Welcome to The Scribe on Webmaze, A Gorean Discussion Group.

Though located on Webmaze, this room transcends all site boundaries. Everyone is welcome here from all Gorean sites provided you conduct yourself as a mature adult.

This is an Out Of Character (OOC) Forumn where all things Gor including Role Play may be discussed in a non-Role Play setting. All have an equal voice here whether Free, Slave, Room Leader, or just a curious chatter wishing to see what Gor and its culture is all about. Be respectful and courteous to everyone in this forumn.

You are encouraged to take part in discussions, ask questions, and share knowledge and experiences. This is NOT the place to flame anyone. The two main rules here are to BE POLITE and to keep all attacks directed to the TOPIC and not at any person or persons!!! Refrain from innuendo and ad hominem attacks. They are grounds for Moderator action.

Not every discussion in here is planned. Feel free to come in and relax, and discuss any topic you wish pertaining to Gor any time you wish EXCEPT when a special presentation has been booked or scheduled. More often than not, you will find others coming in just to speak their mind on Gorean topics, or just to be around like minded people who are possibly taking a break from Gorean Role Play yet still wish to chat. Some Goreans may just want to hang out and see what comes up for discussion.

This is obviously a NO KILL/CAPTURE/COLLAR area. Address others properly if that is the flavor of the discussion. IE Master, Mistress, Jarl, etc, but do make a conscious effort to avoid actual role play. Though do understand, as with most things, there are exceptions. This is a multi-purpose room. It may be used for a variety of different activities. Just use common sense and go with the flow.

No observer tags, sashes, escorts, etc are necessary here. If you have a Gorean Character, please use it. Most will as that is how they are known. Any name is welcome so long as it is not an anonymous name. In this type of venue, it is especially nice to be able to address someone by some sort of name. If you do not have a character name, this may be a good place to find help from others choosing the perfect name for yourself. Be polite and respectful. It is as simple as that.

All Webmaze rules of conduct apply here except where stated above.

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