Slave Positions, Commands, and Modalities of Being
“Our bodies, superbly trained, even those of Inge and Ute, now became unmistakably those of slave girls. We had had trained into our bodies mysteries of movements of which even we, for the most part, were no longer aware, subtle signals of appetite, of passion and of obedience to a masculine touch, movements which excited the fierce jealousy, the hatred, of free women, particularly ignorant free women, who feared, and perhaps rightly, that their men might leave them for the purchase or capture of such a prize. Most slave girls, incidentally, fear free women greatly. Some of these movements are, in standing, as obvious as the turning of a hip; in reclining, as obvious as the partial extension of a leg, the pointing of toes. But many are more subtle, tiny, almost indiscernible movements, which yet, in their total effect, brand a female body as being incredibly sensuous, things like a way of glancing, a way of holding the head, subtle things like the almost invisible, sudden flexion of the diaphragm, the tiny fear movement of the shoulders, which signals that the girl, as she is, is helpless quarry. Incidentally, we also learned our own responsiveness to certain signals. For example, we could become curious, uneasy, simply by turning an open palm, perhaps unnoticeably, toward a male. It made us feel vulnerable. I did not like to do this. And, of course, we came to understand, too, the movements of men, and how to read their interest and desire. It is not really a mystery that the Gorean slave girl, who is trained, seems to anticipate her master’s moods, and that he scarcely need ever speak of desire for her. She know when he does not desire her, and when he does desire her, and when he does desire her, she signals her responsiveness to him, and goes to him. I smiled to myself. Men pay higher prices for trained slave girls. Some of them do not even understand fully the training the girl receives. They think commonly only in gross terms, such as her being trained in the dances of various cities, and in the arts of love, as practiced in various cities. They often do not know she is trained to read his desires, like an animal, from his body, and to serve them promptly, subtly and fervently. The trained girl is well worth her price.—Captive, 196-197
For simplicity's sake, slaves will be referred to in the feminine tense. It is to be understood that male slaves may, at one time or another, be called upon to perform the more common of these positions.
•Bara or Belly: This position is sometimes referred to as the standard binding position. A slave lays on her belly and presses her head to the ground, crosses her ankles, crosses her wrists in the small of her back, and waits motionless to be bound.
"’Bara,’ said Mincon to Tula. ‘Bara,’ said I to Feiqa. Both slaves went immediately to their bellies, their heads to the left, their wrists crossed behind their backs, their ankles also crossed. It is a common binding position."--Mercenaries, 145
See "On/to Your Belly" for a slightly different version of this command.
•Begging for Love: When commanded to do so, slaves must reveal their innermost needs by begging for love and sexual attention.
"’You!’ said the trainer, gesturing to another girl with his whip. ‘To his feet! Beg for love!’ This girl hurried forward and knelt before Drusus Rencius. ‘I beg for love, Master,’ she whispered. ‘You!’ said the trainer, indicating another girl. She, too, hurried forward. She knelt before Drusus Rencius, her palms on the floor, her head to the very tiles. ‘I beg for love,’ she whispered. "’I beg for love, Master.’”—Kajira, 139
•Blanket: This is where the Master/Mistress covers a slave's head. Whatever position the slave might be in, she must remain motionless and quiet until the blanket is removed. The slave is effectively bound, not by physical restraints, but merely by the Master’s/Mistress' will alone.
“I then threw the second blanket, the top blanket, over her, covering her completely. When a blanket, or a cloak, or covering of any sort, is thrown over a slave like this she may not speak or rise. She must remain as she is, silent, until the master, or some free man, lifts the covering away.”---Explorers of Gor, p 94
•Bracelets: The slave kneels, thighs spread wide, back arched, head held high, wrists at the small of her back in preparation for being bound. Her eyes are kept lowered in submission. (An alternate is the standing position, where the slave spreads her legs shoulder width apart.)
“The girl snapped to position, hands behind the small of her back, head lifted, chin up, turned to the left. In such a posture she may be conveniently put in bracelets and leashed.”---Tribesmen, 78
“He had removed a pair of light bracelets, joined by about five inches of light chain, from his pouch. ‘Slave bracelets,’ he said. ‘Turn around, facing the door, your hands behind your back.’”---Kajira, 132
•Brand: The slave kneels and reveals her brand in response to a free person’s command.
“As they are free persons they could simply put the girl to her knees and issue the command, ‘Brand,’ to which the girl must respond by revealing her slave mark.”-Witness, 329
•By by the Master’s Will: This is a state of being in which the slave responds to a Master’s commands as though she were confined by his bonds, his gag, or his blindfold. Regardless of her physical discomfort, she may not use or move the portion of her body which is rendered useless or immobile until released from this command. To break from this position is to be immediately slain (Blood Brothers of Gor, 248).
“How much more merciful, I thought, if they would just hood the women. It is hard to be blindfolded by, gagged by, or bound by the ‘Master’s will.’ In being ‘blindfolded by the Master’s will’ one must keep one’s eyes closed. I had, just shortly before, been so ‘blindfolded.’ In being ‘gagged by the Master’s will,’ one may not speak, even to request permission to speak. In being ‘bound by the Master’s will,’ one must keep one’s limbs in the prescribed position, as though they were actually so bound, or so metal-clasped, or chained. There are several familiar versions of this. In one the slave crosses her wrists before her body and must retain the position until freed by ‘the Master’s will.’ In another she kneels, her head down, and clasps her hands behind her back. If she is right-handed, she clasps her right wrist with her left hand. If she is left-handed, she clasps her left wrist with her right hand. Another common version of this sort of ’binding’ is to put the slave on her belly and have her cross her wrists and her ankles. It is thus as though she were bound hand and foot. She remains this way, as in all these cases, perhaps for hours, until she is freed ‘by the Master’s will.’ A very unpleasant application of this technique is to put a slave in the sun and spread-eagle her ‘by the Master’s will.’ One then smears her face, and body, and hair, with honey and leaves her there, her presence being soon noted by a large variety of unpleasant insects. This is, of course, a punishment. After such a bout with thousands of tiny, swarming, crawling visitors, sometimes almost obscuring her, the slave is much improved. The more merciful master, of course, literally stakes the slave out, binding her wrists and ankles widely apart, to the four stakes, before applying the honey. In either case, the girl will be much improved. Even the threat of this sort of punishment, it might be noted, is likely to be effective. And this saves a good deal of unpleasantness all around, and some honey, as well. To be sure, for the threat to be effective, the girl must understand quite clearly, and will understand quite clearly, that the threat is not an idle one. If she entertains any doubts on that score, the master will see to it that they are soon satisfied.”—Witness, page 353
•Capture: There are two forms of this position. In the first, the slave lays with her back flat on the ground, knees bent so that her feet are flat against the ground as well, with her arms at her sides. The second is a kneeling, and is the same as the standard position of female submission/collaring position. In this form, she is kneeling, head bowed, arms raised and outstretched with wrists crossed for binding.
"On your back, he said, knees raised, heels on the floor. I then lay before him, in a standard, supine capture position.--Kajira, 442
•Cell-Broken: While this is not precisely a command, being cell-broken does figure into the training for slaves or prisoners who are confined to cells or cages. Much like the animal he or she is, a slave is trained as to the appropriate corner or receptacle for the depositing of bodily wastes.
“I looked back to the porcelain type container, near the back wall, to the right. I was glad it was there. I would be expected to use it. One is taught, I, and animals, too, of other sorts, to use such things, corners of cells, boxes, drains, and such. I, of course, was ‘cell broken.’ If no receptacle were there, and I need not ‘wait,’ sometimes in misery, until conducted by keepers to a suitable place for the discharge of such homely functions, I knew enough to use the back, right-hand corner of the area. It is not pleasant to have one’s face nearly thrust into one's wastes and then, on all fours, be dragged by the hair to the back, right-hand corner of an area, where the keeper points meaningfully to the appropriate place of deposition. One learns quickly, of course. One trains well.”—Witness, 106
“One of the early lessons one learns in the pens is that one is not permitted dignity or privacy. I recalled the guard from the pen who had been, for some reason, unlike the others, so cruel to me, he whose whip I had first kissed. Several times it had been he who, it seemed in anger, had elected to ‘walk me.’ Several times I must squat at the drains and relieve myself before him. Though I was a slave I found this shameful, and embarrassing. Not before him, of all, he who was so precious and special to me, he who figured in my most helplessly lascivious and submissive dreams, he whose whip I had first kissed on this rude, beautiful world! Why did he hate me so? Why did he make me do this? Why did he wish to so grievously shame and humiliate me? Is this how he wanted to think of me, or remember me, as a foul, pathetic, meaningless little animal relieving herself upon command before him?”—Witness, 127
•Coffle: This command is used mainly in the transport of slaves. Slaves would kneel to be coffled (chained together) and, depending on the type of coffle, commanded to raise either their left or right wrists so that they may be chained to slave rings along a length of chain. When done, and standing, the slaves would be chained together in a line.
"’Kneel to be coffled,’ said one of the men. The girls knelt, closely, one behind the other. There were six wrist rings on the chain he carried. He placed the girl who had been whipped by Lady Sabina first in the coffle line. ‘Left wrist coffle,’ he said. They lifted their left wrists, frightened. Interestingly, the man snapping the wrist rings on the girls’ left wrists did not put the first girl in the first ring, but the second. When the four maids were coffled there was, thus, an empty wrist ring both at the head and rear of the line. ‘Stand, Slaves,’ said the man. ‘Lower chain.’ The girls stood. Then, ordered, they lowered their wrists. They were then in line, standing, coffled.”--Slave Girl, 127
•Collar: When commanded, a slave must move close to the free person in question and tip his/her head back, her hands behind him/her, displaying the markings upon it.
“In response to the ‘collar command,’ the slave approaches the male, that he need not inconvenience himself by coming toward her. She then lifts her chin and places her hands behind her.”—Witness, 357-358
•Crawl: A slave drops to all fours, her forearms flat on the ground, and lowers her head so that it is slightly above, but not touching, the ground. Raising her ass high, she then crawls to the Master, placing her lips to His boots.
"I pointed to the stones at my feet. ‘Crawl,’ I said, in Gorean. The girl slipped to her belly, and, as a slave girl, crawled to my feet. She put her lips to my foot; I felt her hair over it."—Tribesmen, 78
•Display: The slave stands with her feet about shoulder-width apart, fingers laced behind her neck with elbows back, head up, and eyes lowered.
“The auctioneer did not strike her with his whip. He merely took her arms and lifted them, so that the position chain, attached to each side of the sales collar lay across her upper arms. Then he had her clasp her hands behind the back of her neck, so that the chain, on each side of the collar, was in the crook of her arms, and she was exposed in such a way that she could be properly exhibited.”—Explorers, 36
•Female Submission or Collaring: The standard position of female submission, also referred to as collaring position, is such: knelt at the feet of the Master/Mistress, ass settled on heels, leaning back slightly with arms extended forward and upward, wrists crossed, and head bowed between arms.
“’Submit,’ he said.
“I could not disobey him.
“I fell to my knees before him, resting back on my heels, extending my arms to him, wrists crossed, as though for binding, my head lowered, between my arms.”— Captive, 283
“He took his strap off her throat, and unbound her hands. ‘Submit,’ I told her. She knelt before me, back on her heels, arms extended, head down, between her arms, wrists crossed, as though for binding. ‘I submit to you, Master,’ she said. I tied her hands together; she then lowered her bound wrists; I pulled up her head. I held before her an opened collar, withdrawn from my sea bag. I had had one prepared.”---Explorers, 74
•Gorean bow: A slave kneels, thighs spread wide, bending backwards until her head touches the ground; she then pulls herself up, arching her back, exposing her heat and breasts for a Master’s viewing pleasure. The slave may also be tied across a stationary object or bent backward by a Master.
“Over her iron collar she wore a heavy leather Kur collar, high, heavily sewn, with its large ring. He thrust her two wrists before her body, into the ring he had cut from the Kur. He then tied them inside, and to, the ring. He then, from his belt, took a long length of binding fiber and, doubling it…securing it, at its center to the ring, leaving two long ends. He then threw her, on her back, over the body, head down, of the fallen Kur. He took the two loose ends of the binding fiber and, taking them under the body of the fallen Kur, dragged her wrists, elbows bent, over and above her head; he then, bending her knees, tied one of the loose ends about her left ankle, and the other about her right. This was the Gorean Love Bow.”---Marauders, 261
•Hair: See “Leading Position.”
•Har-ta: A command which means “Faster!”
“’Har-ta!’ said Imnak to the girls. ‘Har-ta!’ The expression ‘har-ta’ is Gorean. “Faster! Faster!” --Beasts, 191
•Heel: A slave follows behind her Master's left foot, in varying degrees of closeness depending on the situation and surroudings. Slaves who follow on the right are commonly in disfavor, or not as well favored as the bond who follows on the left.
“These things vary, I learned from city to city, and depend, also, on such matters as context and conditions. In a market, in the crowding and jostling for instance, a girl may follow so closely she pressed against the back of his left shoulder. Girls seldom follow behind and on the right. If she is thusly placed it is commonly a sign she is in disfavor. If more than one girl is involved, she who follows most closely on the left is generally taken to be in highest favor; girls compete for this position. In an open area, such as the fields in which we trekked, the girl is placed some five or ten feet behind, and on the left. If he must move suddenly she will not, thusly, constitute an impediment to his action.”---Slave Girl, 30
“A slave girl, in heeling her master, commonly follows on the left. That she follows indicates that she is subservient, that he is master and she slave; that she follows on the left is a cultural matter probably indexed to the fact that most Goreans are right-handed. Her presence on the left, thus, is not likely to interfere with his draw or the movements of his sword arm.”—Renegades, 433
•High Harness: This is a position used, for the most part, in display of slaves. The head is held very high to keep the neck exposed.
"’Lift your head,’ he said. ‘Higher. Higher!’ She looked up at him, her head far back, the leash on her throat....
"’You need not now keep your head in high-harness position,’ he said to the girl. She moved her head.”—Mercenaries, 308, 309
•Juice: Not all Masters care to tenderly elicit sexual arousal from their slaves. At the command to juice, a slave must see to her own sexual arousal in preparation for slave rape.
“Before he had taken the sack from its shelf he had ordered me to the floor of the utility room, to my back on the dusty boards. ‘Lie there and juice’ he had told me. 'Waste no time about it.’ I had lain there and, briefly, shut my eyes and thought of his might and power, and my helpless slavery, and then I was ready, almost in a moment, to receive him.”—Kajira, 275
•Knee Crawl: When commanded, a slave must crawl gracefully upon her knees to reach a particular object.
“I indicated a flat leather box to one side. ‘Knee crawl,’ I said. ‘Fetch it here.’
“She went to the box on her knees and picked it up, and returned to a place before me. It had been a simple knee crawl. I was briefly reminded, however, of the Turian knee walk, sometimes used by slave dancers. I considered the slave. I did not doubt but what she might be taught to dance.”—Magicians, 20
•Kneeling, Pleasure Slave Position: A slave kneels before a Master with knees parted, her body held proudly erect, her hands commonly placed palms-down upon her thighs. Variations include lowering one’s head, turning one’s palms upward to indicate vulnerability and need, or crossing one’s wrists in the small of one’s back.
”Swiftly she opened her knees, baring to him tender intimacies, enslaved, and the sweet interior softness of her thighs.”—Kajira of Gor, 276
“The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of a Pleasure Slave normally rest on her thighs but, in some cities, for example, Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her." --Priest-Kings, 6
Incidentally, kneeling as a pleasure slave is not reserved for those slaves who have been opened for the uses of men. Even virgins knelt as pleasure slaves, if such they would be at the conclusion of their training, as we see in the quotes below:
"I recalled that Ulrick had told me that certain kinds of slaves, house slaves, 'tower slaves,' and such, whatever they were, might kneel with their knees together, but I had also been informed that I, and the other girls, were not such slaves. We were some other sort of slave, it seemed, though exactly what sort I was not perfectly clear. 'Masters will teach you,' had laughed Ulrick. For us, at any rate, for whatever sort of slave we were, the open-kneed position was commanded. —Dancer, 84.
"'Keep your knees open,' he said.
"'Oh, please, Master!' I begged. His eyes were stern. Immediately I opened my knees, widely, as was appropriate for the type of slave I was, a pleasure slave.
"'One might think almost,' he said, musingly, 'that you are not a virgin. It is interesting to speculate what you will be like when you have been adequately opened and regularly utilized.' — Dancer, 146.
