Cleanliness and Sanitation in MTC
1. All dishes, goblets, and such are to be washed thoroughly, rinsed, and THEN BOILED for 30 ehn (minutes) before being placed on the shelves.
2. All slaves must remember to wash thoroughly before moving from one task to another. For example, do not stand in the bosk pen, handling or feeding the beasts, and go directly from there to serve food or drink, or to clean the commissary, without first washing yourself. Good hygiene for kajirae is a must on Gor!
3. Before grinding black wine beans or sa-tarna grains, inspect the sack for signs of any spoilage or for any objects that may be within them (bugs, etc).
4. Before feeding animals the grains, thoroughly inspect the barrel of grain currently in use for signs of spoilage. Spoiled grains means sick animals, and sick animals could mean death to a person ingesting animal products.
5. As stated elsewhere in this manual, the blood and offal of butchering will attract wild sleen and other carnivorous beasts if left to rot and stink. It should go without saying that such does make for a very sanitary or pleasant environment for our People, either. Scraps are thus collected in buckets for feeding to the domestic sleen and kaiila, while the blood is diluted and washed away with water brought from the nearby river. Except in the case of the bosk, whose blood is always welcomed to flow upon our plains, animals will be slain and hung over a canvass to collect as much of the gore as possible.
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .