Training Levels and Name Configurations
The slave types found in MTC are not in complete accordance with traditional Gor but are instead based on those described in the books of John Norman and changed to suit the purposes of this Camp. The information found below is merely an overview of our training levels; the actual requirements each slave must meet before advancing to the next level are detailed on our Testing page. For the sake of continuity, html name configuration guides have been provided for each level as well.
As of 12/02/2006, all slaves in Tuchuk may wear an av, including newly collared slaves. It is hoped that an avatar will allow newer slaves to feel more visible and appreciated by our home. However, the making and wearing of an avatar is not to become a distraction for the new slave, as it has in the past.
Newly collared slaves may have ONE day to work on an av and submit it for approval. Once approved, the slave may wear ONLY that av until they test up and are permitted to use additional avs. Leniency on the single day rule will be granted to any who are av-illiterate. There are many in our home who can assist in the graphics department, and it is understood that this takes time, especially if several avs are being researched and done at any one time.
This shall not be construed as meaning any slave may slack off their duties or their studies while waiting on an av.
Avatars worn by kettle, mat-tp, and thrall-tp slaves will have a size limit of 140 wide by 200 high. These avs may also be used on a slave's message board profile, though this is not manditory. The av will be of simple design and attractiveness. Slaves may wear additional avs of a larger size upon reaching mat or thrall level.
She-slaves (Kajirae)
Kettle: This is a slave learning the ways of MTC who studies to earn her way to the next level while performing the chores of the camp. Slaves coming to MTC with no prior Gorean experience or those who did not attain a training level equivalent to that of a mat slave in their previous home will be designated a kettle. Kettles do not dance. Kettle slaves may not just "sit and chat." They do NOT have permission to PM with Masters or Mistresses. Slaves wearing a kettle collar WILL NOT visit other camps. Their attention should be devoted to their studies and to Camp chores ONLY. For training purposes only, a kettle slave may serve food or drinks to their trainer as practice and IN PRIVATE.
Kettles do not serve unless there are no other slaves in camp and the kettle is
comfortable doing so or they have been ordered to so by a Free Person or a
member of the training staff. Then she may only serve food or drink in Tower
Position. This designation is reserved for those new to Gor and having little or no experience. The length of time a slave spends in the kettle collar is determined by her own knowledge and abilities.
The kettle slave does not use font colors and may wear an avatar of no more than 200 high by 140 wide. She may, if she wishes, make use of bold or italic font codes. She will enter the room in default room color with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
Mat-tp: This is basically the same as a kettle slave, with a few noted differences...Such slaves come to MTC privately owned or un-collared and have attained the equivalent of mat slave status in at least one other Gorean home. Such a slave will have some degree of training in the basics and experience with serving (regardless of whether or not she is a virgin). Privately owned mat-tp slaves may serve their Owners with heat and also fur, but they are restricted to serving as Tower slaves with all Others. Mat-tp slaves may practice dancing for their Owners openly in Camp, but the Owner MUST be present, whether a private owner or the Ubar (or a Council Member) if they are a Camp slave.
The mat-tp slave may freely use any font colors desired and may wear an avatar of no more than 200 high by 140 wide. She will enter the room with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
Mat: These slaves have passed the basic knowledge requirements to move up from kettle/mat-tp status. Mat slaves will work as laborers and may serve in all capacities, including dancing if commanded to do so. Mat slaves will also continue in their studies.
The mat slave may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or her owner in the case of a privately collared slave). She may freely use any font colors desired. She will enter the room with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
mat slave
Senior Mat: These are mat slaves who are studying toward pagar level. The senior mat slave will have a more thorough knowledge of Gor as it relates to slaves, will be expected to do chores, and will serve in all capacities, including dancing upon command.
The senior mat slave may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or her owner in the case of a privately collared slave). She may freely use any font colors desired. She will enter the room with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
senior mat slave
Pagar: These slaves are fully trained pleasure slaves. The direct translation of the word pagar is, in fact, “pleasure.” They serve in all capacities, including doing chores. They are expected to be fully versed in the slave rules, knowledge of MTC, and life in a Tuchuk Camp. They are fully trained in all types of dance. Pagars are expected to keep current on their studies and any changes that may arise in the rules of MTC.
The pagar may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or her owner in the case of a privately collared slave). She may freely use any font colors desired. She will enter the room with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
Pagar-tps: These slaves are new to camp but have an extensive knowledge of Gor. Rather than progressing through traditional training, these slaves have opted for an accelerated program which will ensure their placement at pagar status within four weeks. However, this decision does not come without its risks. *At the end of the four week period, should the slave not show proficiency in all areas including but not limited to serving, dancing, and proving knowledge of camp members, camp rules, and by-the-books information, she will be slain.
*Alternate rule still under review: At the end of the four week period, should the slave not show proficiency in all areas including but not limited to serving, dancing, and proving knowledge of camp members, camp rules, and by-the-books information, she will dance for her life.
The pagar-tp may wear an avatar of no more than 200 high by 140 wide during her first two weeks in camp. Thereafter, she may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or her owner in the case of a privately collared slave). She may freely use any font colors desired. She will enter the room with her name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
He-slaves (Kajiri):
Male slaves, in the books, were never considered the same as female slaves. Male slaves were rarely pleasure slaves (refrred to as silk slaves), and a male slave cannot be a "white silk" or a "red silk" in the true Gorean sense of the words. Male slaves were thralls in the Torvald, siege slaves in the battles of the cities, work slaves in the labor camps, field slaves on the farms, stable slaves for the prosperous tharlarion ranches, and silk slaves in the homes of the wealthy free woman, just to name a few. Because of this, male slaves in MTC will not carry the same level signifiers as do the female slaves.
Thrall-tp: This is a slave learning the ways of MTC, studying to earn his way to the next level while performing the chores of the camp. The thrall-tp does not dance. The thrall-tp does not serve unless there are no other slaves in camp, and the thrall-tp is comfortable in doing so, and then he may only serve food or drink. Privately owned thrall-tp slaves may serve their owners with sexual overtones and fur their owners ONLY. Camp owned thrall-tp slaves would serve only in tower with NO sexual tone and no furring. They are expected to learn much the same information as kettles and mat-tp slaves to advance.
The thrall-tp does not use font colors and may wear an avatar of no more than 200 high by 140 wide. He may, if he wishes, make use of bold or italic font codes. He will enter the room in default room color with his name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
Thrall: This term donotes male slaves who have passed the basic knowledge tests to move up from thrall-tp. They will now begin to assume their duties according to the kind of thrall they will be designated (see the bottom of this section). They are also expected to continue to do chores and to serve in Camp as deemed appropriate (i.e.. food, drink, dance, etc.)
The thrall may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or his owner in the case of a privately collared slave). He may freely use any font colors desired and will enter the room with his name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
Senior Thrall: These are the fully trained male slaves of MTC. Senior thralls are fully knowledgeable in the rules and web pages of MTC, and they serve in all ways. They are expected, as are pagar slaves, to keep up to date with their studies.
The senior thrall may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or his owner in the case of a privately collared slave). He may freely use any font colors desired. He will enter the room with his name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
senior thrall
Senior Thrall-tp: Though few on Gor, well-versed and talented kajiri do exist and may find our traditional training levels for thralls too slow a progression. *Like pagar-tps, such thralls would be expected to complete our accelerated senior thrall-tp program within four weeks and will be slain if not successful. This program is currenly in its planning stages and will be unveiled once finalized.
*Alternate rule still under review: Like pagar-tps, such thralls would be expected to complete our accelerated senior thrall-tp program within four weeks and must perform in the pit if unsuccessful. However, rather than dancing for their lives, such kajiri will fight for them.
The senior thrall-tp may wear an avatar of no more than 200 high by 140 wide during his first two weeks in camp. Thereafter, he may wear a wide variety of avatars, provided such are approved by Ubar or a Council member (or his owner in the case of a privately collared slave). He may freely use any font colors desired. He will enter the room with his name configured center-aligned, as follows:
slave name
senior thrall-tp
Types of thralls:
•Fighting slave: The fighting slave is a boxer/wrestler. This type of thrall will undergo weight training, limited weapons training, and spar training to hone his fighting skills. Although such will normally be overseen by a warrior, a fighting thrall is NOT a warrior and will not be referred to as one; instead, his training and battles with other male slaves are for the enjoyment and gamboling pleasure of free persons.
•Silk slave: As a pleasure slave for the use of Free Women, he will employ a
wide range of serving, dancing, and massage skills and will know nearly as many
positions as a standard pagar slave before advancing to senior thrall status. He
exists for the complete comfort and satisfaction of the Gorean Mistress; and,
much like the skilled, deferential, and unobtrusive waiters of Earth, he will
also serve our Warriors. **Note that it is not an official type of
thrall in Tuchuk. If an owner wants to have a silk slave, that can be done
behind the wagon flaps and it would be between the owner and the slave.
•Work slave: A laborer slave for Camp, his are the heaviest and most grueling tasks, and his day is primarily devoted to chores.
The male slave does not take on the role of worker or fighter, until he has reached thrall status. Thrall and senior thrall designations are configured thusly, using the fighting slave designation as an example:
slave name {Collar} fighting thrall
slave name {Collar} fighting senior thrall
Un-tested Privately Owned Slaves
Slaves, whether kajirae or kajiri, whose personal owners decide to promote them through the training levels without official testing will be considered as wearing that title in their Owner's eyes ONLY. Such slaves would configure thusly:
slave name {Collar}Restricted Slaves
"Restricted" is a designation slaves use based on their owner's decision, and such slaves will adhere to their restrictions accordingly. The restricted tag generally means that a slave may not be used sexually by anyone other than his/her owner. Such a restriction may also be placed on female camp slaves if they are glanas whose viriginity will be auctioned at our Ubar's discretion, or if their RT circumstances do not permit them to serve sexually. A more specific restriction, such as a slave not being allowed to accept pms/IMs, will be noted in his/her tags.
General Info . .
Men. .
Women . .
Slaves. .