Indeed, in Nomads of Gor, Aphris knelt before Kamchak as a pleasure slave when she served him on page 151, though it was not until ten pages later that she begged for her first slave rape. Elizabeth Cardwell likewise knelt with thighs spread throughout Nomads, though it was not until the end of the novel that Tarl Cabot first made sexual use of her. There appears to be no rule, in the books of John Norman, which instructs a slave not to spread her thighs unless she is able to offer herself sexually. If a Master or slaver wished for a girl to be restricted from sexual use, he generally placed her in a chastity belt, as described in the quote below:
“When I came to the door a whip was lowered in front of me. In that moment the line paused. Swiftly I moved to the side, and knelt, my back straight, my knees wide. The line continued on its way. I had been removed from it by the whip. The padlock behind the small of my back made a tiny sound as, dangling, it moved against the 'U'-shaped bar, fastened up, between my legs. I adjusted my position, carefully. I knelt before a man. The whip was held toward me, and I kissed it, deferentially, and then drew back my head." --Dancer, 68.
The custom of having MTC’s virgins or kettle and mat-tp slaves kneel in tower, and the use of the chastity belt in its stead, is currently under review by the training team. Until such time as the rule is changes, kettles and –tps, as well as sexually restricted slaves, will continue to kneel modestly.
•Kneeling, Tower: A slave kneels with her knees pressed modestly together, back straight, ass upon her heels, and eyes lowered. Her wrists will generally be crossed in her lap. (The Gorean Free Woman kneels in this manner but with her palms on her thighs, face down.) In any woman, free or slave, upturned palms indicate need and vulnerability.
“The position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika knelt, differs from that of a free woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding.”-- Priest Kings, 46
•Leading position: A slave approaches a Master's side and bends at the waist, usually gathering up her hair to present to the Master, so that he may lead her by it. This command may be indicated in a non-verbal manner, as indicated in the quote below. This position may also be referred to as “Hair.”
“I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position.”---Beasts, 409
“'Leading position,' he said. Sobbing, she rose to her feet, and put her head down, at what would be the height of a man's waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair.”---Rogue, 248
•Lesha: A slave kneels in the position of the Pleasure Slave with her back to a Master, placing her wrists at the small of her back and turning her head to the left, awaiting his leash. This position may also be performed standing and is then often called High Lesha.
“’Lesha,’ snapped the second officer to the blond girl. She spun from facing him, and lifted her chin, turning her head to the left, placing her wrists behind her, as though for snapping them into slave bracelets.”—Explorers, 76
•Nadu: Nadu is a command which means simply to kneel. Though not explicitly stated, in all book quotes, a slave, upon hearing this command, kneels as a Pleasure Slave. This command may also be indicated by a swift, silent gesture.
“’Nadu!' he snapped. She swiftly turned, facing him, and dropped to her knees. She knelt back on her heels, her back straight, her hands on her thighs, her head up, her knees wide. It was the position of the pleasure slave.”—Explorers, 77
“He suddenly snapped His fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before Him, almost simultaneously turning His hand, spreading His first and index finger, pointing downwards. I fled to Him and knelt before Him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling.”—Captive, 143
•Nestle: The slave fits herself along the Master's side, nestling into the crook of His arm.
“’Nestle,' I told her. ‘Yes, Master,' she said. She nestled obediently in the crook of my left arm.” --Explorers, 279
•Obeisance: (sometimes called Obedience): Obeisance may take many forms. In one such, a slave lays on her belly and places her head at her Master's feet, then placing his boot to her head or neck to signify that her life is in his hands. This is often called Submission; though it is certainly submissive, this position is never specifically named as such. She may also kneel as a Pleasure Slave with her head bowed. A continuation of this would be for the slave to lower her head mere inches from the ground with her ass raised high and to crawl, by slow degrees, until her head and hands rest at the Master’s feet, her body laying forward between thighs, so that she may lick and kiss his feet.
“’There are many ways to perform obeisance.’ I said. ‘I am a free woman,’ she said, ‘I know none of them.’ ‘I shall instruct you briefly in three,’ I said. ‘First kneel before me, back on your heels, yes, with your knees wide, wider, your hands on your thighs, your back straight, your breasts out, good, your belly in, good, and now lower your head in deference, in submission.’
"’Now that,’ I said, ‘may not be exactly a form of obeisance, for authorities do not all agree, but for our purposes we shall count it as one. It is, at any rate, a beautiful position, and it is, certainly, a common position of slave submission.’
"’Now’ I said, ‘and this is clearly a form of obeisance, bend forward and put your head to the mat, the palms of your hands on the mat. Good. Now lift your head little and come forward, substantially keeping the position. Forward a little more.’
"’But then my face will be at your feet,’ she said, ‘My lips will be over them!’ ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Good, now, put your head down and lick and kiss my feet.’ ‘I am a free Woman!’ she said. ‘You are a woman,’ I said. ‘Now softly lingeringly, and lovingly, good.’ ‘I am not a slave,’ she said.
“’All women are slaves,’ I said. ‘Imagine what this would be like if you were truly a collared slave.’
“She gasped.
"’Now’ I said, ‘for a third form of obeisance. You may belly to me.’ ‘I do not understand,’ she whispered. ‘There are various forms of bellying,’ I said, ‘and bellying may be suitably and pleasingly combined with other forms of floor movements, approaching the Master on all fours, turning to your sides and back, writhing before him, and so on. We will take a very simple variation, suitable for an ignorant free female who has not yet even begun to discover the depths of her sexuality.’
"She looked up at me. ‘On your belly,’ I said. She backed off a bit, and went to her belly. Her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me. ‘Now inch forward,’ I said, ‘remaining low on your belly, and when you reach my feet, once again, as before, lifting your head a little, tenderly and humbly, and beautifully, as though you were a slave, lick and kiss them. Good. Good. Now take my foot and place it gently on your head. Very good. Now place it again on the mat, and kiss it again. Good. You may now belly back a little, humbly. I have not yet given you permission to rise of course.’”—Mercenaries, 409-410
•On the Snap: A slave immediately responds to the snapping of a free person’s fingers by kneeling, standing, or rising and approaching, whichever may be indicated by the position she currently holds.
"I snapped my fingers. She knelt. I snapped my fingers again. She stood."--Fighting Slave, 215
"I snapped my fingers.
“`Yes Master,' she said. She approached the sound and knelt before me."--Fighting Slave, 248
•On Your Belly/To Your Belly: This command means exactly what it says, no more and no less. The slave is to lay on her belly, head turned to the left. The slave then places her hands either beside the head, palms down, or tucked close to the body, palms facing upward. As the first quote indicates, this command differs from Belly/Bara in that the slave will NOT cross her wrists and ankles in preparation for being bound.
“‘On your belly,’ had said a man.
“I complied.
“It is unthinkable on this world that such a command not be obeyed instantly, or, at least, that one such as I not obey it instantly.
“And so I lay on my belly, on the colorful tiles, in one of the sales rooms in the pens.
“Too, of course, one does not simply sprawl on one's belly. There are ways, diverse ways, of assuming this position. We are taught them. Other women, women unlike us, one supposes, do not know them. They, too, of course, can be taught. In this house, such a command, unqualified, requires that the head be turned to the left and the arms be placed down, beside the body, the palms up. A slightly different command requires the crossing of the wrists behind the back and the crossing of the ankles, as well. This is sometimes used when one is to be bound. If one receives permission to look up, or is commanded to do so, which is frightening, the hands are normally placed to the sides, at the shoulders, and one then lifts one's upper body. The belly itself, of course, remains in contact with the surface on which one lies, the grass, the dirt, the gravel, the deck, the floor, the tiles, whatever the surface may be. But there are numerous variations in such things, as there are in ways to kneel, ways to hurry, ways to serve, ways to crawl to the furs, and such. There are even ways in which the whip, if called for, is to be brought.”---Witness, 6
"She looked up at me. ‘On your belly,’ I said. She backed off a bit, and went to her belly. Her hair was before her face, as she now on her belly before me looked up at me.”—Mercenaries, 409-410
•Permission to Rise: A free person must give a slave permission to rise when her service is ended. A slave must never assume that she can simply get up and walk off, even if a free person appears to have no further needs at the moment.
“She began to rise to her feet.
“But my hand on her shoulder prevented her from rising. ‘I did not give you permission to rise, slave,’ I said.”—Nomads, 293
•Posture: This command indicates that the slave is to hold her torso straight and tall. It is usually issued if the slave in question is not standing or moving in an acceptably beautiful manner.
“’Posture,’ he said.
“And so I walked well, as he wished, before him.”—Captive, 186.
•Position: A command which indicates that a slave is to return to the position in which she was originally.
“’Position,’ said Kamchak.
“I spoke sharply to the girl. ’Be as you were before.’”—Nomads, 48.
•Rebellion: For the amusement and entertainment of the Master, a slave is sometimes commanded to rebel. The slave would then show her rebellion to slavery, a "play act" of sorts.
“There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master’s amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. 'Show rebellion', is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. 'Kneel' is the command which, commonly, puts an end to her rebellion. When a girl has been permitted defiance it is then all the sweeter, I gather, to bring her again to her knees before you.”--Slave Girl, 153
•Run: A slave runs toward her goal, taking small rapid steps, her legs almost straight, her feet barely leaving the ground. As she runs, her back is straight, her head is turned to the left, and her arms are at her sides with palms facing outward. Upon reaching her goal, she drops gracefully to her knees, generally in the position of the Pleasure Slave.
“I was amused, for she had run as a slave girl is sometimes taught to run, with rapid short steps, her legs almost straight, her feet scarcely leaving the ground, back straight, head turned to the left, arms at her sides, palms out at a forty-five degree angle, more of a dancer's motion than a true run.”--Assassin, 45
•She-Quadruped: A position used in discipline to remind a slave that she is a mere animal. The slave remains on all fours, unable to use her hands to reach or touch, unable to speak, remaining as an animal in all behaviors. This modality is also referred to as the She-Sleen.
“In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. Her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or put under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the word used. If she is slow to learn, of course, she is punished, as would be any other animal. When used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the she-quadruped. This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master.”---Mercenaries, 215-216
•Slave Lips: A slave turns her head up to her Master, puckering her lips as she does so, waiting motionless, forbidden to move until her Master's kiss releases her. The slave may also be commanded to perform oral sex; one assumes that the completion of the act would release her from the command.
"A girl who is commanded to make slave lips, or who receives the command, `Slave lips,' must form her mouth for kissing. She then, commonly, is not permitted to break this lips position until she kisses or is kissed. Needless to say, a girl cannot speak when her lips are in the unbroken, fully pursed slave lips position. The command which commonly follows the `Slave lips' command is, `Please me.'"--Blood Brothers, 11
•Slave Rape: Slave rape may be done in any posture a Master wishes. The slave is taken sexually without any regards to her pleasure or comfort to show her that she is but an animal. One form of this involves a slave getting down on her knees and elbows, clasping her hands over her head, and raising her hips; she then parts her thighs and arches her back, forcing her hips even higher, exposing herself completely to the Master's view, and readies herself to be beaten or taken sexually like an animal, depending on her Master's whim. While this is often referred to as She-Sleen position, this position, as found in Kajira of Gor, is never actually named. It is simply one of many positions of slave rape. She-Sleen is actually another term for She-Quadruped.
"I went to the side of the room and picked up my sea bag. I threw it to the center of the room. She looked down at it puzzled. It was of heavy blue material, canvass, and tied with a white rope. ‘Lie down upon it,’ I told her, ‘on your back, your head to the floor.’ She did so. ‘No, please,’ she said, ‘not like this.’ It is a common position for a disciplinary slave rape. In it the woman feels very vulnerable, very helpless. I then took her." --Explorer, 202
•Slave Star: Just as with the coffle, this is a method of binding a number of slaves. In the slave star, a group of slaves is tied in a ring about the trunk of tree, the left wrist of one slave tied to the right wrist of another, their crossed ankles bound separately.
"I had left them behind me, more than a pasang from this place, tied, gagged, in a slave star. I would not need them tonight. Before fastening them in the slave star I had, on their bellies, watered them at a small steam. I had then found a suitable, thick-trunked tree, their backs to it, and fastened them in the star, the left wrist of the first girl bound to the right wrist of the next, and so about the tree, until the star was closed by binding the left wrist of the fourth girl to the last untethered wrist, the right wrist of the first girl. I then crossed their ankles, and bound their ankles together, each girl individually."—Hunter, 195
•Stand: A slave displays her loveliness by standing proudly, belly sucked in, hip turned outward.
"He looked me over. I blushed, under Gorean appraisal. I only wore my tether.
“’Stand as a slave,' he said.
“I stood beautifully, back straight, head high, belly sucked in, hip turned. No woman can stand more beautifully than as a Gorean slave girl.”--Slave Girl, 249
•Submission (The Rites Of): See Collaring and Captive(Kneeling) positions.
•Sula: A slave lays flat on the ground on her back, her feet spread shoulder width apart. She places her wrists above her head and crosses them. Her eyes remain lowered in submission as she silently awaits her Master's pleasure.
