Training Guidelines for advancement to the Senior Thrall Level
In general, the male slave is expected to have a level of
knowledge and excellence comparable to that of a pagar kajira in order to attain
senior thrall status. However, in deference to his gender and to his occupation
as a fighting or work thrall, the male slave will be required to know a
specialized set of information.
Every thrall, regardless of occupation, will be familiar
with the following before reaching senior thrall status:
-Miscellaneous rules, info
•all remaining slave rules, esp. handling of
knives, coin; serving sexually; traveling
•thorough understanding of all training levels
and their rules/requirements
•understanding proper name configuration
•rules for slave ownership, auctions as seen in
the General section
•our free companionship laws
•the members of the Sa-Clan
•the Scar/Ring codes and the significance of
their colors
•our CoD
•that there is no such thing as a “white silk” or
“red silk” thrall
-Culture - from the General section of our webpages
•calendars – two types
•roles of Haruspexes, Year Keepers
•religion for men, women, slaves
•the nose ring and the four-horns brand
•EVERYTHING on the Animals page
•EVERYTHING on the Culture and Customs page (this
is extensive!!!)
•EVERYTHING on the Clans page
•traditional forms of recreation
•wagon types
•the Gorean language
•the traditional greeting
•knowledge of the garments worn by free persons
-Serving, Intermediate
•less common foods – Vulo eggs; parsit, tumit &
kailliauk meats; katch, kes, kort, suls, & sullage; larmas, ta-grapes, melon, &
ram-berries; slave gruel.
•less common drinks – "Dragon” Paga & Sul Paga;
ale, mead & rence beer; black wine, first and second slave; juice & chocolate;
•kissing the side of the vessel before offering
it upward
•not drinking from the Master’s/Mistress’s cup
-First Aid
•the items found in a surgical kit (surgical
knife, pre-threaded needles, etc.)
•the proper maintenance of med kits
•the locations of med kits throughout camp
-The Kajirus Pages
•all quotes and info pertaining to the kajirus
•the monetary worth of the kajirus vs. the kajira
Fighting thralls are not expected to dance, nor are they
expected to know a wide range of slave positions. Every fighting thrall will
additionally be familiar with the following before reaching senior thrall
-Combat Training
•knowledge of the spiked gauntlet and the hook
•knowing the Webmaze Circle Rules for Non-Lethal
•sparring with the free men of camp, if any are
willing (beg permission!)
•sparring with practice dummies to develop
fighting (i.e., descriptive writing) techniques
•adhering to a personal fitness training regimen,
when such is developed
•reading the quotes from “Fighting Slave of Gor”
– coming soon!
The work thrall is the draft beast of camp. Although he
will serve in a limited capacity, he will neither fight nor dance. Every work
thrall will additionally be familiar with the following before reaching senior
thrall status:
-Chores, Advanced
•showing creativity by creating original chores
•knowing the difference between primary priority
chores, secondary priority chores, etc.
•proficiency in butchering small and large
•understanding Tuchuk-specific chores from the
Chores Quotes page
•understanding thrall-specific chores from the
Chores Quotes page
•assisting free persons with their clan duties, especially
labor-intensive ones
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .