Entire Tuchuk Camp










Summer Main Camp










Winter Main Camp











Home to Ragnar and NightStorm.

“The wagon itself was the largest in camp, and the largest wagon I had conceived possible; actually it was a vast platform, set on numerous wheeled frames; though at the edges of the platform, on each side, there were a dozen of the large wheels such as are found on the much smaller wagons; these latter wheels turned as the wagon moved and supported weight, but could not themselves have supported the entire weight of that fantastic, wheeled palace of hide. The hides that formed the dome were of a thousand colors, and the smoke hole at the top must have stood more than a hundred feet from the flooring of that vast platform. I could well conjecture the riches, the loot and the furnishings that would dazzle the interior of such a magnificent dwelling.” —Nomads, pg 41










Ubara's Warriors Barracks Wagon

This is where the Warriors charged with guarding the Ubara of Tuchuk tend to normally reside. Both Ubara's Own... typically of predominantly Tuchuk Lineage, and Ubara's Chosen... The Ubara's enforcers and wall of defense, typically Tuchuks having a dominant trait of Torvaldslander blood in them. There are those who choose to companion from time to time and own their own personal wagons. These personal Wagons are located on the barracks wagon lot.

This ensures these Warriors are always on duty, or at least close at hand should their services be required. Their duty always comes first regardless of Companionship.









Orphan Wagon

The Orphan wagon is a converted heavy freighter. It provides a home for those Children of Tuchuk who have lost their Fathers and Mothers due to war or circumstance and have no other family members to take them in.

Obviously, the wagon is quite large and heavy duty, and has been remodeled to accommodate both genders.

The wagon platform holds harness lockers for the bosk, as well as tack boxes for kaiila and water barrels. Oiled wood for the Mels and Purple painted for the Females. It has a single double wide main entry using the standard hide flap, as well as heavy double doors for security should the need arise. Both doors may be closed and barred from the inside. Around the wagon box walls are located windows with interior closing shutters complete with arrow ports should the need arise for the wagon to be defended from within. A weapons rack is located on each side of the main doors on the interior. The Male side will hold all weapons used by Tuchuk Warriors. The rack on the Female side will predominantly hold hornbows and quivers of arrows as well as quivas.

Upon entry, an interior wall surrounds the interior of the wagon creating a corridor around the entire interior, with inner doors to the Male and Female sides. Within the separated areas, are ten bunked sleeping platforms with a capacity of twenty Children each... 20 Male and 20 Female. Smaller Children can share a platform should the need arise. Each platform has its own chest for personal affects. The lower platform's will be stowed beneath the lower platform and the chest for the upper platform will be stowed at the end of the bunked platforms.

Each side has two large braziers, a closet space, and a small commissary counter area. The Male side is predominantly oiled and polished wood, and verr woolen blankets and furs more befitting a Warrior. The Female side has white painted walls, purple painted chests, dyed pink verr woolen blankets and furs.

Warriors will be stationed on watch at this wagon, and their judgment on who may enter is final, based upon their general standing orders and special orders of the watch.

The steps area of the wagon is considered the "porch". In the rigging over the porch, iron rings have been installed to accommodate swings, ropes, and other items to entertain and promote fitness.


NOTE FOR ROLE PLAY; NONE may actually play the character of any Child in Tuchuk(Until the Child has reached maturity and is seen as an adult within our home.). No sexual or sensual conduct is permitted. This is a Story Told scenario creating an aspect of life seldom if ever covered. It simply adds an aspect of Tuchuk life and lines set by the Maze Gor Section of WEBMAZE will not be crossed. Failure to abide the decisions of the WEBMAZE Staff in this matter will result in immediate banning from the site. Use common sense and role play in good taste.







The Mead Wagon, like the Paga Wagon, is a large wagon of heavy freighter design converted into Ragnar's view of what would closely resemble a Great Hall of Torvaldsland.

The exterior looks no different than any other heavy freighter, but step inside and you leave the plains for the Norther lands of ice and snow.

With a huge drinking and feasting table, an enclosed armory, three private lodging chambers, a kitchen and storage for both food and drink, an area with a circle on the temwood floor, branding rack and anvil for collaring. A sitting area where anyone may relax, though often used by the Free Women while the Men deal with important matters such as drinking and bonds. Since fireplaces are nearly impossible, large fire bowls in strategic locations provide heat, atmosphere, and light.

Items adorn the interior walls, such as Torvaldsland shields, axes, spears, sacramasaxes, nautical items, fishing nets and the like. Lanterns illuminate when the fire bowls are not burning bright.

If you see a quiet place to relax, do not expect this to be it. It us always in operation, especially at night, most often by those in Tuchuk having various degrees of Torvie bloodlines, and even their drinking guests and Tuchuk family members. It is not restricted to only Men. Anyone may enter and be welcomed so long as welcomed in Tuchuk itself. It is used as a gathering place, a feasting place, and it is hoped... always a place of good cheer.

Arnkatla operates the Mead Wagon, being part Torvie herself, for Ragnar and Tuchuk. She sees to it when meals are offered there, they are of Torvie style, the mead and ale always flows, and she, or others she may ask assist with any of this as needed. Women of Tuchuk having a degree of Torvie blood might share some of their favorite Northern dishes. Slaves with the ability will serve in this wagon only as a Northern bond would serve. The attire for a slave here is a kirtle when Women are around, but that largely falls to the Men's desires. Ragnar had this built to bring the feeling of home and family to him wherever he may go upon the plains. Keep it that way. Brothers and family he has in the North are always welcome here. Ragnar welcomes them. YOU keep that in mind.







Ubara's Nest

Nestled in the mountain range overlooking the Point, cut deep within the mountain itself is a place of solitude, a respite from the rest of the world, a quiet place, usually, where the Ubara of Tuchuk, NightStorm, may seek peace and tranquility. Whether the great Ubara Sana of Ragnar's heart can do so remains to be seen.

A winding set of stone steps leads up to this mountain stronghold, guarded by Warriors of The Point Garrison. These steps rise up to a stone overlook, the mountain itself carved smooth as a head-landing from which all who gaze down from upon it may find The Point and a vast stretch of land laid out before their gaze. A sea sleen shade on cables may be extended or drawn back to allow shade or sun upon the overlook, as the Ubara may desire.

A carved stone walkway leads to the observation point overlooking the falls, where on a calm day the mist rises up from the falls to offer cooling relief to those who stand there gazing down from its height.

There is an area off to the side of the stone overlook that has been cut level, and sod placed over the flat stone to create a tarn landing area for those Guests the Ubara permits. The front of Ubara's Nest has four guard posts, having no exterior entry access. They each possess a cut arrow port through which to defend and hold the stronghold from assault. These posts have been, just as the stronghold itself, cut from the rock of the mountain and are solid rock at least three feet thick including the tops. The arrow ports can be closed and secured from within by a hinged iron shutter than may be barred shut if needed. Even open, these ports are large enough to loose arrows through with a wide field of fire due their larger funnel type interior construction, but the exterior is much too small for a body to access and is extremely difficult to loose an arrow into. If an arrow did manage to enter, the angle of the shot would still place the arrow over the head of the bowman within. These posts may only be accessed from within.

There is but one entry to the Stronghold. Double doors, two feet thick of solid timber with ironworks reinforcements, sheathed in iron. The iron hinges, set deep into the solid rock of the mountain must be kept well lubricated, for as it is, it requires two powerful Guards of Ubara's Own to open them. Once through these main doors, another set of double doors will be found of the same type of construction. Both sets of doors may be barred from within in addition to the great locks for security.

The Ubara's Nest contains a main chamber and a dais, a commissary and commissary storage complete with an iron cook stove with a small clay pipe to carry the smoke out the face of the stronghold. It is only used for cooking and is mostly cool to the touch. Much of the food can be brought up at any time from The Point below should the Ubara desire. The stronghold also contains many chambers for many purposes, including an armory, treasure chamber, private chambers, and slave kennels.

Ragnar has spared no expense in supplying basic furnishings, choosing to allow his Ubara Sana great leeway in the interior decorating of his gift. The basics include, but are not limited to a gold bathing tub in the Ubara's private chamber large enough for multiple persons, a sleeping platform with an actual down mattress a full two feet thick. A fully stocked cooking accessory utensil and cookware setup, a half stocked wine rack of the finest vintages known on Gor, a long finely crafted dining table with head and foot high-backed chairs and benches, or, the standard table legs may be pulled out and shorter legs inserted for more traditional Tuchuk dining. Guest chambers are furnished with sleeping couches, as is the Ubara's slave kennel. The solid timbered doors of NightStorm's private chamber and sleeping chamber have gold inlay of her collar device with a tarn in flight on one end and a sleen striking on the other. The Medical Library has information and techniques from all reaches of Gor in addition to ancient medical items so old they are no longer in use even by Gorean standards, though each item is still fully functional. The shelves and cabinets were crafted by the finest woodworkers of Torvaldsland, complete with detailed intricate carvings. The armory is fully stocked with traditional Tuchuk armament, as well as other specialty items that may come in handy. The finest furniture from Turia, Ar, Tharna, and other areas of splendor can be found wherever the Ubara or her Guests may have access. The areas used by Ubara's Own remain less opulent, as they are after all Warriors and have neither need nor desire for such niceties or soft living.

As Ubara's nest is carved from the solid rock of the mountain, there is no need for braziers to heat the stronghold. It remains a near constant, very comfortable temperature regardless of season or time of day. As no windows exist, illumination needs are met by energy bulbs, with candles for soothing effect and ambiance when desired. The floor throughout, cut from the mountain stone, has been smoothed and polished to an almost glasslike texture, but left just rough enough to avoid skating across it with wet feet, has gold and silver inlays of various symbols and reliefs of Gor from the slave k's in the kennels, to animals, to weapons and the sun, moons, and stars, which when light hits them at the right angles seem to glow from the floor.

As solid stone does not burn, the stronghold is impervious to fire from the exterior. Only the vegetation of the mountain will burn away still leaving ash, earth, and the rock of the mountain. Even the interior walls are solid mountain rock. The slaves that did the work on the Nest were put to death upon its completion as a matter of security. The Master Builder which overseen all the work unfortunately met with an untimely demise. Ragnar knows every detail of Ubara's Nest's construction being the architect of the endeavor. If you have never been invited in, you would never know the secrets tucked away inside. There is an emergency exit, well hidden and secret, know only to Ragnar, The Ubara, and only the most trusted of her Own. Do not bother searching for it. You will not find it. It is designed as an exit only in an emergency, and is near to impossible to gain entry to the stronghold by using it. Even if by chance it is discovered, unless you know its secrets, any attempt to use it will result in your death.

The Nest is constantly manned by Ubara's Own at both fixed positions as well as roving security sweeps. Defying the Ubara's Own in this place is defying and insulting the Ubara herself. Only the most foolish, and those seeking blessed relief of pain through eventual death would even consider such.







The Point Trading Post

Located at the base of the Ta-Thassa Mountains on the coast of Thassa, you come upon a garrisoned post known to all as The Point Trading Post. The Point Trading Post is an exchange point where all can conduct business and commerce. Shipping and Caravans stop at The Point Trading Post to sell, barter, and trade their goods, bringing materials, and supplies from all parts of Gor, as well as provisioning for continued journies.

The Point Trading is protected by a palisade wall of wooden logs with the tops sharpened to a point to prevent enemies from scaling over the walls, and into the Trading Post. There are three exits/entrances protected by guards to prevent hostile and unwanted forces from entering the post. One from the docks to the West, one to the South, and one to the East.

Ships, Merchants and caravans are welcome here to ply their goods and wares. Men of The Point patrol to ensure the peace. The Point Trading Post is patrolled at all times, so do not temp your fate by being aggressive.

The Point Trading Post is open to any Shipping, Merchants or Traders who wish to set up a business. Assassins may work within the walls but only to discuss their trade, but never to carry out their marks. Madison and Rayah own and operate The Point. Sisters, of Tuchuk bloodlines, they are supported by Ubar Ragnar and Tuchuk. All Free Women of Gor are welcome here in safety. Act like true Gorean Women and you will be acknowledged and respected as such. All collared slaves are welcome in safety, but do not attempt to steal or otherwise jeopardize your privilege. Uncollared slaves can and will be collared by any Free wishing to do so. Cages await any and all, be it Men, Woman, or slave, that violates the laws of an exchange.






