Keep in Mind...
•Kajirae have no rights and own nothing. A slave has only the use of things given by a Master or Mistress. A name? No, it can be changed at any time. Even a slave’s life is naught his/her own. Slaves can be bought, sold, traded, or killed at any time (Explorers of Gor, page 316).
•The collar worn by a slave carries with it the Honor of his/her Master or Mistress. It can be a treasure or a burden. How easily a collar weighs upon a slave's throat depends upon that slave's willingness to please his/her owner in all things.
•Kajirae are expected to wear their collars in their html codes everywhere they go. Always act with beauty and grace. You carry the honor and the name of your Master/Mistress or the Camp upon your throat. Owners will wish to be made proud of their slaves.
•Excellence and perfection in kajirae is expected at all times. To give less than your best cheats your belly and disrespects the free person you serve and the others looking on.
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .