First Girl Quotes
The following quotes detail the rights, responsibilities, and respect that is accorded to those who bear the distinction of being first girl. Not only will this page serve to provide insight into the unique task that is undertaken by ~prism~ {*RgR*1*}, it will also offer instruction to those slaves who find themselves ranked along a private owner’s chain.
It is also important to note that slaves are often arranged in heirarchies of high girls who report to a first girl. In MTC, this heirarchy would be representated by the training team slaves, each of whom reports to ~prism~{*RgR*1*}. As high girls, all training slaves hold switch rights, as does MTC's first girl.
This is a work in progress.
“I was pleased with how well, in the past months, Elizabeth had done with the language. Of course, Kamchak had rented three Turian girls, slaves, to train her; they had done so, binding her wrists and leading her about the wagons, teaching her the words for things, beating her with switches when she made mistakes; Elizabeth had learned quickly.”—Nomads, 60
“Tuka, I knew, hated Elizabeth, and Elizabeth, I knew, reciprocated the emotion with vehemence. Tuka, in the matter of teaching Elizabeth the language, had been especially cruel. Elizabeth, bound, could not resist and did she try, Tuka's companions, the others of her wagon, would leap upon her with their switches flailing. Tuka, for her part, understandably had reason to envy and resent the young American slave. Elizabeth Cardwell, at least until now, had escaped, as Tuka had not, the brand, the nose ring and collar. Elizabeth was clearly some sort of favorite in her wagon. Indeed, she was the only girl in the wagon. That alone, though of course it meant she would work very hard, was regarded as a most enviable distinction. Lastly, but perhaps not least, Elizabeth Cardwell had been given for her garment the pelt of a larl, while she, Tuka, must go about the camp like all the others, clad Kajir.”—Nomads, 69
“’You will see,’ said Kamchak, ‘that she wears the pelt of a larl—that she is not collared, that she does not wear the nose ring, that she does not wear the brand.’ And then he added, ‘—as you will.’
“Aphris trembled, her eyes pleading.
"’Do you wonder, Little Aphris,’ asked Kamchak, ‘why the barbarian—though slave—is not clad Kajir, why she does not wear ring, brand and collar?’
“’Why?’ asked Aphris, frightened.
“’So that there will be one higher than you in the wagon,’ said Kamchak.
“I had wondered why Kamchak had not treated Elizabeth Cardwell as any other enslaved wench of Tuchuks.
“’For,’ said Kamchak, ‘among your other tasks, my dear, you will perform for this barbarian the duties of a female serving slave…If she does not work well,’ called Kamchak cheerily [to Elizabeth], ‘beat her.’”—Nomads, 136
“’Is there anything wrong?’ asked Elizabeth Cardwell.
“I noticed there was a large welt on the side of her face, that her hair was ripped up a bit and that there were five long scratches on the left side of her face.
“’No,’ I said.
“Aphris of Turia appeared in even worse shape. She had surely lost more than one handful of hair. There were teeth marks in her left arm and, if I was not mistaken, her right eye was ringed and discolored.”—Nomads, 138
“He looked at Miss Cardwell. ‘Tenchika and Dina are gone,’ said he. ‘You may sleep once more in the wagon.’
“Elizabeth cast a grateful look at him. I gathered that the ground under the wagon was hard.
“’Thank you,’ she said.
“’I thought he was your master,’ remarked Aphris.
“’Master,’ added Elizabeth, with a withering look at Aphris, who smiled.
“I now began to understand where there were often problems in a wagon with more than one girl. Still, Tenchika and Dina had not quarreled very much.”—Nomads, 139
“’You,’ said Kamchak, glaring at Elizabeth. ‘You stupid little barbarian—you cannot even dance!’
“Elizabeth looked down, confused, rather shamed. It was true, what Kamchak had said.
“The voice of Aphris was timid and quiet. ‘I can’t either,’ she said.
“’What!’ howled Kamchak.
“’No,’ cried Aphris, ‘I never learned!’
“’Kaiila feed!’ cried Kamchak.
“’I’m sorry,’ said Aphris, now a bit irritated, ‘I just never planned on becoming a slave.’
“’You should have learned anyway,’ cried the disappointed Kamchak.
“’Nonsense,’ said Aphris.
“’It will cost money,’ grumbled Kamchak, ‘but you will learn—I will have you taught.’
“Aphris sniffed and looked away.
“Elizabeth was looking at me. Then she turned to Kamchak. To my astonishment, she asked, ‘Can I, too, be taught?’
“’Why?’ he asked.
“She looked down, blushing.
“’She is only a barbarian,’ said Aphris, “—all knees and elbows—she could never learn.’