Being as family to those of The Isle of Scagnar, Ragnar was granted lands there for he and those of Tuchuk to live and work while on the Isle. Locates along the Southern tip of North Lake, the generosity of the Isle can be seen in the amount of land, the structures, and the wealth of opportunity presented here. Ragnar is return shares all with the Isle, and helps with the overall stores of the Isle, the expertise of herding stock, lots of celebrations beneath the pavilion by the lake, and however and whatever else he and his can provide. The Isle has shown their brotherhood and family ways in assisting in any way possible.

Meat, diary, grazing lands, everything is shared, the only things to be fully observed is the bosk that are ringed not be butchered for meat. They are team bosk used for pulling and breeding for that purpose. BERAT, Ragnar's prized bull, the oldest biggest most powerful bosk known is located here. Ragnar allows him to be used for breeding purposes, and has pulled his last wagon. Now he may live out his days at pasture, or come winter in a nice warm barn. Kamchak, Ragnar's oldest sleen resides here. A 20 plus foot massive forest sleen still rules over the sleen of Drekalanda. He was once all black, but the years have taken their toll. He is a light gray color and wears a heavy iron collar that has been gold plated with his name and a small {RgR}. He is not chained, and has freedom of movement but seldom strays far from Ragnar's steading. He prefers to lay around in his old age and soak up the sun or sleep warm in the barn. He too is retired for breeding purposes now.

Drekalands is almost a settlement unto itself, though Ragnar keeps the merchant and trade aspect as small there as possible so the village of Scagnar might benefit even more. They are always willing to barter and trade and that is just fine with Ragnar. Drekalanda does have its own Vintner to see to the drink there, and Ragnar himself does make the occasional leather item when needed, and we have Seamstresses coming out of the woodwork, it is done on a very small scale as not to interfere with the commerce of The Isle.

There are four Man outposts in locations all around Drekalanda, complete with wooden towers for visibility, and horns and bells to sound alarm or send various messages. They do not guard against the Isle, but more against the Kurii up in the nearby mountains, and incursion if anyone somehow figures out a way to do so in that area. There land is marked, but the lines are not enforced, preferring that all of both Tuchuk and The Isle come and go... and make the most use of the land.



A rough overview of the layout of Drekalanda, though not to scale, it does give the general idea to date of the layout. As time goes by and more needs are found, it will likely grow.





Kralnarsson Steading, the lodge and home of NightStorm and Ragnar and their family. A large farm with barn attached to the rear of their Lodge with a breathtaking view or Mount Scagnar as well as over North Lake. A two plus story structure of Northern timber and thatch roof design, with exterior decks and lofts. Large and finely crafted, but modest in appearance as Ragnar prefers. Here, Ragnar removes the mantle of Ubar. He never held much in titles anyway, and enjoys just being Ragnar, or Jarl as he feels he was meant to be. A farmer, builder, seaman, family Man, though he still accepts the responsibility for all of Tuchuk on The Isle, not unlike the head of a great household. If there is work to be done, find the work and you will most likely find Ragnar right in the middle of it enjoying the labor.





Various lodges and structures of Drekalanda are shown to give you an idea of their construction and layout. These were constructed according to need moreso than any ranking system. Larger families need larger lodges. Simple as that. Women in general seem ti like fills, and Men are generally happy with enough room to escape the elements with a slave. Four Men and four kaiila can occupy the space one Woman does with all her frills and comforts. The Lodges are of a generic design in order to get them up as quickly as possible, but they are solid and will last for generations with simple care and upkeep.

Slaves are the concern of their Owner. Some may have quarters for them, others may just have them sleep in the barn when possible and sleep on the floor inside by the fire during the cold harsh winter. That is up to them. Special accomodations have not been built nor are they intended to be build unless absolutely necessary. If they do become necessary, do not expect anything elaborate.