"The wagon of... [the] Ubar of the Tuchuks...was
drawn up on a large, flat-topped, grassy hill, the highest land in the
"Beside the wagon, on a great pole fixed in the
earth, stood the Tuchuk standard of the four bosk horns.
"The hundred, rather than eight, bosk that drew his
wagon had been unyoked; they were huge, red bosk; their horns had been
polished and their coats glistened from the comb and oils; their golden
nose rings were set with jewels; necklaces of precious stones hung from
the polished horns.
"The wagon itself was the largest in camp, and the largest
wagon I had conceived possible; actually it was a vast platform, set on numerous
wheeled frames; though at the edges of the platform, on each side, there were a
dozen of the large wheels such as are found on the much smaller wagons; these
latter wheels turned as the wagon moved and supported weight, but could not
themselves have supported the entire weight of that fantastic, wheeled palace of
hide. The hides that formed the dome were of a thousand colors, and the smoke
hole at the top must have stood more than a hundred feet from the flooring of
that vast platform. I could well conjecture the riches, the loot and the
furnishings that would dazzle the interior of such a magnificent
dwelling."—Nomads, 41
In our camp, the wagon of our Ubar is known
as DRAGONSLAIR. When we migrate between our summer and winter lands, the
enormous wagon and its one hundred bosk are expertly driven by our Ubar’s
first girl. The wagon itself looks exactly like the description of the
Ubar’s wagon as detailed in John Norman’s Nomads of Gor--with the exception
that this one has a front porch!
(more descriptions to follow...)
As for the interior of the wagon, the below diagram will help you
visualize the layout of the wgon and it’s various chambers. The white areas
on the diagram are white larl furs. For this reason, everyone, free and
slave alike will remove their boots/sandals and have their feet washed upon
entering the wagon!
As you can imagine, taking care of DRAGONSLAIR is a momentous task. One
that the first girl would not be able to do by herself. Camp slaves should
take an active part in caring for DRAGONSLAIR. This will help prepare them
for the care of a future owner’s wagon!
Below is a list of chores that can be done. Each camp slave will do ONE
chore from this list (or one they come up with that would be feasable) as
one of their three required weekly chores. The chores will be posted to the
DRAGONSLAIR chore thread.
Personally owned slaves may also do chores as long as they have the
permission of their owner.
* Sweep steps and wagon platform.
* Grease all axles.
* Dust railing around platform and shields hanging upon it.
* Fresh water at the wash basin each day... soap... and towel. (By steps)
* Verr three times a week under wagon to feed old 18' forest sleen
* 8 saddles and tack in tack boxes on platform... checked and polished if
* Fresh water in smaller wooden cask by steps with ladle.
* Clean furs on porch.
* Dust weapons on weapons rack by steps.
* Oil leather rope coils hanging on the outside of the wagon box.
* Oil coils of chain hanging on the outside of the wagon box.
* Lamps and torches will be tended each night.
* Sweep and polish all exposed wooden floors as needed.
* Spot clean white larl furs as needed.
* Clean all furs as needed.
* Clean and refill all braziers as needed... light only as needed.
Maintain ten sacks of dung in storage area at all times. (Note... each
smaller area has its own brazier.)
* Armory and treasury are off limits unless instructed otherwise.
* All commissary items will be maintained and commissary and commissary
storage will be kept spotless
* The Ubara often dines in private so there will be items to tend to.
* Fresh water and fresh meat will be stocked daily.
* Water is to be maintained in the bathing area in the large cauldron
suspended over the brazier.
* A hamstrung thrall washing feet will need be kept supplied with
freshwater, soaps, and towels.
* A hamstrung thrall pulls the leather rope operating a large flap fan.
Both will need fed, watered, and tended daily.
* Sleeping furs in the Master sleeping chamber will be tended daily.
* Private personal chambers will be checked daily to see if used, and
tended accordingly.
* All lamps are to be kept filled and ready for use. All lamps are
suspended by chains and must be raised and lowered to fill, light, and
extinguish by releasing the chain from a wall cleat and lowering or raising.
A minimum of ten casks of oil will be maintained in the storage chamber at
all times.
* All chamber pots will be checked and tended if needed daily.
* ASKARI are posted throughout the wagon, and the Watch Commander and
additional "On-Call" ASKARI can be found in the Watch Commander Chamber.
Remember to tend their needs.
* Council chamber will be off limits to slaves while in use unless a
slave is summoned.
* Dirty clothing will be gathered from baskets in the private chambers
and tended to once a week. When cleaned the clothing will be returned to the
appropriate chests in the private chambers.
* Medical supplies will be checked daily, and replaced when used. Medical
chamber will be maintained in immaculate condition.
* Interior walls are wood and bosk horn framed construction with
extremely valuable tapestries used as wall coverings. Various items are
displayed on the walls as trophies and keepsakes. These must be maintained
in dust free and cleaned condition.
* No slave will ever touch The shield of RAGNAR's Fathers or the families
great axe hung over the head of the sleeping chamber furs. Only RAGNAR may
touch these two items.
* One prized black saddle and tack is kept on a saddle stand within
RAGNAR's private chamber. It is a deep rich black leather saddle with gold
and silver fittings and hardware, a saddle blanket in ASKARI blue with
golden tassels and trim around the edges, the frame of the saddle
constructed of carved and formed bosk horn. A matching set of saddlebags
with solid gold RgR on each flap is kept with the saddle. The rein of black
braided leather with matching gold tassels is also present. The breastplate
of the saddle is solid silver with solid gold Tuchuk bosk horns overlay.
Weapons are kept with this saddle. All gifted through the years. This will
always be handled by slaves wearing soft cloth gloves. It will be kept
spotless and free of dust. A small six-board chest sits beneath the saddle
stand containing the gloves, oils, polishes, and polishing cloths for use.
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .