ruby {NS}



I was born Selina Crow on Earth, in the State of Texas in the United States. I was employed at a daycare. One night, typical of most, I was preparing for bed, brushing my hair, brushing my teeth, and climbing into my comfy bed with a good book intending to read until falling asleep.

Just as I began reading, there was a bright light and everything became not much more than a hazy memory.

I awakened in a strange place having no real recollection of how I got there. Realizing I was naked, I started out in search of help. I came across an old torn shirt and just pulled it on in case I did come across anyone in the vast empty plains around me. I wandered a couple days before seeing a strange body of water ahead. It was not blue, but green. I continued towards it, and looked down to the beach and saw people down there. I began the climb down from the cliffs to the sand, and cautiously approached. I came to find out later I has been being watched for quite some time by men called Outriders.

Then Outriders from these People on the beach approached and spoke to me, but I couldn’t understand a word they said. I never heard such a language before anywhere. The Man I first met was named Arlon, and he collared me as his slave.

At first, these People seemed extremely barbaric and war-like. As time went on, I started to learn their language, and that were Tuchuk of the Southern Plains. I learned slavery was a way of life among them, and they had other slaves that seemed to come from various places. I am still learning their ways and their language. Strangely, I felt more freedom as a slave than I ever felt before in my life. I was no longer Selina Crow, I was given a new name, ruby.

It was not long after this, I was taken from that collar and ended up finally in the collar of the Ubara. I learned later Mistress NightStorm was like an Earth Queen. I belonged to a Queen! Her Companion, called Ubar Ragnar was like a King. He is the biggest Man I ever saw. He reminded me of a Viking in stories I had read on Earth. I came to discover Master Ragnar IS a Viking, well… here he is a Torvaldslander, in this world called Gor.

Master Arlon has left Tuchuk, and I am accepted here. It is a violent place and the Men seem to have no problem settling differences violently, with one usually killing the other as a result. A slave learns real quick when to run out of the way!

I had a slave sister called flame that helped me get settled in, but she went missing during a long trip they call migration. I hope they find her, but from what I have learned, slaves lost, on their own, usually don’t last long. Master Ragnar has a slave called siren, and she now helps me learn, though they call it training. Siren demands perfection, but understands I am still new and will make every mistake that can be thought of. Siren scares me, but I am learning she is frightening to get the point across Masters and Mistresses can be even more frightening if I screw up when serving them.

So now I am a slave of the Ubara of Tuchuk, and I don’t doubt I will have lots of adventures with them.