Priority Chores
After slaves complete any chores specifically assigned to or expected of them, they should move on to other necessary tasks. Remember that a large camp means a lot of work!
Before beginning their work, slaves should check the chore board and see which chores have been posted for that day to avoid duplicated efforts. After that, slaves can choose chores to do. Slaves are to complete at least three top priority chores before moving on to other work. Kajirae seen leaving the worst chores to everyone else will be called on it.
Top Priority Chores
•Preparing food! Hungry Masters and Mistresses are grumpy
Masters and Mistresses!
•Preparing fresh black wine
•Filling bottles of Paga and botas of water for immediate use
•Butchering! It’s a nasty job but a necessary one! If you do
not know how, ask the slave trainers. All slaves should know how to butcher and prepare the beasts for cooking.
•Rinsing the butchering areas
-Animal Stuff
• Collecting bosk dung
• Milking bosk
• Feeding and watering the animals
• Collecting vulo eggs
• Cleaning animal pens
• Grooming animals
• Chamber pots
• Commissary wagons, including dishes, counters, floors, and
shelves. *Remember that dishes must be boiled for 30 ehn
after washing!
• Fireside furs should be cleaned daily
• Medical wagons
• Cold storage wagons
• Tending fires
• Tending the camp torches
• Heating kettles of water
• Hauling water
• Greasing wagon wheels
• Replenishing medical kits as dictated by the camp Healers
Second Priority Chores
• Cleaning private wagons
• Cleaning the bathing tubs for the use of free persons
• Making candles
• Laundry
• Basket weaving
• Rug making
• Freight wagon
• Restocking commissary wagons
• Sanding wooden planks and steps
• Cleaning UNDER the wagons
• Sanding pots and kettles
• Cut and bale grasses that are not near the animals
• Sanding the whipping post
• Sifting and raking the sands of the dance and sparring pits
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .