them into a twisted pain filled sack of skin)=1movement


Drops low to the ground and sweeps my leg around bashing Your ankle in a particular nasty fashion)=2movement


[D] Using blood, sand, or another foreign substance to blind




(Flicks my buried foot up and sends a spay of sand up at Your eyes to blind you)=1movement


(Spits a mouth full of broken teeth and blood at your face)=1movement


(Hooks a loose Tapestry with My sword tip and drags it from the wall flinging it over Your head)=1movement


Defensive actions includes but is not limited to:


[A] Parries with a weapon




(Swings my sword out to catch your in rushing weapon)=1movement


(Flicks My sword left and rides your stab wide)=1movement


(Locks My blades In an X and holds them firm as Your sword comes crashing down)=2movement


*Note* a double weapon block is two movements, one for each weapon


[B] Blocks with a shield.




(Twitches My shield to the side to catch Your sword on the steel wrapped edge)=1movement


(Drives My shield low to stop Your thrust from skewering Me)=1movement


(Lifts My shield Over My head in preparation for the blows You are going rain down on me)=1movement


[C] Ducking, dodging or otherwise evading an attack.




(Leans back out of the range of Your quiva)=1movement


(Steps to the side and grins as the thrust stabs the air where I just was)=1movement


(Steps into the blow lessening the force and power of the blow)=1movement


(Tucks my head behind the shield and lets You punch it instead)=1movement


5. Combatants will have a 10 minute period from the previous post to post their responce. After this time a single penalty point shall be imposed.


*Note* This rule can be waived or adjusted if both combatants agree


6. To assist the judges, combatants may use some method of separating actions (by use of a numbered sequence (1, 2, 3...), series of periods (......) or stars (****) or some other method).




(Parrying your sword with My shield..1...stabbing You in the stomach with My sword***2***stepping back to the right three paces, knees bent and crouching in defense..~~*3*~~..)


*Note* this is a convention and Not a deductible rule


7. A combination moves that require two or more actions is NOT counted as a single movement, it is still two or more actions and is counted as such.


8. Combatants may NOT post the actions of their opponents (force posting) or the damage that their attack does.




(Stabbing you in the chest with my quiva)= an acceptable attack.


(Stabbing you in the chest with my quiva....puncturing your lung)=an unacceptable attack because it declares the damage received by the opponent.


(Circling to your right)=an acceptable move


(Circling to your left forcing you to turn)=an unacceptable move because it declares a movement by the opponent


*Note 1* Posts that include striking the intended target (i.e. "Stabbing you in the chest with my quiva") do not describe the actions of their opponents or the damage that their attack does. Instead it is considered a "guide" to the intent and thinking of the combatant.


*Note 2* A parry is basically a forced post as for it to be successful It implies that You were able to control Your opponents weapon in such a way to render it harmless for the moment. This being understood a Parry [offensive or defensive] is NOT judged as a forced post unless You get too carried away with it [describing the location or angle of Your opponents Blade]. Suffice it to say that You knocked his blade wide and let him decide on just how and where it went


9. Fighters are urged to be as descriptive and accurate as possible. Use of "right and left" with regard to the opponent (be sure to post if its YOUR right or your opponents right) is highly encouraged and could save you a point deduction for an unclear post.


10. Fighters must make sure their attacks start from the end of their opponents post...to make an attack that happens during Your Opponents post is called Back Posting this confuses and disrupts the flow of the spar and if Your opponent defends against it it usually changes what has already been posted further disrupting the spar. Back posts and defenses to them will earn you a deduction.




(Slashing at Your wrist as You make the first of three blows to My stomach) (Hacking My sword down into Your knee as You raise it up at My nards) (Ducking under your blow and opening your belly with a twisting backhand slash,then driving My knee up into Your nards before you back away)


11. An "Ending Post" may be posted after the final strikes have been posted. The Ending Post will abide By all the rules yet WILL NOT contain any offensive actions.


12. The judgment of the panel of judges is final and binding if You feel You can not accept it then do not step in to the pit. Each of the judges does their best to score the match fairly and unbiased.


Sometimes a mistake is made unintentionally or they see something different that others have missed, this is why there are multiple judges and the combatants are allowed choice in their selection Arguing about the decision is neither honorable not Gorean.




Rules For Judges



Who judges and the number of judges of a fight/spar shall be set and agreed on by the combatants. An odd number of judges is preferred to minimize the chance of a draw.


In the case of a fight to the Death, the judges must first decide if a fight to the Death is warranted for the dispute between the combatants. If the judges decide a fight to the Death is not warranted, and the combatants agree then the duel shall be reduced to an Honor Spar.


In the case of Open Combat, the Ubar/Jarl/Chief/Leader of the room where the combat occurs shall judge the combat. If the Ubar/Jarl/Chief/Leader is involved in the combat or if the Ubar/Jarl/Chief/Leader cannot FAIRLY judge the combat, the Ubar/Jarl/Chief/Leader shall appoint a single neutral judge agreeable to all combatants to determine if any deaths, serious wounds, or captures occurred.


Judges shall read all posts carefully, and objectively assess the merit of the posts. If a judge cannot do this, the judge should REFUSE to judge the fight/spar. It's the only honorable action.


Booted/crashed/frozen/tech impaired/RTI'd combatants (This IS on line and WILL happen.). a 15 minute grace time - over and above the 10 minute limit - should be given in those cases. In cases where a combatant cannot return to the fight/spar, the judges shall decide whether to restart the entire duel/spar at a later time or pick up the duel/spar where it ended at a later time. The judges may render decision on the duel/spar at the point the duel/spar ended, IF and ONLY IF, both combatants agree and three posts each have been completed.


Each post of each round of a duel/spar shall be worth a base of 10 points. Points shall then be added or subtracted from the base.


Fights/Spars will be judged on the basis of realism, following the above rules of combat, and effectiveness of offense and defense.


Violations of the 10 minute time limit shall have a 1 point deduction. The 10 minutes are calculated from the time of the opponent's last post. A one second violation of the 10 minutes IS a violation, and a 5 minute delay is also only a single point deduction




(Fighter 1 posts at 15:21:45. Fighter 2's post arrives at 15:31:46)=1 point is deducted.)

(Fighter 2 posts at 15:21:45. Fighter 1's post arrives at 15:41:03)=1 point is deducted.)


Unrealistic/confusing/non-flowing posts shall have 1 point deducted. Combatants are not supermen and posts should reflect humanly possible actions. The posts of each combatant should be clear, easy to read and easy to visualize. The posts should flow easily from one post to the next.


Violations of the rules of combat shall have a 1 point deduction PER violation. The only exception to this rule is The Movement violation, if a fighter posts 8 or more actions it is considered a flagrant abuse of the rules and shall receive an extra point deduction for each movement in excess of 7




(Combatant posts 7 actions in a post)=combatant loses 1 point


(Combatant posts 6 actions AND directs the opponent's next move)=combatant loses 2 points


(Combatant posts 6 actions, directs the opponent's next move, AND violates the 10:00 time limit for response)=combatant loses 3 points


(Combatant posts 16 movements)=loses 10 points [movements 6&7=1point... movement 8=1point... movement 9=1point... movement 10=1point... movement 11=1point... movement 12=1point... movement 13=1point... movement 14=1point... movement 15=1point... movement 16=1point...total loss=10points]


*Note* This may seem excessive but if you consider one or two extra movements may be a mistake but 3 or more is done on purpose to cheat and will be penalized as such


Judges shall look at each round of the fight/spar for offensive moves as it is a given that a sword fight can not be won with out attacking.... a purely defensive post shall have a single point deducted for lack of aggression. This is in place to stop someone from posting a technically correct spar yet never throwing an offensive blow.


Note* there will be times that it may become necessary to accept a hit in order to make an aggressive post this IS realistic and, though not a favorite choice, one that sometimes needs to made.


The judges MAY stop a spar if a lethal Blow is accepted or ignored. If a defense to the lethal blow is posted and the judges feel that it was unrealistic enough to not have slowed or blocked the blow in any way, they can also call a halt to the spar. If all the judges agree on this point a winner MAY be decided with out the spar continuing this MUST be an Unanimous decision By all the Judges_.. in the case of a single judge this policy remains in force but is discouraged


The end of the fight/spar will occur when the "Ending Post" is posted.


At the end of the duel/spar, each judge will all add his scores from all five posts for each combatant to determine who won the fight/spar. The name of the winner shall then be given to the head judge.


The winner of the fight/spar shall be the combatant who has the most judges deciding in his favor at the end of the fight/spar.




Judge 1 scores for Fighter 1: 21 - 19.

Judge 2 scores for Fighter 2: 22 - 17.

Judge 3 scores for Fighter 1: 20 - 19.


Fighter 1 is the winner of the fight/spar because 2 of the 3 judges have decided for Fighter 1. Fighter 1 wins the fight/spar even though total points totals are 58 (Fighter 1) to 60 (Fighter 2). This prevents a single judge (like Judge 2) from effectively 'over ruling' the other two judges.)


Judge 1 scores for Fighter 1: 20 - 19.

Judge 2 scores a draw: 19 - 19.

Judge 3 scores for Fighter 2: 19 - 17.


The fight/spar is a draw even though Fighter 2 has a 1 point edge in the totaled score.)


Judge 1 scores for Fighter 1: 20 - 18.

Judge 2 scores a draw: 19 - 19.

Judge 3 scores a draw: 17 - 17.


The fight/spar is a draw because 2 of 3 judges ruled it a draw. To allow Fighter 1 to win would allow Judge 1 to 'over rule' the other two judges. This fight/spar is a draw, even though Fighter 1 has a 2 point edge in the totaled score.)


Judges shall give their scoring and the reasons for the scoring in public.


It is hoped that any fight/spar would have a winner and loser but both serious fights and the Sport Spar may end in a draw. Extra rounds may be added to a Sport Spar or either fight (Honor or Death), if both combatants agree.


In case of a draw in a Sport Spar there are no consequences to a draw. In case of a draw in an Honor Duel both combatants keep their stakes.


In case of a draw in a Death Duel the judges must decide whether both combatants live or die. If both combatants are deemed to die due to severe injuries, then their property is returned to their next of kin.


If the results of the combat are a draw, and both combatants agree to break the draw, then an extra round will be added to the fight/spar. The extra round shall be judged independently of the preceding regular rounds. The scores of the regular rounds of the fight/spar are no longer valid.


After completion of the extra round the judges will confer to see if one combatant has won or lost the extra round. If a winner of the extra round is found, then the fight/spar is over and the winner of the extra round is declared the winner of the fight/spar.


If no winner has been determined in the extra round (i.e. the extra round was judged a draw too), then a second extra round is maybe added to the duel/spar. This process continues until a winner is declared, or until the combatants agree to a draw




Tips and Hints


Visualize the duel/spar as completely as you can. Try to "see" your actions and your opponents. State your position and actions as clearly as you can and visualize your opponent's position as well. Remember and post orientation information such as right and left (yours or your opponent), and up and down. Know the position of both your and your opponent's weapons, hands, and feet.


Be clear and concise in what you post.


A fight/spar is something like two artists painting a single picture. The artists are competing to see who is best on the same canvas. Warriors should continue "painting the picture" from the prior post, but only your part of the picture.


Accepting all blows is an easy way to proceed with a fight/spar, but shows little skill or imagination, it also will have the judges watching carefully to see how You handle the damage from the blows in your following posts. Conversely, blocking/evading all blows is unrealistic. Both combatants are (or should be) trained warriors and some attacks will land.


Make sure your pictures and java are off. Clear your cache.


For an Honor or Death Spar, or serious Tournament Spar running ScanDisk and Defrag prior to combat is a good idea.



Some possible Posts and how they might be scored





Fighter A_. Big tough Torvy with shield and longsword, waits quietly poised for action sword in right hand held cocked over right shoulder, shield in left hand held in front of body


Fighter B_.. small quick and fast ex-Wagon People Type and former Dessert Outlaw Type currently an Assassin/Healer wannabe , twin short sword held low, left hand sword in reverse grip weight on the balls of My feet ready to kick some ass_..


Judges_. Notes the size difference and placement of weapons also the way they are held




(00.00.00)Fighter A_. walks over to You, shield not moving and hits you in the head with the sword. Arcs the sword down and hits you in the left thigh. Slams the shield out and up slightly to hit you in the jaw with the top edge_.steps back to My right 3 paces and waits, sword recocked over My shoulder


Movement_[-1]__6 movements, the final step back and weapon replacement being counted as two moves per the rules


Realism__[0]_.boring but clean, clear and concise no offensive parry was needed as Fighter B's weapons were not in position of threat




Back post_[0]




Lack of Aggression_.[0] three attacks




(00.03.00)Fighter B_. slices my sword up into the flabby underarm as You try to hit my head 1 then drops under the blow 2and kicks your feet out from underneath you and laughs as you crash to the ground3_.. leaps back to my feet 4 and charges forward5 spinning past Your unguarded right side6 My twin swords cutting a bloody path7&8_stops and plants My feet then whips the swords across Your back in X9&10 and then stabs Your ass with My left hand sword11__ waits Poised for Your next slow assed move_..


Movement_[-5]_. the 8th to 11th movement each cause and addition deduction to the single one for over movement


Realism__[-2]_the sword strikes are not feasible with a blade held in a reverse grip You seemed to have missed/ignored the shield punch


Forced__.[-1] _."kicks your feet out from underneath you and laughs as you crash to the ground" is a forced move


Back post_[-2] _.the first cut and the leg sweep are back posts as they both happened before the end of Fighter A's post




Lack of Aggression_.[0] ignoring the back posted attacks still leaves 5 attacks






(00.13.02)Fighter A_. growls as the tip of Sword nicks My arm and stands unmoving as you kick at My ankles then drives the sword down, tip staying vertical and feels Your Blades screech against the metal and not My ribs_.then turns, going the opposite side You went so My shield swings around first, Catching most of the sword strokes on the shield but feeling the tips of the swords still score _..whips the long sword from where it sits y My hip, looping the blow in low trying for the side or rear of your left leg_.stays close as I recock the sword over my shoulder__


Movement_[-1] as noted before recocking the weapon at the end of the post is a movement


Realism__ [0]_.a good reply to the back posts but though basically ignoring the force posted leg sweep worked in this case it is not a good habit to get into_.the shield block is realist in the fact that it allowed a Part of the strike to hit yet negated the main damage as would be consistent with reality on such a move_.. The side or rear of the leg is a bit vague but not a deductible offense




Back post_[0]


Time___[-1] two seconds late on the timestamp


Lack of Aggression_[0]




(00.24.37)Fighter B_ack!!!_sorry got disconnected __


(00.29.01)Fighter B_Leaps nimbly over the Blow and stabs both My swords into Your fat gut_. Laughs and drives them in again__..Die northern scumbag!!!!_ stabs again with the sword this time to the center of Your chest_. Then grins evilly and stabs then down at Your crotch_..


Movement_[-3]_with a double sword stroke counting as two moves there are 9 movements in this post


Realism__[0]_ the leap is a bit much But again it is possible.. The problem here is when does possible become unlikely or unreasonable or even unbelievable




Back post_[0]


Time___[0] due to technical problem (disconnction/booted)


Aggression_.[0] lots of offense there






(00.38.59)Fighter A_.Staggers back a half step as the sword repeatedly drive in to face of the shield then snarls pushing the shield Out and down trying to force You swords low but not hitting You _..rips the sword down at the center of Your forehead powered By a sudden snap of the right hip and arms the size of your thighs_. Steps back a couple of Paces as I recock the sword once again




Realism__[0]_. Many people forget the size of a Torvaldsland round shield and just how much it covers_.




Back post_[0]




Aggression_.[0]_not a lot of offense but still some




(00.46.25)Fighter B_..leans back as the sword missesand swings harmlessy down infront of me1 and stabs you in the throat with my right hand sword2 then hacks in to the left side of Your neck with My other sword3 and snakes both sword out to the sides and slices them back in, in a double decapitating stroke4&5__




Realism__[-2]the other sword is in the left hand_.and chopping it into the left side of the neck would entail some sort of xbody blow or back hand strike neither which are evident in the post


Looks at that defense and then looks again you leaned Back away from a longsword blow to Your forehead yet remained in reach to stab him with Your short sword??????




Back post_








(00.51.18)The Judges_*WHOA! HOLD IT!!__.STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!!!


(00.52.45)Fighter B _grins cause You are dead,You Putz!!!....nobody blocks my patented double decapitation move


(01.01.01)The Judges_.. Fighter B is dead from a Blow to the forehead with a long sword _ We ALL agree that to the posted defense of leaning back to avoid a longsword while staying close enough to strike with a short sword would Not have in any way lessened the blow or the damage of said blow_..It is Unanimous_Fight is Over


(01.03.32)Fighter A_. wipes the large amount of blood and very small amount of brains off My sword and heads home for some Paga.




Rules written by Kurzon with technical assistance by RAGNAR, accepted by WEBMAZE® Gor Leader Council. Ammended February 2006 by RAGNAR and accepted by WEBMAZE® Gor Leader Council.