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Welcome to the WEBMAZE® Gor avatar guidelines.

The size is left primarily up to the Room Leader's discretion. However, the recommended maximum size for avatars should be no greater than 500 pixels wide and 400 pixels high for optimal performance. The room leader has the responsibility of curtailing excessively large avatars that interfere with the smooth function of the room.

Animated avatars and graphics are limited to use only for brief periods of time in the Gor rooms for specific reasons. Such reasons may be for slave dances, special events, etc. It is left to the discretion of the Room Leader if such are warranted within each room. Use of animated avatars and graphics should not be permitted for normal, regular, chat activities.

Other sections of WEBMAZE® have different regulations regarding avatar size. Keep this in mind when visiting other sections.

Additional Guidelines for Chat Codes

For best performance please be sure to use proper HTML coding in your tags.

Ghost codes, black codes, etc, are permitted under Room Leader's discretion.

During raids or planned combat, the aggressor may not use such tags as they may not be readily identifiable on pulldown lists.

The defender need not worry about the aggressor aspect. By attacking, the aggressor takes responsibility for recognizing their target and do so at their own risk. This allows those rooms allowing these codes to role play as they wish according to their Room Leader's discretion within their own room.

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