'”Sula! Kajira,' said the man. She slid her legs from under her and lay on her back, her hands at her sides, palms up, her legs open.” ---Explorers of Gor, 77
"She lay on her back, her knees drawn up, before me. She arched her back. Her breasts were lifted beautifully. I observed their lovely rise and fall, correlated with the respiratory cycle of her small lungs. Then she lay back, her shoulders in the dirt, and pressing against the earth with her small feet, piteously lifted before me, for my examination, and seizure, if I pleased, the deep belly of her, the sweet cradle of her slave's heat.--Explorers of Gor, 329
•Tile Position: In this variation of kneeling as a Pleasure Slave, a slave places her head to the tiles. This form of obeisance may be required of her in the presence of all free persons or only in the presence of her owner. Such absolute discipline is often required in slavers’ houses, and breaking from tile position before a free person has passed or before commanded otherwise may bring with it dire consequences.
“’It is Ligurious, my Master,’ the girl said, her head now down to the floor, her palms to the tiles.”—Kajira, 55
“At the approach of free men…they would immediately position themselves, usually with knees wide, kneeling back on their heels, their head up, their hands on their thighs, in the position I had come to understand was that of the pleasure slave, but sometimes, instead, kneeling with the palms of their hands on the tiles, their heads down, too, to the same tiles.”—Kajira, 145
“’You lifted your head from the tile position before free persons had passed you, Renata,’ he said. ‘You also addressed a free man twice by his name. Similarly your speech has been inadequately deferential. It has not been interspersed, at appropriate points, for example, by the expression ‘Master.’ You have also referred to yourself as though you might still be ‘Deirdre.’ Such falsifications are not permitted to slaves. Deirdre is gone. In her place there is now only a slave, an animal, who must wear whatever name masters choose to put on her. Similarly, when asked a question, that pertaining to your house name, you did not respond with sufficient promptness. Do you understand all that I am saying, fully and clearly, Renata?’
“She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. ‘Yes, Master,’ she said.
“’On all fours, Renata,’ he said.
“Then, suddenly, I heard the belt beginning to fall, sharply, on the girl…She had not been pleasing. She was a slave. Of course she was being punished.”—Kajira, 146.
•Up and Down: A slave must swiftly, even gracelessly, leap to her feet or fling herself to her belly in response to the commands “Up” and “Down.”
“’When the command “Down!” is heard,’ said a man to us, “you will fling yourselves to your belly instantly. When the command “Up!” is heard, you will stand, instantly, arranging yourselves as you are now.’
“’Yes, Master,’ we said.
“There is a common command, familiar to all female slaves, ‘Belly,’ which brings us instantly to our bellies before he who commands us. This particular command expression, however, was not used in this context. I speculate that this was because the context of the two commands, and certainly their connotations, was so different. It is one thing, for example, to aesthetically and beautifully signify submission by bellying, perhaps on the furs at the foot of the couch, we being permitted upon them, and quite another to fling oneself down so that quarrels may be suddenly fired from behind one. Too, normally in a “belly command” one orients oneself toward he who commands, not away from him.”—Witness, 604.
•Waiting for the Kiss of the Iron: Although slaves are usually bound to render them immobile during branding, an unbound slave may in some cases be required to hold perfectly still while awaiting the brand’s searing touch.
“I could not move a muscle of my left leg. It might have well have been locked in a vise. It must wait for the iron.”—310
“I could not move my thigh. It must wait, helpless, for the blazing kiss of the iron.” — Captive, 311
•Walk:When this command is given to a slave, the slave then turns gracefully and walks so eloquently that her feet hardly seem to leave the ground, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. Its conclusion is usually to stand beautifully, as only a slave can.
“…Then, at his command, I rose to my feet, and we continued on our journey to Laura, I preceding him, as before.
“I was acutely conscious of him watching me. I could not turn to look, of course, but I knew that every movement of my body was his to see.”—Captive, 186.
•Whipping position: A slave quickly drops to her knees and raises her hips. She then places her head to the ground and crosses her arms across her belly, waiting motionless to accept her Master's punishment. Slaves with long hair will pull their hair from their backs so as to ensure their backs are fully exposed for the whip.
“I crossed my wrists beneath me and touched my head to the floor, exposing the bow of my back. It is the submissive posture of a slave girl who is to be punished. It is called Kneeling to the Whip.”— Captive, 200
--Quotes submitted by the former members Horizon and silky{MTC}, and by delilah{Teg}.
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