A Serving Tutorial
•The secret to a perfect serve lies within EACH individual.
•The qualities possessed by you and your slave belly make the basic frame of a serve unique and perfect.
•EACH serve should be free form. NEVER copy and paste a serve. Serves that are copied and pasted detract from the slave and disrespect the one who is being served.
•The most comprehensive and exquisite class on serving to be found on the web is eden's Serving Class page... MTC's own page has been adapted from her work. Kajirae can get much useful information from eden’s site.
•Although you may be required to prepare an entire meal, a serve of beverage alone is much more common. The basic framework of such a serve has eight (8) steps:
- Acknowledging the request of the Master/Mistress
- Going to the serving area
- Choosing/getting a drinking vessel
- Cleaning/Inspecting the vessel
- Getting/Preparing the drink
- Returning to the Master
- Kneeling position/posture
- Actual offering of the drink
•We will be going over each step individually and in greater detail. Afterward, a sample will be provided with the steps broken out so they can be clearly recognized. On a seperate page, quotes from the books of John Norman will be provided for further reference and example.
1. Acknowledging the request of the Master/Mistress.
This is where a slave ALWAYS responds... "yes, Master/Mistress” and backs respectfully from the free person's presence.
2. Going to the commissary wagon.
This is where you rise from wherever you are and walk to serving area. Have a feel for your surroundings so you can be creative with your movement. Examples:
- Weaving your way carefully through the furs before moving to the commissary...
- Padding quietly over the cool tile of the bathhouse...
- Walking through the sands to the serving tent...
- Moving swiftly from the dais, down the pathway, to the kitchen area...
It is important that you start off well since your opening post sets the tone of your serve and is what will draw and keep the Master's/Mistress’s attention to your efforts. Be descriptive of your movement and your body by drawing a mental picture for the Master/Mistress.
3. Choosing/getting a drinking vessel.
Once you decide on the drinking vessel (goblet, bowl, mug, stein, etc.), you need to get it from the shelves.
-reaching to a high shelf, kalmak falling open
-bending low and reaching to a low shelf, bottom exposed as silks slither to a slim waist
-knelt upon the counter, leaning forward to pluck a bowl from the shelf with deft fingers
This is another golden opportunity to express yourself and your personality and to show off your form - either as blatant or as subtle as your training level and personality allows.
4. Cleaning/Inspecting the vessel.
Cleaning and inspecting the vessel shows that you care about getting the best for the Master/Mistress you are serving. Clean the vessel with rep cloth and inspect the vessel for imperfections AS WELL AS testing the rim against your skin or clothing to make sure NOTHING will harm the Master/Mistress.
5. Getting/Preparing the drink.
This is one of the more intricate steps to a serve. Many of the drinks have their particular way of being prepared - goblet for Ka-la-na, warmed Paga poured to a bota, milk and sugars for black wine or honey for tea. Pay attention to details! Know the personality and preferences of the Master/Mistress you serve... When in doubt, respectfully ask him/her.
6. Returning to the Master/Mistress.
Returning to the Master/Mistress is also a time to show off and to draw attention to you and the one you serve. This alerts the free person that s/he is now becoming the center of your attention.
7. Kneeling position/posture.
A pagar or an unrestricted mat or senior mat slave kneels with thighs spread before the Master, displaying herself. She is openly seductive, sensual, and submissive to the Master she is serving. A restricted slave or a mat-tp kneels in tower, modest. She is sensual, submissive, yet DEMURE to the Master she serves. All Mistresses will be served in tower regardless of the training level of the slave.
8. Actual serve.
There are two parts to the actual serve - the physical motion and the spoken blessing. In the physical motion, the vessel is often pressed to the belly and then brought to the slave's heart, to show devotion. The slave must bow her head and offer up the vessel. She may also reverently kiss the side of the vessel to further demonstrate her utter submission and devotion. The spoken blessing is where the slave offers the drink to the Master/Mistress along with an expression of desire to please and honor the Master/Mistress with the serve.
A Sample Serve
This is a sample serve of ka-la-na in a goblet to a Mistress by a restricted pagar slave. Although this serve was written long ago, its loveliness and application to this training program is timeless. Keep in mind, however, that we now have commissary and cold storage wagons and that “Old Language” words such as rask are no longer used.
step one... yes Mistress...she rises, takes the steps back of three, and then turns on the balls of her feet light for the servery..
step two... her steps easy and happy, shirt tails flapping light against toned legs covered in soft slave flesh, her wild tumbling mane falling soft down her back, flickering flames at her rask, the crystal bells about her wrist and ankle singing sweet clear song with every step, her body a study in sensual grace... she makes her way into the servery..
step three... slipping up onto the counter, using the small barrel for a step, she settles there, rask wriggles onto heels teasing her senses as it tempts Her gaze.. she leans forward, shirt falling open, yet still hiding her full breasts from Mistress’ eyes, she takes a crystal goblet down from the shelf.
step four... caressing it soft in her hands then discreetly lifting the hem of the shirt to polish the goblet to soft gleaming..she rolls her head around and back, tipping it to the side, flame tumbles down to the counter and she lifts a gently curved arm up above her head, slowly rolling the rim of the goblet along the tender inner side of it...testing for any flaw that might harm or displease Mistress... she smiles as she finds none, and pulls the goblet close, nestling it at her bosom.. and scoots back off the counter, to land with a soft plop to the floor..
step five... turning, and with eyes lowered, though head high and proud, she steps toward the chilling room, tugging on the door to open it.. the cold catching her breath in soft gasp as it greets her opening of the door..her nipples instantly taut rosebuds as she shivers... and slips into the chilling room.. moving quickly to the botas of red ka la na .. eyes searching out the one frosted.. knowing the ka la na inside will hold sweet chill..she tugs the bota to her, holding it close, and tips her head, slipping supple lips around the cork, nipping it with pearly teeth, she tugs the cork free, and tips the bota over the waiting goblet, pouring the ka la na in a sparkling cascade, swirling and filling the goblet.. then she recorks the bota and sets it back.. taking up the goblet in delicate hands..
step six... moving quiet, gratefully from the cool air.. she leaves the chilling room, leaning her back against the door and closing it with firm push.. leaned there for a moment, head bowed, eyes lowered, lashes kissing her rosy colored cheeks as she adjusts once more to the warmth of the servery.. a slow smile plays at her lips as she ceases shivering.. then she seeks out Mistress's furs with lowered eyes.. and begins her way toward them..she weaves her way through the camp, a gift to the gaze of emotion in motion, subtle, yet sensual, her gait carefree, and so easy on the eyes ... bells sing soft of her approach, though Mistress knew already...
step seven...she reaches the Mistress's furs and slips to her knees.. settling her ass upon her heels, thighs together in modest tower,
step eight...the goblet grazes upward teasing Her eyes to ponder the things unseen, past her fired belly, before full breasts rising and falling with her breath, the collar gleaming... she offers the goblet up and forward to Her.
Mistress, might this goblet of ka la na quench Your thirst, and this girl's serve of it have warmed You this night
General Info
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Men. .
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Slaves. .