“’Hah!’ laughed Kamchak. ‘The Little Barbarian does not wish to become second girl in the wagon!’ He gave Elizabeth’s head a rough, affectionate shake. ‘You will fight for your place! Excellent!’—Nomads, 141
“Elizabeth turned her head over her shoulder. ‘I will speak with him,’ she said. ‘I am First Girl.’
“The comb caught in Elizabeth’s hair again and she cried out.
“’You are only a barbarian,’ said Aphris sweetly.
“’Comb my hair, Slave,’ said Elizabeth, turning away.
“’Certainly—Slave,’ said Apris, continuing her work.”—Nomads, 148
“’Sell her to him,’ recommended Aphris, hiccupping.
“’You only want to be First Girl,’ said Elizabeth.”—Nomads, 158
“She was incredibly beautiful. She wore a collar. Her garment was white, and came to her ankles, in classic folds. She did not wear the brief work tunic of the other girls. I gathered she was high girl in the camp and that I, and the other girls, would have to obey her. It is not uncommon, where several girls are concerned, to put a woman over them. Men do not care to direct us in our small tasks. They only wish to see that they are done.”—Captive of Gor, 267-8
“…about her forehead, tying back her dark hair, was a strip of rep cloth, brown, of the same material as the work tunic. I knew this meant she had some authority among the girls. Ena was high girl in the camp, but I suspected that Ute my be first among the work slaves. I began to shake.”—Captive, 285
“Ute was not particularly cruel to me, as I had feared she would be.
“She treated me justly, as she did the other girls. It might even have been as though it were not I who had betrayed her to the hunters of Haakon of Skjern.
“I did much work, but I did not find that I was doing more than the other girls. Ute would not, however, let me shirk. After I had recovered from my fear that she would exact a vengeance on me for betraying her, I found myself, eventually, becoming irritated, somewhat, that she would treat me with no more favoritism than the other girls…I had some consolation in the fact that certain other girls, who would try to be particularly pleasing to Ute, who would try to insinuate themselves into her favor, were treated with abrupt coldness. She treated us all alike. She kept herself remote from us. She did not even sleep or eat with us, but in the kitchen shed, where she would be chained at night. We respected her. We feared her. We did what she told us. Behind her lay the power of the men. Yet we did not much like her, for she was our superior. We were pleased that she treated others with justice, not giving them advantages or privileges over ours, but we were angry that the same justice was meted out, in turn, to us.”—Captive, 290
“’Who would be first girl?’ I asked.
“’It would not be you,’ he said. ‘You are from Earth.’"—Dancer, 231
“The suspension of brush-and-comb privileges is also used, upon occasion, by the first girls as a disciplinary measure, within the coffle. Other disciplinary measures practiced among girls themselves involve such things as bonds, the control of rations and switchings. Girls, thus, under the control of first girls, reporting to the masters, commonly keep a good order among themselves. All, of course, including the first girls, are in all things subject, ultimately, to the total authority of the master.”—Savages, 231
“A switch was put in the hands of Eta. She stood over me. I put down my head. She did not strike me. I looked up at her. I realized then that she was first girl in the camp, and that I must obey her, that she had been empowered to set me tasks and duties. Suddenly I feared her... Now I realized I must, without question, take slave instructions from her and discharge swiftly and well whatever menial duties she might place upon me... I had little doubt she would use the switch, and richly, upon me, did I not work well... She could command me. She held the switch. I would obey. She was first girl.”—Slave Girl, 66
“Slave girls compete for the attentions of masters. Each strives to be more pleasing to them than the other. The quality of a slave girl's life is commonly a direct function of her pleasingness to her master.”—Slave Girl, 131
“When more than one slave girl stands in a relationship of slave girls, as when they serve in the same shop or house, or adorn the same rich man's pleasure gardens, it is common for the master, or masters, to appoint a "first girl." Her authority is then to the other girls as is that of the master. This tends to reduce squabbling. The first girl is usually, though not always, the favorite of the master. There is usually much competition to be first girl. First girls can be cruel and petty but commonly, they attempt to govern with intelligence and justice. They know that another girl, at the master's whim, may become first girl, and that they themselves may then be under her almost absolute power.”—Explorers, 77
“... in a group of female slaves, for example, in a pleasure gardens, a fortress or a tavern, there will usually be a girl appointed First Girl. Indeed, if there is a large number of slaves, there are sometimes hierarchies of "first girls," lower-level first girls reporting to higher-level first girls, and so on. The lower-level slaves will commonly address their first girl as 'Mistress'."—Magicians, 123
General Info
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