Membership Requirements
Tal and greetings. A few words from our Ubar, RAGNAR, as he welcomes you to Maze Tuchuk Camp:
Becoming a member of our home is now roughly a three week process. In order to maintain the quality of living in our home and to make your own experience the most it can be, we have established criteria for becoming a full member of MTC. Before committing yourself and requesting membership, it is wise to visit several times to be sure that we are what you seek in regards to a Gorean home and family. Once you have determined that MTC is the home for you, you must state your desire to become a member openly for all of our home to hear. At this time, a member of Council will award associate status, as follows:
Kamchak Assoc. MTC
Aphris Assoc. MTC
This first step as a member of our home will last roughly a week. Live with us, learn with us. At this phase, there will be a few requirements placed upon you in order to move on to the next phase of becoming a Tuchuk.
Learn the basics. Learn to identify the members of our Council and our slave trainers. Learn the critters that are commonly found in a wagon camp, such as the bosk, the kailla, the sleen, and some of the game animals native to the region which we may at times hunt. Submit contact info to the members of Council, such as email, MSN, ICQ, etc. Another simple means of communication is the IM feature on our Webmaze Message Boards. To use this, you must register for the boards, at the bottom of which are located our camp walls. Read these boards often; a great deal of pertinant info is posted there.
At the end of this first stage, you will be evaluated to check your progress. If all is well, you will then be granted Trial Period Tags, as follows:
Kamchak MTC tp
Aphris MTC tp
This will bring us roughly to your second week of becoming Tuchuk. There are requirements at this level as well. Submit a character biography so we might better grasp your character's concept and background. This need naught be factual or already role-played out, though it should be based upon Gorean foundations found in the books. If you need assistance, never hesitate to ask. Any Council member will be more than happy to aid you in creating a background for your character. There is no requirement as to how long or how in-depth this must be, though it should hold the basics. This bio should be kept updated as time goes on, and it may also be fluffed out with more detail as you learn and grow in Tuchuk. I myself am very bad at updating, and I must tend to my own ASAP. However, for those interested, my bio may be found here.
RAGNAR's bio
As I said... it need naught be anywhere near this involved. This bio has been a work in process since late 1997/early 1998, and it still continues.
During this second week, you will also need to start thinking of a Clan in which to ply your trade. You may approach any Clan Elder or Clan member to learn more of their craft. When you have found something that strikes your interest, you may seek to join a Clan by speaking with its Elder. Or, if you think of a trade naught already in existence, speak with the Ubar; you may just find yourself becoming a new Clan's Elder and beginning a legacy to pass on for generations to come. An example of a Clan page may be found here, though one so involved is naught a requirement and is usually left to Clan Elders:
The Cobbler's Wagon
You, whether Man or Woman, will familiarize yourself with the traditional weapons of Tuchuk - the kailla, the lance and shield, the hornbow and quiver of forty barbed arrows, the legendary balanced throwing knives of the Tuchuk known as quiva, and the bola and leather rope. You wil also be expected to learn the basics of combat, if a Man, or the basics of what and how to defend, if a Woman. As a Woman, you may or may naught wish to take an active part in the defense of our home. Most do, but a few have chosen naught to do so. In the latter event, you must learn what to do to remove yourself from the action in order to avoid interfering with those engaging the enemy in combat.
By now, you are entering roughly your third week of trial period. You should be taking an active part in our daily lives by working your Clan or learning more regarding Clans. You should seek to train or spar with a veteran of our home to further your skills. You are almost one of us now. Hang in there. During this time, you will need to evaluate your new life as a Tuchuk. Create a post of what it means to you to be a member of our home and family; when ready, openly submit this to the Ubar or a member of Council for all in camp to feel the strength and meaning in your words.
Please note that during all three weeks, camp kajirae above the level of kettle can only serve food, drink, and conversation until such time as you are approved for Membership. You may also converse with kettles if it is your wish to initiate such.
Once the three weeks have passed, Council will vote upon your membership. If you pass the vote, you will be notified of the result in camp and granted full tags, as follows:
Kamchak MTC
Aphris MTC
There may be other not-so-difficult steps, but above are the main stepping stones to becoming a member of our home. A three week trial period may seem like a great deal of effort just to role-play on Gor... but these standards do help both you and our home to ensure quality and, hopefully, the long-lasting family ties upon which Tuchuk has been based and grown for years. If accepted, be a true member and a loyal part of our camp and family. We stand as Tuchuks or we die as Tuchuks, but always as family holding true to our ways and one another.
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .