Slave Training Overview
•Addendum as of 3/23/10:
When any member of the training team; ie, kajirae trainers, Slavers or
Ubar give out training assignments, these must be done and cannot be declined,
refused, or to hell with it. These assignments are a direct result of
orders given by the Ubar and not doing them is a refusal of the Ubar.
Picking a fine line or splitting hairs will not be tolerated. If there are
question refer to your trainer.•Camp kajirae and slaves whose private owners wish their property to conform to the standards of Maze Tuchuk will be trained by our Ubar's pagar(s), training slaves, and Slavers as well as our Ubar, Ubara, and members of the Council. Rather than being assigned a trainer, slaves will work with any available trainer or
Slaver. Every member of the training team is ready and willing to help familiarize our slaves with this camp and with Gor. However, this is a self-study program. While trainers assist and teach as they can, each slave must be responsible for his or her own rate of learning.
•It is required to give an email address and/or an ICQ/AIM/MSN etc. contact to our trainers and
Slavers. THIS IS NOT AN OPTION. Without constant contact between a slave and the training team, effective training becomes impossible.
•Every slave new to Gor will start as a kettle/thrall-tp slave. This is each slave's time to spend learning about our camp, its Members, and the behavior expected of MTC kajirae without the pressures of command performances.
•Slaves who come to Tuchuk from other camps, cities, sites, etc., will start as mat-tp/thrall-tp slaves UNLESS they never progressed from kettle as they bounced around from home to home. Tps may be tested more rapidly to retain the training level designation they held in their former home.
•Please note that all "fresh off the silver disk" barbarian slaves will be started at kettle slave level to promote realistic role-play.
•MTC does realize that some slaves will come to our home with ample Gorean experience. Slaves who feel brave enough to complete our accelerated pagar program in four weeks will wear pagar-tp tags from their first day in camp, will serve in all capacities unless sexually restricted by their owners...and will die at the end of four weeks if they don't pass the very rigorous test. Advertising oneself as nearly instantaneous pagar material and failing to prove such is a waste of our time and will be punishable by death.
•Addendum as of 12/13/03: MTC places a high emphasis on the quality of its slaves and has designed a rigorous training program to ensure such. However, a private owner does reserve the right to promote a slave without official testing. Should such be the case, the slave in question will be considered of a particular training level in the eyes of the Owner ONLY. Such slaves will bear only their Owner's collar in their tags. (For more information, please refer to Name Configurations.)
•Performing realistic chores is an important part of slave life in MTC. Slaves who do not do chores regularly and in sufficient detail will not advance to higher training levels. All new slaves are expected to script their chores for the first two weeks and send these accountings to the MTC trainers' email alias, In this manner, trainers may gauge a slave’s growth and areas which still need improvement. (For further information, please refer to our Chores section.)
•Slaves will remain in kettle or mat-tp/thrall-tp a minimum of two weeks; or until the training team feels they are ready to move up. Whether a slave advances sooner or later than the two week mark is dependant entirely on the training team's perception of the slave's progress in our home. Before advancing, slaves must conform to the basic rules of Camp, be able to recognize Camp Members, demonstrate knowledge of the various foods, drinks, and positions, and have the basic knowledge of a proper serve. Our Ubar has set a maximum length of time as kettle or mat-tp/thrall-tp to be at SIX weeks unless there are special circumstances involved. Special circumstances may include but are not limited to disciplinary issues, learning or other disabilities, and the online availability of our training team. This rule is not to be used a clause for automatic advancement at the end of six weeks!
•It is requested that you spend time in Camp at least four days every week. We do understand reasons that this might not be possible… so, if you cannot be in Camp that much, you need let a trainer,
Slaver, or ~prism~{RgR*1*} know. You should also plan on spending at least 30 minutes per visit. It is not acceptable to come in and immediately ask to depart in the expectation that this will count toward good
•If a slave maintains a prolonged absence without notice, they MAY lose their collar at the 30-day mark. This will, of course, be on a case-by-case basis with consideration given to extenuating circumstances such as illness and computer malfunction.
•Study your kajirae manual, the Camp home pages, and Gorean links; watch serves, dances, and activities in Camp. Respectfully ask questions about camp of Masters, Mistresses, and other kajirae. In these ways, you will learn and grow.
•When Masters or Mistresses offer conflicting advice, do not argue. Bring the matter to a trainer or
Slaver for further explanation.
•If unsure of a proper response to anything, a slave will say so! A slave will ask the Master/Mistress to clarify, and then if need be, bring the issue to a trainer or
•Although it may be custom from the books of Gor to call the first girl or 'lead' girl of Camp 'Mistress' (with a small m in the online world), in MTC, the first girl will be addressed the same way as other slaves in Camp… do NOT call her 'mistress.' The title of First girl of MTC does not change the fact that she is kajira like any other. ~prism~ has asked nicely several times for girls to not call her mistress, and asking nicely doesn't seem to work. Now it is a rule.
•~prism~{RgR*1*} gratefully appreciates kajirae cooperation since she never likes to explain poor behavior or kajirae blunders to our Ubar. Any slave who has seen Him angry will understand.... This also carries the underlying message that if she has to explain kajirae behavior to the Ubar, He will instruct her as to the punishment for said slaves. Thus, if ~prism~{RgR*1*} punishes a slave, it is because she has been instructed to do so.
•If ~prism~{RgR*1*} or ANY kajirae trainer asks kajirae to serve, to greet, or to withdraw during an emergency, prism is acting in her duty given to her by her Master, and the trainers in their duties given by ~prism~{RgR*1*} as First girl of MTC. The same goes for any other trainer who is required to dole out punishments.
General Info
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Slaves. .