Serving in General
•Only collared kajirae may serve here in Tuchuk. Observers (designated by an ~o~ after their name) may not serve or participate. They may ask questions about Camp, Camp Rules, kajirae rules, etc.
•Collared slaves from other sites serve here ONLY with their owners’ permission, and then within the particular restrictions they have been given by their Master or Mistress. Slaves are on the 'honor system' as far as this rule goes; since each slave carries the Honor of their Master/ Mistress in their collar, we trust that they care enough to not disrespect their Master/Mistress by disobeying personal restrictions.
•As of 9/9/99 by order of Ubar: Visiting Masters or Mistresses may have their own kajirae serve them in any manner they see fit, including dancing and furring, within the rules of MTC. However, visiting kajirae may only serve food and drink in tower if their Master or Mistress is not present. Visiting kajirae serving with heat and enticing with heat will be looked upon as desiring a Tuchuk Master and/or Mistress and will be collared as a slave of MTC. If owners outside of MTC can naught satisfy or control the heat of their kajirae... rest assured MTC can and will do so. Again... this only applies to unescorted kajirae.
•Kajirae belonging to those having close ties to Tuchuk may be permitted to serve with heat PROVIDED arrangements are made prior to visiting.
•Slaves will serve free persons one at a time to ensure that their full attention is on the one to whom they have offered service. Filling multiple orders at one time is not permitted, unless a slave has specifically been commanded to do so. General offers "tossed out into the air" of the camp only show laziness on a slave's part.
•Offer to serve before performing chores or engaging in character development role-play. Free persons entering Camp, after clearing the Outriders, should be promptly greeted and offered service from any slave not already serving. When serving or conversing with a Free person, that person will receive 100% of a slave's attention until the slave is released from the service.
•Though stated elsewhere, it bears repeating: NEVER interrupt conversations between free persons or free persons and slaves. NEVER interrupt another slave's serve or dance. NEVER discuss free persons or their actions in disparaging tones. NEVER, in any manner, act disrespectful or whine pitifully. NEVER argue with a free person.
•As noted on our Greeting Rules page, there is now a definitive order in which service is offered in MTC:
• Personal owner, if any
• Ubar
• Ubara
• Free men of Council
• Ubars and Camp Seconds of other homes, if any are present
• Free women of Council
• Ubaras of other homes, if any are present
• All other men of our home
• All other women of our home
• Visiting men
• Visiting women
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .