Slave Speech
•As of December 5, 2001, MTC has allowed first person speech from slaves, in keeping with its use in the books of Gor. Slaves in the books did, in fact, say the words "I," "me," and even "my," with regards to the very powerful expression, "my Master"; while third person speech was used in the books as punishment or for instructional purposes.
•A slave is never to use the word "mine." Even the word "my" needs to be used with great discretion to ensure that others do not feel that the slave is suggesting the ability to own something. Abuse of the privilege of first-person speech will result in its revocation.
•For those who have not read the books, it must be explained that the term "my Master" is one of the most highly emotional phrases a slave girl can utter. For a girl to address her owner as "my Master" is to express that she has found her true love Master and thus declares her deepest love.
•This is on an individual voluntary basis, as well... If a slave feels more a slave to speak in third person, to say "this girl" etc., the slave may continue to do so.
•For further information on third-person slave speech versus normal first-person speaking, as well as on the Gorean language in general, please visit the Gorean Language page.
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .